
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stealing from family?

Over the twenty years I worked in the medical field in various positions. One of the things most often seen, stealing.

Families would clean out mom and dad's place faster than a jack rabbit in heat. Same with grandparents or any family member.

This past year, we had several items come up missing after family had been here. I was furious. Some of the items taken were to be given to my brothers children. Now the items are gone.

Stealing is compared to rape. Because they both rob people of feeling secure and safe.

Family stealing from us has left me angry like never before. We are discussing how to leave our estate. Stealing from family is really cruel.

Mrs. Johnson was a high school teacher in Arizona. She had married Bob. Together they had three daughters. One of whom was a lawyer. The Johnson's had arranged for home care if they ever became that ill. They wanted to die at home. Bob died first. And Ann died two years later.

Before Ann's death her daughters began coming to the home and taking whatever they wanted, without the parents blessings. One day, the daughter who was the lawyer showed up. She wanted to know where mom's possessions were. She was referred to the Nursing director. Who informed her, the other sisters had taken the items to their homes. She was furious. The incident made the papers. She sued the sisters.

Since their parents had a will outlining the items to be given to each daughter. The judge ruled all items were to be returned to the home immediately or the current cash value paid into the estate.

One sister had sold a painting. That particular painting netted her nearly thirty thousand dollars. She spent the money gambling. And had no way to pay it back. The judge ordered she either pay the money or face jail time and a criminal record. She had to take a mortgage out on her home.

The other sister committed suicide. There was no winner here. The damages piled higher and higher. Costing life and monies. That is what stealing from family can do for you.

**all names and locations have been changed to protect those who remain.**

Lasting impressions

When thinking about lasting impressions. Do you ever think of how your kids will be as adults? Will they scream, hit, terrorize their children? Will they kill others out of some sort of misguided belief they must conquer this nation? Will they become rapists, drug addicts or murderers?

How have you handled your mouth while in front of them? Do you speak badly about their fathers? Their mothers? Their other family members? And tell them to shut up about that? Do you insult your kids. Put them down and insist that they are not good enough? Do you slap them? Constantly hitting them or putting them down? Or are you supportive, a good listener? Are you an understanding person who is calm when bad things happen? You have a solid well grounded emotional compass?

Lasting impressions come in many forms. As parents your job is the toughest in the world. Directing your kids for the best possible outcome. This New Year parents may want to check what lasting impressions you are leaving behind.

Enrique Marquez?

Who is he? A twenty four year old man who had a life, now he may be looking at life behind bars. Nice, one more person we give medical and dental to while feeding, clothing and housing him.

In the United States anyone can buy a gun. Unless you have a felony or documented mental issue. Buying a gun and giving it to someone else? You better fill out the correct paper work. Or you might end up like this idiot.

He has lied to officials, and to make matters worse, he was living with a Russian woman who has no right to live here legally. 

Mr. Marquez now facing many charges for his purchase of the weapons that were used in the California Christmas employee party. That resulted in several people dying and twenty two others wounded.

We can only wait to see how far the government will go in this case.

Cosby no laughing matter

Mr. Cosby has been formally charged for a twelve year old sexual assault. Cosby has continued to claim all sexual encounters were consensual. Except he settled out of court with one.

Then we have several other women who all claim he had his way with them. Pills, and one very troubling factor. Cosby gave pills to all of them, anxiety, and cold pills, really? Business Insider article wrote statements from each woman.

When there are millions on the line who knows the truth?

Mr. Cosby may be a serial rapist. Or just black man who has millions and these women want to crush him financially. Because he never helped them into what they wanted. An old saying comes to mind. Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

This writer is not making lite of rape. If he is guilty than let a jury of his peers here the evidence within the legal time frame.

If Cosby isn't guilty than he ought to sue every one of these women. Alas, he has not. Perhaps that is the only truth we will ever get from this case.

Computer blues?

Are you one of the millions who buys a brand new laptop or desk top? Have a smaller iPad or some other new toy for Christmas?

STOP - do not purchase the two year insurance plan. Why? These crap computers are famous for dying right after the warranty is gone.

The truth is manufacturers have simply made these machines cheaply. The manufacturers need to have sales up. They are willing to sell us, John Q public, crap machines so we keep buying new ones.

The truth for each of us, may vary a bit with regards to how long a computer really lives.  Sure there will be a fortunate few who have had their machine since computers were first created.

For the rest of us? Maybe demanding these machines have a slightly longer life span might be coming.

Computer Manufacturers have seen a downward trend in sales of some of their machines and have been scratching their heads. They haven't understood we talk. We read, and we understand if John Q says IBM sucks, then we may not buy it.

Still, with technology rolling into space. Computer makers better get with the program. And create machines that really last longer.

No one wants a computer to crash in space when they are watching next seasons previews.

Monday, December 28, 2015

SpaceX "We did it." 2015Dec

Six days ago news blazed across You Tube and beyond. Cheering hasn't stopped not even in our tiny household.

We lovers of space travel. Dreamers of going beyond our current home. For billions the dreams of working, living and traveling into space are not that far off.

Space X did what no one had done before. Flew a rocket into space, then landed it back on earth.

Every Star Trek fan had to have after parties for at least the next three weeks. Just to get us through the holidays.

Congratulations to every one at Space X, you have fans, and friends for life. Now, lets get moving into space in mass and where ever that takes us.  

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Have Police issued an order "Kill when threatened"?

The following paragraph was taken from an article on AOL today. By AP writer

Officers who responded to the call "were confronted by a combative subject resulting in the discharging of the officer's weapon," the Chicago Police Department said in a brief statement late Saturday.
"The 55-year-old female victim was accidentally struck and tragically killed," reads the statement, which extends "deepest condolences to the victim's family and friends."

Sorry doesn't cut it any more. When men and women are killed by men and women who are not able to with hold gun fire. Police have non lethal ways to deal with people and they have stopped using them. 

The question then goes to, "who has given the order to kill when you feel threatened?"

Reading the many police statements after such incidents. There seems to be a troubling sign rearing its head. Police have tools that are non-lethal. Why they keep shooting and killing people is any ones guess. Perhaps the media has just placed a focus on police murders.

This latest shooting of a mother leaves many wondering who will be next? If I call police will I be the one dying?  Public trust eroding away with every bullet and body. Some communities pondering the question, do we really need police any way?

To be fair we the public created these entities to serve and protect the public? Are they still serving and protecting the public? Or is it time for citizens to take over?

When people begin to become afraid of a person with a badge, instead of respect. The tables have turned. Perhaps this is one reason cops are willing to shoot first and ask questions later. Who cares how high the body count goes. Our population is over a few billion so we can go without many of the souls currently walking the planet. Perhaps that is what police have decided. We, the public are expendable and an unfortunate causality of an unruly society.

Have police issued an order to kill when threatened?

Muslims a different look

Those of us who grew up in the later sixties early seventies saw Muslim people. New Muslim kids would do their best to fit in. By wearing similar clothing to avoid any extra, unwanted attention.

We were invited once to go over to a kids house after school but his father refused us to enter his home. He said we were unclean. As kids we thought he was saying we needed to shower. We ignored them after that.

Mosques were constructed and the news flashed about the new neighbors moving in from all around the world. Building their places of worship. No one thought of them as evil, terrorist training recruitment centers.

The world has changed since those early days. But remember when no matter what color, religion or anything "if they weren't white they weren't right."  An old expression perhaps to crude to keep around. It might cause a war, you never know.

To think one party is being treated as prisoner rather than friend in 2015. And no one is really protesting in mass? What if that were your family? Locked up in prison for trying to flea a war torn neighborhood or city?

Yea, you just can't tell who is who now a days. So we need to separate, interrogate, criminalize, demoralize. Then maybe consider giving them free refuge?

Some folks would say about homosexuals, He looks like one don't you think? Look at him the way he walks like a girl all soft toed and what not. There was a lot of race issues in the early seventies and beyond. Blacks wanted to have complete total freedom from oppression in this nation. Homosexuals wanted rights. Women wanted rights. Children wanted rights. Transsexuals wanted rights. Hispanics wanted rights. haven't heard much from the Irish, the Italians, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Vietnamese,  the Indians continue to battle for rights.

If people from Syria are all terrorists sworn to loyalty to Islam. What makes anyone believe there aren't many more people here in America right now who want to blow themselves up in the name of Islam, while taking a few of us with them?

Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, haven't gathered up and trained their flock to go out and kill. At least not in our lifetime that we know of.

Muslims kept to themselves and everyone kept away unless invited in. A very secretive societal presentation they had created all those years ago. All though there were a few who thought how strange they were so secretive. Most never thought twice about it. Until now.

How sad the day is here we must look at our neighbors and know who they are and what their up too. We are all creating an uncomfortable world where no one feels safe any longer. We are snooping where we ought not go. This is a direct path way into our homes, into our very private lives for those who still live those.

Locking up the Muslims isn't going to find a terrorist. Separating their families and locking them up may very well create one.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tis the season

Tis the season to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!

No matter what you believe in, you have the right to believe however you want. As long as your beliefs do not attempt to over shadow other people's beliefs.

This last year has taken us on an emotional journey.The year has been filled with something fresh in the air. Bringing the fight to American soil. 

The world is at war it seems. Daily headlines of murders across the globe.

We want to be on higher ground, and we fall so short. As a creature, we have conquered all that walks, flies, or digs in on this planet. With very few new things here to conquer, shall we now embark into space?

Maybe this Christmas, instead of celebrating that latest AK47 purchase. You, as the parent can look into your children's lives from top to bottom. Before we read about them in the headlines.

America; this nation is full of rapid tempers. Just waiting for the right spark to ignite them. Maybe this Christmas our wish for Peace will not go unanswered.

 STAY SAFE AMERICA December 24th, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pre Christmas lottery anyone?

Hey check it out. Nearly three days to Christmas and then those wonderfully exciting Pre-Christmas and post Christmas lotteries.

Mega millions is over one hundred million. Who couldn't use a bit of that to spruce up the house, pay oof debts, buy better, bigger stuff. Oh and to think we wanted to remodel. You could remodel an entire city with that kind of money. Of course after a visit to Uncle Sam and the local tax collectors. That hundred million just got cut in half. Make sure you pay the full share to the IRS. Or they may come knocking.

Power ball lottery tonight is over two hundred million will it break tonight? Or will it be that after Christmas, New Year, winning celebration. That once in a lifetime I got struck by lightening moment. Like seeing Disney Land for the first time. How impressive, magnificent. A floating by the feet moment. A faintness to our heads, but lightly awake. He had a dream. She just knew. They all pitched in. What will the stories be of the next American made lotteries?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Mr. Rant: 1.1 trillion dollar spending??? Merry Christmas Washington Politicians

Growing up our parents weren't into politics like most. When the race began they would make home made betting slips, and cut them up with all the names. Then they would draw out the republicans and the democrats. Two for each person who voted that way. These were there votes, jokingly of course.
That scene reminds me of exactly why this nation is really in trouble. We think these situations funny. We feel there isn't really anything we can do any more to change it.

Our parents made horrendous comments as well. A good politician is a dead one, why do we need these guys taking our money from us? The politicians play back door politics.

We pay schools out of our home owners taxes, then we pay again to the federal government. That is double and triple taxation, but no one protests it. So essentially our parents felt or I heard they did not like politicians nor did they feel they were handling our monies right.

When I saw the article about a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill passed, I nearly fell over. The sheer audacity of our government to make sure their pay checks continue with raises.

With our nation of infrastructure crumbling around us and no sign of major repairs. Business owners forced to sell out due to economic downs. Our leaders telling us there will be no medicare or social security. We will have no uniformed health care system in this nation. But our leaders have great health insurance. Voted in by them and paid for by them from our taxes. Even though they have disputed that.

At this juncture we ought to start looking into how to take back Washington. Our politicians have made no effort to end our debts with China. They passed the largest spending bill ever when Obama took over. We pay for all that they don't. This will increase our taxes; we are just beginning to see that with interest rates raised.
Our politicians refuse to pay back monies they took away from Social Security. They took away monies from education. They get half of the lottery winnings when someone wins. They are policing food stamp recipients. They are policing our calls and Internet usage. We pay them to do these things to us? Does this make any sense to you? Merry Christmas Washington Politicians.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Violent religious gun toting extremists here in America

Humans come from all types of backgrounds. Recent news stories centering on the heinous killings of people is disheartening. We hear of men with guns, knives, and even women blowing themselves up within crowds of people.

Human over population may be enlisting the insanity and helplessness people are now living with.

Across the globe, other nations have long seen America as both savior and demon. America, was created off the backs of immigrants. Many of our ancestors were "those people" who crossed the oceans to build with them new dreams of prosperity.

The prosperity divide between those with and those without, has deepened and widened with time.

Perhaps, knowledge of the planet being alive. Or that mother earth will morph into something of a cleansing machine with time. Allows humans with guns and violent tendencies to rain down upon the rest like a firestorm.

Colorado is the latest in gun violence.

We call people who blow themselves up in crowds terrorists, extremists.

A single gunman, killing people who work at an abortion clinic, is no less of a terrorist and religious extremist. Than those around the world who blow themselves and others up.

To say they are hurting or we need to understand their desire to stop abortions is insane. While the entire world is facing a global disaster. We humans can no longer play at being God.

Violent, religious gun toting extremists, live right here in America.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Safety, Just a rant

Humans all want to be safe. We want our kids to be safe. We want are families, old and young to be safe.

Mostly, people just want to live their lives without being forced to accept things we do not believe in.

American politicians and the Supreme Court have turned, "being forced" into a national theme. With the passage of, Forced Health Insurance Sales. Then the President, enacts marriage for all. One man, decided for a nation, because this nation is so divided in controversy over religious beliefs.

 If you are traveling around the world via passport we get to look closer. If you come from the Middle East, we get to look at you much closer. Then there is another process to go through if you want to live here.  
Unfortunately, as soon as those screening processes are learned and relayed to the terrorists, they will get in. Terrorists live here now, and come in all shades, not just one. 

Living in Arizona we never feared the illegal Mexicans who came over for work. The men and women were just trying to get out of poverty. And poverty in America can be very different than other nations. However, before we relocated we saw many Hispanics not wanting to meld into Arizona culture, they wanted Mexico in Arizona. Race wars were in full swing.

Where were these folks getting this "take over attitude?" The Mexican president and the Catholic church had told the people to go to America and populate. Get into politics and make laws and rules to better serve their cultures. The message was never about melding into the culture here. Neither the Church nor the President called for the people of Mexico to take up arms and kill Arizonians.

We had met holocaust survivors. Learned about their plight. How terrible they had it traveling from house to house just to survive. Stuffed in cellars or other hiding places around farms to stay alive. If caught they were shot. Women were raped, then shot. This was Germany at its best with hatred for difference.

Africa has for years been run by whites, using the nations people. The murders, rapes, tortures inflicted by different tribes. Outsiders, from all the big countries taking the national minerals and exploiting the animal kingdom. The people of Africa are beginning to fight back. Starting businesses, while working to put an end to the stealing of the countries mineral wealth. For Africans the fight goes on daily. And starvation is all around. Poverty there is horrible, clean fresh drinking water sparse, if any at all.

Face book makes things easy for us to vent. We tell each other about family trips, new babies, weddings and life in general. But what if, it were used to kill? What if people were using codes? A made up language to speak in? How would you ever know?

Humans are violent creatures when continually messed with. Over and over we trained men around the world to fight for what they believed in. The Islamic State is doing what they believe in.

Our political leaders never asked our permission to build this countries private spy building with our taxes. They never asked if we wanted to vote for health care reform. They never asked us, if it was all right to cut V.A. benefits and hours of nursing.  Then turn around and blame the V.A. for not taking care of veterans? No, the people of this nation have been left out of far too many big decisions and we haven't fought back. We have lost nearly all of our rights to privacy in the name of security.

There is always more to a story than one paragraph. If people are more interested in sports and porn, than this nation is in serious trouble. 

If the United  States wants to end this plight with terrorists, it can. Without any more money placed on security.

What do we now tell the children and grandchildren? Everyone has to look, listen and report? We all have to be security wise? What ever our daily tasks are?
We must be vigilant. We might even need self defense training, weapons training. We need to move as a nation together or fall to the way side.
The other choice is to allow religious extremists to conquer humanity again. Then start all over if any one survives.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

United States Senators asking for calm???

Wouldn't want to create fear? Who are we kidding?

Let us say one person came from Syria every month for ten years. You now have ten people in ten homes. And let  us say their friends came over one at a time and their families. Untold numbers of cells living right here in America.
Isn't that what our nations leaders are telling us? Isn't that what they said after 911?

The Islamic State survives by moving around from home to home. Traveling around check points or making sure their papers appear normal. They use the same ideas the Jewish people fleeing Germany had. They use private homes and travel at night perhaps. Dealing in cash only, never credit cards never leave traces. Never go home in most cases. Hate lives every where world wide.

Take out a map of the United States, and look for Mosques to see where they are on the map. Islam appears to have ensured all Mosques are surrounding this country. Easily distributing suicide bombers.

And Uncle Sam can't find these men and women? Maybe we need to hire outside security forces.

ISIS = Islamic State?

Islamic State as ISIS is now calling itself, is well funded and organized. Who wants to bet money Saudi Arabia and United States, are footing the bill? Even worse a handful of young rich men who have become bored and want to destabilize the world into a dark black hole.

Who ever is financially backing these maniacs, can't be found? Can't find the monies? Can't figure out how they communicate? Are you kidding me? The United States went global on the banking industry around the world for what? To find out every tom dick and harry, has his dick in the wrong person? Getting dirt was fun, the dirt even helped to take out a few very powerful men in Washington. Fight terrorists? No, why worry about that.

The United States has enacted over 22 new taxes after nine eleven, and told all of us we would be much safer. While police bought new coats and rims for their cars, they perhaps forgot the world was leaping into flames. Boarder patrol wastes more ammunition than all of our armed forces combined.

Our Government officials want us to give up our guns and let them handle things? While they created this hatred fueled situation globally. And now they can't control them any longer.

What baffles the mind? There are huge amounts of money for guns, ammunition and creative blasting devices. The United States, Russia, France can't find these maniacs?

The news informs us they want to build chemical weapons. The news media, seems hell bent on fueling the flames and guiding us right into the line of fire.

We all were born to this planet. Yet, every man who ever walked on her has been at war in one way or another. We have not learned over the centuries war and hate beget war and hate. Over and over ISIS tells us where they will strike and then they do. We act horrified at our televisions and radios when they announce the death toll. And we continue with business as usual. Allowing our government to continue it's rain of terror using our countries armed forces. Without changing our policies.

The other issue ISIS name change and the news runs with it. We give them the air time. We give them weapons, we give them money. We thought we could control these maniacs. Since they are global and mobile they can be caught.ISIS looks for holes in security and there are plenty. We don't need more laws we need to enforce the ones we have.

Paris knew the man who set off the bombs. All the intelligence in the world didn't stop him. If Islamic State wants street gang credit, they have earned that ten times over.

While ISIS speaks of our ill spiritual state, they might want to look at the sodomy they perform on young boys, or how they rape, then stone women to death.

Islamic State what is their message? Insanity?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More laws? Washington Out of Control

Our nation has invested billions into spying on other nations and our citizens. We have given up so many privacy rights out of fear. Washington bureaucrats built a huge building to house their own personal war on every one. While passing laws in the Patriot act and rewriting the Constitution in order to control the population in America.

Now, our leaders have decided we need more laws to give up our privacy. More action and laws to enable all ready "out of control" Police departments to have a wider powers than ever before. Similar to France, but strictly American. 

Using boarder patrol in conjunction with Police to come into our homes without any search warrants. At the discretion of each department?

ISIS has people around the world apparently. While the United States helped fuel their anger and gave them weapons and training. Our leaders have sat in board rooms filled with cigar smoke and glasses clanging. Patting each other on the back. Who can figure out the next big screw to the public.

When wealthy Washington bureaucrats find they can not control what they have unleashed. Now they want to take action?

Guns sales are sky rocketing. Households in the United States are beginning to arm themselves to the teeth. Do our leaders really believe they can stop the Islamic State, as ISIS is now calling itself?

Religious beliefs are at stake here. And the total domination of the worlds remaining resources. Islamic State has created a fear mongering world where the people will begin to take action. 

When Governors are telling Washington they will not allow Syrians into their towns. And churches have begun to turn those away who claim a Muslim faith. Neighbors beginning to fear Syrian and Muslim shop owners.

Like cancer; the fear will grow. Just like school shootings, which have put schools on alert while adding armed security guards, metal detectors, and fencing.

Perhaps the United States should reinvest in the people here. And try to make us all security experts. Rather than feeding the fear.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mother Earth has yet to tell us

Headlines serge the Internet. Three news stations in the United States repeat over and over bombings, be-heading's.  Politics's aside for a day of morning. Hilary Clinton promises she is the answer for America. Donald Trump prays upon our fears and need for entertainment, and says he wants to be president. Dr. Ben Carson tells us we just need good Christian values. Bernie Saunders seems to be the only candidate that makes any sense, he talks of what is broken and how we can fix things. That is a boring conversation to millions. And the many wealthy candidates who just keep talking.

Mother Earth hasn't yet wade in. She has tossed out a couple of nice storms here and there. Mother Earth, has shaken her grounds a few times this year to make us bow to her. Not enough yet, to really wake up humans. There may be a bigger problem besides ISIS, or who ever is out there with a gun  intent on harming others.

Mother Earth is beginning to show us, she has all the power. And no God or Deity can change this. This planet is morphing into a huge change for all creatures, human or not. And no amount of cutting gases, no amount of stopping pollution will change her will.

Humans have been trying to kill this planet. We dug into it. We pour chemicals into the ground. We liquefy the bed rock. We bury nuclear waste. We continually take good water and pour into bad. We have filled the oceans with garbage. We have cut the other creatures to pieces. Continually deciding what will survive and not, for our pleasures. While using the statement, what about our children and grandchildren to gain more money so the wealthy can live out their dreams, while the rest serve them.

None of these things matter. None. This planet, like the solar system is changing. Caused by humans incapable lack of understanding. Mother Earth hasn't put her two cents in on the next huge storm, the next earth quake or volcanic eruption.

Mother Earth may just blow us all to pieces. And now the statement may be, how fast can we get off the planet before she blows.

Murder's be dammed - Bombings in France

My dad served in WWII. He wasn't a brave man. He was in my opinion just a tough guy. My father served with a Fire team for a time during WWII. They fought fires on the ground as planes would land in flames. 

The only story my father ever spoke of that really caught me off guard, was after I had my first experience watching a man die who bled to death in a hospital. I related that story to my dad. There was an over powering smell of iron.  My Father told me it was the blood, and he never got over the smell of burning flesh either. He and his fire team helplessly watched, as they sprayed water on the flames, the two men inside the plane screamed while burning to death. He told me of a gun battle, where he had several men surrounding him who had been shot. The smell of blood was over whelming. He walked in his boots as blood surrounded his feet from those who had been cut down by gun fire.

I don't tell these stories to glorify war. I tell my father's words to remember the massive death we create as humans.  There are those who live perfect untouched lives. They never have any injuries or any harm come to those they love or themselves. They are the souls who will undoubtedly be severely touched as we humans move forward in war. 

War is something man created long ago when we first walked this planet. Men have for centuries fought for land, food, gold, jewels and women. We fight perhaps because fighting is bred into us from generations of fighters. Many men enjoy the testing of their physical beings, while gaining the ultimate recognition that we are great.

ISIS is something, America may have helped create. This matters little to any one who has lost friends or family to their fighting tactics. These men seem to be nothing more than an organized group of thugs. Who at first glance may seem like children with bombs.

These men, who have beliefs in an afterlife that will reward their cowardice. They plant bombs and continually broadcast their kills.

It is not my heart, I give to Paris but my soul. For I am not a man who enjoys the taking of any life. However, if I were asked to go fight in the Middle East. I would ask, why not fly a plane there, drop a bomb and walk away.

My father told me when he was in WWII,  our military and our government were seeing the Middle East as a problem even then. He told me, Islamic values were embedded in the hatred of anyone who did not believe as they do. He went on to say, even if they were like the Chinese, when we dropped the bomb the war ended. 

The men who chop off the heads of others, then televise their acts. Or blow themselves and others up, die.
The men who order or talk others into performing these acts.Those men, go off to their tents or homes and drink wine or goat milk to celebrate. While their brothers have died. And they do this over and over, because there is a vast amount of poverty and ignorance in the Middle East.

Perhaps ISIS pay's the families for the loss of one or two men. But they are just as dead as the ones they kill. Nothing will bring them back.
There may be some of these men, who are so under educated. They are living like cavemen and do not wish to learn anything from the west or any other nation. Gladly, they take up arms in the belief that their God will grant them false riches.

Today is about France, and those who lost their lives from a group of thugs with bombs. Like little boys kicking the animal to death, because they want to see it die and feel the power of killing.
When the leaders if ISIS are caught, they should be given no mercy. If their goal was to create a world in flames. They have now found themselves living in that world, just trying to survive. And France must be rattling their world, by dropping bombs. Go France.

To the people of France I give you my spirit and my love. For as a man I clearly understand the violence we create. And that we as men, can create tolerance and understanding. Only after we have cleansed the weeds from our lands.

 May your families and friends know, there are those here in America that will fight with you, in this battle of wills. No matter what you believe in. May we honor your right to freedom from tyranny. Our hearts and prayers go to all of France today.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Donald Trump for president - why?

Millions of Americans have begun to turn their hopes to Donald Trump. Who came from money and has been in business development his entire life. He flattens homes, beaches, and has impacted this planet in a negative manner continually.

What is driving his campaign? Trump realizes, if he can sit in the presidents seat he can manipulate consumers and Washington so he can make trillions. Trump has no intention on staying out of war.

He has no intention on keeping Social Security, he will privatize it, then allow the program to die.

Trumps views on those with a different skin color is clear. Trump has said he would repeal the gay marriage law. Donald Trump has racked up the voters by appealing to their prejudice. Americans aren't asking what his plans are for our nationally protected lands. Trump has made bids in the past attempting to get some of those lands so he can build hotels.

With so many multi-cultural persons in America. Trump is a bad idea, his supporters are mostly a collation of Christians just trying to keep their own propaganda alive. While continually spreading their message of intolerance and hate.

The message of intolerance is one that has rocketed Donald Trump to a level even he must laugh about. "How stupid can you people be, Trump states." This statement has been his political lead in for nearly every show he gets on including any political debates.
Trump is a television clown, who sells nothing but quick lipped put downs and is unable to rebuttal anyone with a brain.

Trumps calling card is - Americans want to be entertained, not think about the days drudgery.  He is selfish, immature and overly confident. Trump is showing the world America is just a big play ground for the ultra rich. He is making a mockery of the current political system. And Americans are eating that up.

Trump doesn't have any experience in politics other than being told, no. Trump himself told reporters he wants to be president so he can be in charge of everyone.

Trump is not a child and ought not be entertained to believe he is the right choice for this nation. He makes jokes that if Obama can be voted in, so can he, because Americans just want to be entertained.

Do you just want to be entertained? Is entertainment all your vote means? Donald Trump for president - why?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hilary Clinton survives Benghazi hearings & begins to rally the voters

Hilary Clinton had the coolness we very seldom see from her male counterparts. She was refined and professional. The Benghazi hearings over, Hilary Clinton immediately wasted no time beginning the rally calls to voters. The Clinton's have had the ride of a lifetime.

Politically, many thought after former President Bill Clinton aired his lies and bad behavior on live television that the Clinton's would be crushed politically forever.

Amazing, how some women can turn the tables on males in less than a second. By rising to the occasion, rather than being crushed by all the bad press.

Millions of women are certainly excited Hilary is moving forward. When the population of voters is at an all time high in America. No vote can be counted out. And for the race to the White House no one will be left behind. Unless they choose to drop out.

We know Hilary Clinton has the much needed experience so many of her rivals do not have with foreign affairs. Hilary has stood toe to toe with many leaders. However, many world leaders haven't had to deal with an American female presence in the top seat. How some may react is still in question.

And can't you imagine Donald Trump speaking with President Putin, he might say something like.

"Well Vlad I don't think your style will work for the future, you're fired."

As laughable as Donald Trump can be, he has millions interested in how he would deal with the top seat in Washington. Hilary Clinton has all the experience she needs to nail Trump in a debate.

Hilary's performance was breathe taking, as one woman at a local cafe stated.

"We will see if her momentum can put her in the presidential seat."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Race to the White House

Any one with half a brain can clearly see Donald Trump emerging forward. Trump has a unique truth gauge. Mr.Trump knows how to say things that will create controversy. His opponents can not dispute his statements, in most cases.

Hillary Clinton can't defeat Donald Trump in his arena of verbal one liners, that make Americans laugh. The number one reason Hilary Clinton is unable to break Donald Trumps momentum; he airs his dirty laundry publicly. His divorces, his affairs, his bankruptcies. He makes no apologies for his behavior and people in this nation love that, especially men. Women are pulling for Trump too, just not in the numbers he would like. Donald Trump has stated, "I don't care what the polls say, they are flawed any way."

Donald Trump seems to be able to get voters in a rage. He hasn't offered one solution to any deficit issues, foreign policy or health care reform. Trump shows no signs of really talking about issues. He is merely tossing dirt on every candidate, and that system is working at eroding voters away from them and over to him.

There is nothing charismatic about Donald Trump. He came from wealth, he has placed no value on others because he doesn't need to. He appeals to males for the most part, like a gladiator he is beating the crap out of the opponents. He cuts them with their own sorted, stupid behaviors.

Hilary Clinton has an up hill battle. After her spouse former President Bill Clinton put his finger inside Monica Lewinsky and then stuffed a cigar there. Former President, Bill Clinton pointed his finger at the camera's and told our nation he never did anything with her. A massive waste of our taxes.

The subject of trust has become an issue on the campaign trail.  Frankly, no political candidate ought to go near the word trust. Any one who has been in management lies or manipulates the truth. You have to, to keep employees doing their jobs and satisfy the ones above you. So the word trust, in politics must mean something really different.

We have had eight years of increased deficit, our commodity prices leaping upward. Our infrastructures are crumbing. Small and big businesses are shutting down at record rates. And the so called Affordable Care Act that was supposed to open the medical markets and lower costs. Instead has rocketed costs into the sky. This one system has harmed the masses. Time for a national health system that works? Not if Donald gets elected. He has begun to beat up on Bernie Sanders. Because Mr. Sanders sees the financial gains on the Affordable Care act have seriously cut into the middle class. That is really bad for the nation as a whole. Trump now sees new ways of getting us to pay more. Once the Supreme Court passed forced health insurance sales, what else will they pass?

Mr. Trump has nothing to offer the world as a whole. He isn't a great businessman, he survives by continually taking bankruptcies. This nation can't afford another spend crazed man in the oval office. 
Hilary Clinton may be the woman this nation needs to get us out of debt and tip the scales back to the middle class and poor. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Gun rights?

Who is right? The National Rifle Association (NRA) tells Americans to hang onto their guns. They take in trillions in gun sales. Constantly arguing guns are not the problem. We have a people problem. This is a parenting problem. This is a school problem. Guns are everywhere. In nearly every household in America. How do we stop the violence?

We don't stop the violence. As Americans we are entitled to own weapons. Mostly due to the second amendment. The Supreme Court however has limited some of what was written, or tried.

Unfortunately, people do not want to give up their right to bear arms. Frankly, why should we give up our weapons?

Has anyone read the headlines? Russia hates us, China owns America. China hasn't called the debt in yet. North and South Korea don't want us messing with them. Saudi Arabia has played America like a violin, and we gave them all they ever wanted, a free pass on destruction of the seas. Mexico wants us to tear the wall down and leave their people alone. Columbia wants our government to stop spraying their coco plants and forests, making their farmers sick.

American government has terrorized every nation around the world. We have threatened the banking industry. We have threatened businesses. We have torn down our infrastructure and our own leaders seem to not care.

Take our weapons from us, no way. Americans come from all kinds of back grounds. And many come from countries they were oppressed by. Now these souls are citizens here and want to protect their families. They went out and bought guns, got permits and now the government tells them that is not good enough?

You don't need a ak47 to kill a deer. You need automatic guns if your in a gun battle. So what are we going to do about gun rights?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Recreational Marijuana sales in Oregon

The month of October was to be filled with Halloween and Christmas irritations. Oregon recreational marijuana sales began October 1st 2015. Quickly over shadowed by a tragic school shooting at Umpqua College in Roseberg Oregon.

How has sales progressed for the local stores. Many more hoops to jump through. As some stores were ready and some were not. People here were not rushing off to the local stores to buy those high priced ounces.

When speaking with a local police officer who would only speak to me if his name was omitted, he stated,

"It seems quiet around here. I haven't seen tons of cars stopping at this shop yet." He was just outside of Waldport Oregon sitting down the street at a small shop there.

Noticing a larger police force recently as if the police are playing dominoes. Come to the coast then go inland.  Another thing asked of this officer was.

Are there more DUI's now? writer asked

I don't know the over all stats but the last DUI road block we didn't get any more people. Police officer states.

Since marijuana is illegal federally many folks are staying to the black market. Afraid to enter stores with so many cameras. These pot stores make a mall look like a joke with security. 

Sales will most likely have to be reviewed in a couple months to see how Oregon is really progressing with it's share of the pot profits for recreational marijuana. 

Violent acts

Males have a historical record of violence.

Some of us have twisted desires that we feed in various ways. Others hunt other creatures so we can fill our freezers and our egos with stories of that land mark killing. Our children some times grow up in violent environments we males created.  We punch, kick, bite and fight.  Not to say women are not violent. Women also perpetuate verbal and physical abuse in the home. Men are more frequently arrested and jailed for violence.

We go to war, we rape, murder and pillage. then we are told to remain calm.

 For years women's rights's came to the forefront. While males in America were just the workers of concrete, builders of walls, and defenders of the home front. We were forgotten in education, drugged by our families and stuffed into endless routines of mediocrity. Our educational dreams not met in favor of going to work as soon as we could walk.

The kicker is the knowledge that all these younger gentlemen who have murdered, are possibly ADHD babies. The medications taken by parents and children must be closely scrutinized. To rule out any chance the drugs have caused a mental dysfunction, that may precipitate a killing spree.

The pharmaceutical companies who produce these medications in mass do not want any thing to stop the sales. How far will a trillion dollar industry go to cover things up? Just look at the tobacco companies.

Remembering all the Ritalin commercials in Arizona alone. Does your child have trouble staying seated while in class. Are they a disruption to others? Has your child drained you, are you feeling exhausted. Mostly they were talking about boys. Male children who need to run, exercise and really be more physically active than females. Society just wanted them to shut up, stay quiet, and stop running around. So we medicated these children by the millions in some sort of mass attempt at giving parents a rest.

And those resting parents? They needed drugs too, for depression, pain, sleep and anxiety. We took those pills maybe for years before giving birth to what we thought was a healthy baby. Then they grew up and killed.

Parents sat those drugged up kids in front of televisions to watch violence over and over and over. The desensitization began. Parents left guns out, ammo out, parents cussed and parents raged. And we thought these little people could handle all that, maybe not.
Our nation may never completely figure out why the school shootings happen.

 Medications have side effects. Many medications have unknown effects on our brains.. Just another avenue to investigate when dealing with violent acts.

School shootings - just an opinon

The news today released some of the manifesto rants of  Chris Mercer, who was in his mind sane.  Chris Mercer killed nine people and himself at Umpqua College in Roseberg  Oregon.

The news, now vilifying those who rant or journal. We may be creating more problems than trying to figure out how to stop the violence.

Our President wants more gun control laws passed. Families who had a loved one killed want more gun control passed.

These situations remind me of the bear stories in Alaska. The bears attack when they feel threatened or their young have been separated from them. It is a stress response.

America has cut mental health services down to half of what they were at one time. The government stating the states need to create their own services, our tax dollars gone for these services.

Our society didn't want monies given out to these kind of services.

We want to blame the guns, but this isn't a gun problem, the problem is people. People, males primarily, who have so much anger they can't channel it out of themselves without help. Who do we get to help?

Each shooting had the same issue, anger, fear, deep seeded resentments. The people couldn't or wouldn't let go of. And we sit around demanding change to cut down gun sales. This is not an efficient action to stop the violence.

Tardiness and failure to provide healthcare

Due to an error in judgement I was late to a Physical Therapy appointment by ten minutes. The lobby was empty. There were no other patients. The receptionist stated.

"By the time I get you warmed up, the nine o'clock appointment will be here. So we will need to reschedule."

Too tired to argue the point I left after being told they would call and reschedule.

Perhaps I am seeing the world from a viewpoint that others may not see. So I am left believing that my health care doesn't matter.

Health care is different than Health insurance. Health care is what we get when we seek medical attention for an injury or illness, and health insurance is a system we created to compensate those who provide that care. The issue for me is, and has always been. we do too little and charge incredibly high prices for services rendered and not rendered.

The deductible is listed at 1500/3000. Then I have to pay a copay of twenty five dollars each visit. Afterwards bills begin pouring in.  Currently we owe around ten thousand in medical costs.

The Affordable Care Act was nothing more than a forced insurance scam that has done nothing to improve services or cut cost.  Physicians are making record amounts of money. The insurance companies profits have sky rocketed into an unknown arena, where only the ultra rich have access to the best health care. Those who do not have that privilege are just screwed.

Back to the Physical therapy office: There were no other patients, all they do is turn a timer on and I warm my arms up by using a hand bicycle. Then I perform some of the exercise routines I was taught, then possibly a few shoulder stretches, and finally ice and a tens unit on another timer. For this they charge a whopping $350.00. or more. Guess they were never taught how to multi-task. Multi-tasking obviously is not something this office practices.Then returning home to a message informing me I will be charged for a, "no show appointment." I had to call and let them know I would not be paying any such fee, since they turned me away and there were no other patients.

Perhaps one day being late will be greeted with, lets get started. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

President Obama WAKE UP

If the new forced health insurance purchasing program has shown anything,. The Affordable Care Act has taken trillions out of our pockets and added to the wealth of those who were invested in the scheme.

Age may have something to do with or not. Yes, cynical enters my thoughts. When I was a teenager, I had a horrible motorcycle crash. The bike was too big for me. I was not a well trained rider. The witness said it flipped three times. They said I continued to hold the handle bars, as my body was smashed into the pavement over and over. The visor was ripped from the helmet. My face a bloody torn mess. I woke to find myself flat on my back, unable to move. I heard a vehicle then voices were heard,"is he alive?" They left and there I was. I passed out until the next party came to rescue me, my parents. I was placed on a blanket in the back of my dad's pickup. My mother was a medical assistant who thought she was a mini doctor.

Back home she scrubbed me raw trying to get the asphalt from my face and knees.  A few days passed until I couldn't take the pain any longer. My mother finally agreed to allow me to see a doctor. One she worked for. He quickly assessed me and sent me over to the hospital for x-rays. He berated my mother for keeping me at home. The x-rays revealed a spinal fracture from a small bone. My front lip had been ripped in half and my left face was gone. It was nothing but hamburger. The bills began coming in. The insurance had them pay one hundred dollars.

Now, there are bills for over ten thousand dollars for premiums for my spouse and I. The insurance we have is horrible. I have never seen such outrageous amounts of money placed onto the payee. It seems we have insurance that means nothing.

Health insurance was about pooling monies from millions so coverage could be given to all. Small co-pays and no deductibles.
Now, what has been created is nothing more than a shell game. Where all the money goes, who knows. I might as well pay for all the services myself and skip having a huge deductible we are unable to cover.
If this is what Obama wanted, was to rip off more Americans he has succeeded. And those numbers they tossed out about one million uninsured getting coverage, well this writer now questions if anyone knows the truth. Even the man who created this scam told NBC news, "I never thought they would buy it, but Washington did."
Yes, the current insurance comes from a corporation who has more profit than it seriously needs. However, to cut the company cost, they placed nearly all of the financial burden on the workers.

President Obama can never understand this situation. When all of Washington politicians have their own insurance, they created and we pay for. All though to be fair, they deny that. And, they even went to ABC news to tell the story of how they created their insurance coverage.

We can not afford this new type of insurance, it is cheaper to find services that we can afford. Now  when we have injuries or illness we seek home remedies just like the old west.

This is a serious situation for all Americans. If our national leaders continue on this path they should have all Americans financially subservient by 2018. Obama wake up and fix this crap you allowed to pass. Shut it down and go to a unified system like Canada.

Samaritan Hospitals in Oregon treat Cancer and Heart disease

We just received Heart to Heart in the mail. A small magazine from Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital. Two stories jumped out at me.
The first is found on page ten, Cancer care. Macke and Mary Williams story centered around them both surviving Cancer, quoting from the story, "they considered themselves, "Mayo people." A happy robust appearing couple. Both struck by different forms of cancer. Survivors, who were grateful to the Mario Pastega House. "A home that serves families needing access to Samaritan's Corvallis-based services." Quoted from page 12. The theme from the story is one of hope.

The second story found on page 24 highlights that no matter what your title in life, heart problems arise. The President of Samaritan, Larry A Mullins found out he needed heart bypass surgery. Mr. Mullins survived and gave much thanks and appreciation to his care team. Mr. Mullins had many other offers from colleagues across the country and he chose Samaritan.

These stories provide a small glimpse into the health care system in Oregon. And the great work these facilities are doing.

Best wishes to both parties for continued good health and happy living.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fear and the Food Industry

The prime definition of fear from Merriam Webster: to be afraid of (someone or something).
The prime definition of afraid from Merriam Webster: filled with fear or apprehension <afraid of machines> <afraid for his job>.

These emotions have driven humans to overpopulate this planet, without regard for food.

A friend recently came to speak with me about food sources on this planet. He pointed out that unless, every person and family begins growing enough produce to feed themselves, they may see starvation in the next twenty years. At least that was his theory. He also went on to tell me we were the largest meat source available now on the planet. I had to stop him, and ask if he were all right, was he having any thought problems. I even tried to check his vitals. At this juncture he adamantly told me to to f- off.  

A little Internet search regarding food supplies. We find stories about the need for GMO's, (genetically modified foods). Another story from the Washington Post from 2012 brought up the fact we may not be growing enough food. 

Over the years food for me has become a weapon. One bite of any juicy tasteful burger and fries and I am a goner. Physically, what that food does is not pretty. Gastric upset, weight gain, may be attributed to the chemicals we put into food. But the food industry says, no way. 

Just like the tobacco industry and the chemicals they put into tobacco. The food industry has long held a denial of any problems. Their stance is, to make money you must cut corners. Which in simple speak means, we get the chemicals because the food industry really can not make healthy any thing we ingest that is processed. 

McDonald's new CEO Steve Easterbrook unveiled his plans to make McDonald's food better. A sell off of franchise's, reduction in staff. Mr. Easterbrook really isn't giving any information how they will give their food a boost. It seems the company solution, get rid of as many non profitable facilities as possible, without regard to the people who have stayed with the company.

If our food supply is in danger, than Americans have more opportunities than ever to create and produce better food in this global economy.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Childhood Leukemia

When I was a child I had a female friend with whom I thought the world of. She had a nice body for kids, we were twelve at the time. She had dark hair and her eyes were a soft coco color. She smelled like honey to me. Her name was Lillian, and in my world she was everything that was cool about friends with the opposite sex. She was able to tell me the girls that liked me and why. Most guys are not that lucky. And she even kissed me once.

Of course that kiss was a seal for me. I would defend her to the death if needed. And the next year at school began an incredible journey of fear, faith and letting go.

Lillian and I enjoyed sitting around down by the edge of the river that ran through town part of the year after good rains. She would talk about the man she would one day marry. He was a dark eyed muscle man.
She'd laugh and then say,

"you never know could be you to." Then she would giggle. I would laugh with her. I had no idea how our lives were to change.

That year, she was diagnosed with childhood Leukemia. And back in the eighties children didn't survive long. My mother cut through and cruelly told me my friend would die. That was the explanation she gave. There was no other information given to me too understand why was this happening?

We grew up around magma copper mine smelter's that did not use their filters. All the children in those towns had higher than normal rates of cancer, according to a report that had been issued by the EPA.

But not one person stopped the company from pouring those chemicals into the air. The chemicals would be like fog on the track at school. I could taste the sulfur.

And the gym teacher would scream at us to run in that shit. I refused. Even then, I knew right from wrong. And that was a huge hatred for me, companies who disregarded safety over people's lives.

Lillian died a year and half later. Her journey was a really hard one. But she took it all in and made adult decisions about her body and her last few months. She actually was going to get married but she died before that could take place.

I added the donate button to the end of all these articles. And unless you go to the bottom of the page you will never see it.

Every year I try to help raise money and awareness that this horrible disease, childhood Leukemia has not gone away. Hundreds of thousands have been spared the horrible treatments Lillian went through with new drugs created from all  the donations. Please help continue this fight. Your donations mean and do so much good for these kids.

I know many of you give money to your favorite places. Some of you never give any thing. I am not asking for me. I am asking for those who will never have a voice again. The ones who have all ready passed away. For those who will survive and get those needed medications. If you never donate that is all right, but if you do please consider helping as we never forget their is still miles to go. Until all cancer is cured. Thank you for reading.   

Monday, July 13, 2015

Season's travelers Oregon

Season in Oregon. That is, what the locals call this invasion from other states, even countries.To the medium hamlets that line the Oregon coast.

The smell of hot cakes and sausage cooking as you drive  25 to 35 miles per hour through town. Newport hovers over both sides of highway 101.

The lights of every restaurant should be on until the late hours of night then reopen in the morning.  One tiny place stands out front of the rest like a beacon, Newport cafe.

What it lacks in aesthetics, it gains with food. All though, to be fair it has some nice interior catches. From wooden crabs. To small pictures lining the wall with famous and not so famous Mixed martial arts fighters, with family weaved into the mix.

The food is the real favorite here. Huge helpings piled high on your plate. It is a home away from home for many to come.

After a large breakfast, head out to see the beaches at first light. There is no way to properly describe the picturesque beauty that engulfs the senses.

Because Oregon has such medium sized hamlets along the coast, it is so blessed to allow humans to traverse for half a mile or farther without seeing another human soul at times. Locals tell stories of agates found years before from parents and grandparents the size of fists and bigger. Trinkets are what most folks find today. Yet, the beaches tell us a story of time, movement and life on earth.

Small pools of water encased by rock. These can be found in some of the rock islands that show when low tide reveals them. Tiny creatures line these places. Adults and kids can marvel at nature. Try not to squish anything as you amble the beaches. If you look down you will notice tiny air holes, you may have stumbled upon more creatures and even their entire neighborhood. So if you see these tiny holes maybe find a place to walk where they are not. Better to keep our other neighbors alive for future visitors than to trample them down as we do so much of this planet.

Enjoy the stay on the coast.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Health care or health nightmare?

Americans have long had a history with taking pills to enhance health. Or so we were taught and instructed from the forties and beyond. In these last five years there has been a shift. The kind of shift that has harmed millions. And is going to harm many more if our government will not step in.

Falls, fractures, basic medical care seriously lacking in Oregon.

From infections in the sinus' to fractures from falls. Patients given three days of pain medications, no availability of good primary care doctors. Rules implemented out of fear and reprisal from the DEA. Doctors and all medical care providers acting like police and probationers. Demanding drug screens, limiting medication amounts, even when instructions are to take multiple pills if needed.  Doctors telling patients, "it's just business."

Business is something we operate to try to make money. Now, health care has become nothing but a huge trillion dollar business. With so much profit to be made by forcing people to see their doctors every quarter. Then telling people they have to fill out health surveys and answer health information insurance questions. If you don't, you might loose any health insurance. Or be forced to pay the IRS fines for not having health insurance? What is wrong with this picture?

Perhaps Doctors need to file a class actions suit against the Drug enforcement agency of America. For interfering in the health care of Americans.

Unfortunately, the truth is the DEA has never,'told', any hospital or Doctor to do anything. They merely have suggested they monitor patients better who they prescribe pain medications to.

 The DEA has followed up with arresting and incarcerating doctors and pharmacists that have over prescribed in their eyes. 

What has happened? The fear of reprisal from the Federal government?

Hospitals and clinics have refused to treat pain. They will talk to you for the three or four hundred dollars, they will not give you pain medications for more than 3 days with fractures, torn muscles and too many other injuries to list.

How are we going to fix things? A uniformed health care system like Canada where people are treated and medications are given. With a clear understanding health is something each of us control. And when the time comes we need a pill we get one. Americans need to fight back, if we truly care about our health, we must demand better treatment. And get the DEA and IRS out of health care.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Group think - dangeous forms of employee assault

Everything on this planet faces some sort of trouble. Nothing is perfect. In life we have an opportunity to give of ourselves to help others. Or be selfish and self-centered driven by our fears of reprisal we can harm others.
We throw aside opportunities for friendship and camaraderie for vile, verbal reproach and we practice character assignation.

Recent events in life have shown great resolve and a true proof that group think is alive and well in the nursing field.
Stories have been written and heard about nurses going after nurses. Or nurses eat their young. Worse is the younger nurse targeting the older one.

Group think is vicious and mean.

Group think defined by Merriam Webster online: a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

Group think has a rich history filled with burning women labeled as witches in Salem.

One person begins with hateful, nasty comments about another person. Criticizing how they talk, their tone, the way they word things. Then comes the comments about their stupidity or lower I.q. We label and categorize every thing.

When, is it all right to allow people to attack one another verbally or get a group together. To get one employee fired. Lets get rid of her or him.

The sentence; loss of income, loss of friendships, loss of opportunity, loss of career? How far does the group think go?

Truth hidden at every turn,. Lies and anger allowed to flow. Until blood is spilled. That is how the women were burned, and men crucified. Words written so long ago seem to fill the air.

Let ye who has not sinned cast the first stone.

This is why Jesus was crucified, not because of relations. Because they were afraid of him. Group think.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Desparate times can cause death

Tears can not ease the now suffering of those that surround you. You have within your power the opportunity to change how these people behave, and you do nothing.

Silence is how I lived inside silent until now.

You have unleashed a power in me that will be your unraveling.

Time for you to think of me as your worst nightmare. The one that you die in? No, the one where they all hate you, laugh at you, tease you endlessly. And you have to take it.

Bittersweet the tears she cries are for your sick souls that have nothing but hatred and lies in them. Filth begets filth. All your so called friends are liars and so are you. Hate yourselves for hating me.

Then know in your minds you have created what is to come. There is nothing greater than the wrath of those so angered by ignorance. To spill upon the ground my heart is what you have succeeded in doing.

Your first mistake was coming at me with threats. Your second mistake was coming at me.


Michael had known for years John was a town drunk. He knew him when they were kids. But the suicide note didn't tell him much. John was angry about something but what? Jean told Michael she wanted to leave John but couldn't because of the children. The usual case of he did her wrong and she still loved him no matter what. But why now, why kill himself. John's lifeless body holding the gun lay there. Michael just couldn't understand why.
The blood stained note all that was left from years of drunkenness. Years of sorrow. Jean was free now but was she really? John had no money, no life insurance, he left her nothing. What now, what kind of investigation when he was labeled the town drunk, maybe open and shut.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Physician sponsored urine drug screening-not medically necessary

Years of Americans following green lights, red lights and yellow lights. Like sheep running with a trained dog next to them, keeping everyone in a group.  Americans have become the sheep.

Forced Health insurance passed by Congress under the name, The Affordable Health Care Act. Turned our bodies into small businesses.

Health care is not health insurance. Health care is what we do to our bodies. What we put in them, what we eat, how we take care of them. Exercise, good nutritious foods, even some vaccines can greatly change your health when you are getting older.

The American food industry created tasty morsels of processed foods that led to an increase in diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Then came drug wars. Now, here we are watching a new drug war unleash upon the people of America by Physicians.

The DEA sent out letters to all physicians asking them to create a monitoring program for all those patients they had prescribed narcotics to. The DEA wasn't looking for any solutions to drug overdoses they are merely looking for control.

Ask any Physician - Under what license are you now violating my right to privacy and my right to silence? They will try to give some professional medical answer to justify their drug screening polices. They have none. You and your family are not on probation, nor have you broken the law. The DEA has turned medical practices into policing agencies.

When read your Miranda rights, it says, "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law". What so many government agencies have been counting on is your lax attitude and your fear of reprisal.  Under the law, Doctors may very well be violating your right to privacy. And all though, many people are for drug testing, the truth is, they can have terrible consequences for your health care.
A better practice for a medical provider, would be to have patients sign acknowledgements. Legally binding documents that would clearly spell out: since I am prescribing medications, if you the patient do not tell me the truth and you die as a result of your lies Your family can not hold me liable for your actions. Far to simple, way to easy. This new idea would clearly let a person know the Doctor may in fact kill you; by not knowing what you are ingesting.

Urine drug screens cost the consumer money. Many insurance carriers will not cover the cost, stating urine drug screenings are medically unnecessary. Urine drug screens have costs that have jumped over 1000 percent. These same tests can cause higher insurance premiums. Meanwhile, labs and doctors are making huge profits from these so called invaluable tests. Physician sponsored urine drug screening-not medically necessary.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Forced Urine Drug tests and Consequences of failing

Right now hundreds of thousands of patients across America have been drug tested as a wave of paranoia and panic loom over physicians.
The Hippocratic oath means nothing, now that the DEA has begun to jail and imprison unscrupulous Doctors.

Pain patients have been told they must submit to drug tests routinely or go without their precious pain fighting medications. Or what is worse, Doctors prescribe medications that are used for seizures, that may help with nerve pain. The side effects of these drugs can be catastrophic. Kidney failure, liver failure, heart failure, increased difficulty with vision.

Washington has long known the United States has drug issues. Instead of legalization and allowing people to open businesses responsibly. Washington politics have policed this once great nation into a slave factory of workers who are becoming more and more disgruntled.

Some physicians have turned patients away, stating,"It is easy to listen to them and tell them no. I am sorry but I am not taking any new patients."

And as things change in 2015, baby boomers who once had feeling's of being so self assured that there medications would be there, are finding they are not.

Forced urine drug tests may be a civil violation of personal right to say, no. This writer has found no current law suits to cover this new attack on the people of the United States.  But if you say no, you are told no by the physician and they will not prescribe any narcotics.Worse yet, if the urine drug tests fail, this stays on your medical record and goes from doctor to doctor. Each believing you are now a problem patient.

Another problem now arising, Insurance companies are refusing to pay for these drug tests, believing they are not necessary in he medical treatment of patients. Which leaves the patient to cover the costs. Costs ranging from one hundred to one thousand dollars. A ridiculous amount of money for a pee cup that costs under twenty dollars in most states.
Forced urine drug tests and consequences of failing, seem to out weigh good medical judgement and treatment.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Baby boomers attacked - DEA involved in billion dollar scandal

One man at the Emergency room states,"This is worse than when I was a kid in the 40's, what the hell is wrong with you people can't you see she is in serious pain."

I watched this scene play out as if I were in a horror film where the killer toys with each person and slowly cuts them. But this was a woman past her prime, in her supposed golden years. She had tripped and fallen down. Her arm was wrapped, I could see a partial bone protruding the attempt to make a fast dressing. I observed as the staff just seemed to ignore her.

Right now, across the state of Oregon signs have gone up at every medical office building around the state. "We will not prescribe narcotics on your first visit."

I guess we can all go home now a shoot ourselves. After we have sustained injuries. The DEA created a nightmare when they attacked Hydrocodone sales in the United States. The numbers they were given from hospitals about suicides and overdoses were all from Hydrocodone deaths, around 76,000. Under one percent of the population. Americas population is over 350 million.

DEA has opened this billion dollar franchise by seizing properties and arresting Doctors, Pharmacists and even nurses across the country. None of this was about good health care. Here are some of the numbers we found:

The DEA recorded 16,007 cash seizures totaling almost $616 million 2003-2007 this data is very old. You can imagine the new numbers they are showing. 

This now trillion dollar business has no intention on letting up on its supposed drug war. These agencies are making trillions. If they legalize drugs their rain of terror and threats against the common person stops. Not all together, but the legalization of drugs would in fact cut their profits by as much as 2/3. No way does our government want that to happen.

Just like the days when Mafia ruled the United States, these men and women have begun to force medical providers into the dark ages.
Not just by letters or threats and intimidation. By imprisoning Doctors.

The baby boomers population may have to march into the streets demanding legalization of drugs. Or at the very least, for the DEA to leave the medical providers alone to do their jobs.

To leave any person to suffer is far beyond this writers idea of good health care. Perhaps the new road is to make us all suffer more, so we really appreciate what we have. Baby Boomers are being attacked and the DEA is involved in billion dollar scandal. Shame on our leaders for making laws that scare medical providers into failing to treat those who are in pain and suffering.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lost then found

A short time ago I wrote about our youngest son being missing. The intense feelings of loss, fear and anger that go with not knowing where someone is. I shared how I began calling hospitals, nursing homes, then the coroners. We went through endless sleepless nights. Days of worrying that took our minds away from work.

Many things have changed in me over the last five and half months. My longing for glory as a writer has diminished. The desire to continue work in the medial field has left me. My thoughts of having a big house, nicer cars, better stuff, all gone. Our relationship was tested over these months. We have been together for 24 years. Nearly his lifetime. My thought has been, how can family just stop talking to you? I understand this from my own brother, who only communicates with me every four or five years, or when he remembers I exist.

Relationships are strange delicate things. We each are vying for something in them. Some want sex, some money, some drugs, some a place to live, a car to use, or food to eat. Even alcohol can be the factor that keeps us talking and hanging out. Relationships get tested when we begin to play our own games.

Family is an unbearable mark of sadness for me. Mine was so abusive I ran away at 13. To only find that other adults can make quick victims of us as children. My journey through this life has been marred with emotional darkness many people never see. Women and men who hated me so bad they wished me dead, and some tired. Employers who have wished to end my career.

By my own hand I played a part in each negative and positive situation. Lovers with whom I had a physical attraction so strong I would have died for them. Yet they lost me through abuse and lies.

Emotional and mental hurt I clearly understand. People can be cruel. We can raise each other to great heights or descend into the pits of hell. We are like little gods and goddess's ever playing our roles out amongst each other. We have done battle emotionally, and many of us have just grown tired of the games.

You can read on Craigslist the dark desires of those who can not find fulfillment in the bed room. Those who long to have romance. Those who just want to cuddle. Just to have physical contact. An ever relenting chase for comfort of some kind.

My desires have been simplified with the knowledge that our youngest son was missing, possibly dead. My journey with my spouse exposed us to a darkness neither of us had ever expected.  I thought I would just lay down and die. But then a call comes in telling us he is alive. We both wept like babies. Each seeking to allow the realty to get into, and knock away the dark thoughts and emotions we had now growing in us.

My career in flames but my step son is alive. No other joy has ever been so great. Other than when my wife entrusted me as a parent to her children. I bore great responsibility for them and have always felt they were mine. But I do not own them. I am not of their flesh and blood. I am but a distant reminder to them of the pain they endured as children with divorce. There is no worse a human than one who steps into a father or mothers place. At least in some peoples eyes. And so as the forbidden step parent, I am today saved because he lives.

Truth be told if I had one last breath to give I would give that to him. I have always loved that young man as my own. There is no greater pain or pride than to love a child, see them grow and falter and get hurt over and over. To not coddle them, but to allow them to grow to their fullest potential. I am grateful he is alive. I am grateful my spouse does not have to bury a son. I am more grateful I have learned about this sometimes sad, sometimes happy journey with missing persons. To all those who still have missing persons you are searching for, may they all be found. Closure is so important. We are fortunate he was lost, then found.

Written by: Derrick A Jasper February 19th 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oregon Registries violation of law and privacy? Marijuana and now narcotic patients names listed

 In Oregon over two sessions ago the state legislator created another registry. Instead of marijuana patients, medical providers now list everyone who has been prescribed narcotics. Many medical Doctors will not list your name on the registry as they do see this as a violation of your right to privacy. However, the DEA sent a strong letter out to every Doctor around this country letting them know they must monitor their narcotic using patients more closely or they could loose their medical license.

Forced urine drug tests that have now sky rocketed in price to finance the greed of laboratories. And blood tests as well. With forced health insurance we are going to see many changes. These changes have nothing to do with good health care.

As a lay person I do not know if there is any law to disallow this action. However, as a medical person I was shocked. Not only are we listing personal medical information for the anyone in law enforcement. We have just violated your right to privacy afforded you through HIPPA.  Your name, lets them know you are being treated medically for something causing you physical pain.That information is part of your medical record history.

I am not a lawyer. If you feel this information is in error please feel free to comment. If you find this information as alarming as I did. There are things you can do.

Since finding out these issues, I have spoken to many persons who do not seem to care. They just want their medications and are afraid they will loose them if they say any thing. This is exactly why we must take action.

America has fallen victim to the belief if we only lock you up, you will change. We can now force you into treatment with the new health insurance laws. We can force you to leave your jobs if you do not comply. American policies have gone to far. And Oregon has violated our rights far to long.

Any state that moves to create registries to list your identity has gone to far. We created lists in WWII and WWI out of fear and ignorance,  we locked up hundreds of thousands of citizens because we were afraid.

The supposed war on drugs has created a billion dollar industry that supports law enforcement. Any unscrupulous person using these lists can create issues for us all. 

Oregon needs a wake up call immediately. Contact the following individuals with a letter explaining your case and care with narcotics. Be short and to the point. Strongly let them know you do NOT want your name or any medical information given to any law enforcement personnel this is a violation of your right to privacy and due process under the law. Let your Doctor know the same thing.

 If you have a criminal history, that does not mean you are a bad person trying to be good. You screwed up, moved on and changed. We just want to have this process ended in Oregon now. Since Marijuana is illegal federally I can understand creating a registry. However, that same registry is illegal for the very same reasons.

You can also contact the following individuals and the Disability Rights of Oregon at 1-800-452-1694. Write out your concerns and be short and clear. Any listing of your name is one step away from getting your medical history. Any registry listing names is a violation of your right to privacy. And due process under the law. Unless you are a criminal and on probation. People who need medications for pain are not criminals and should have never been placed on any registry by Oregon or any other state.

Doctors should not have to fear loosing their licenses for prescribing narcotics. Good health care has nothing to do with insurance, registries or lists of any kind. If we wanted to be in a study group medically, we are listed by number, not name. And please contact any attorney that covers this issue as this may become a class action suit against the state. If our government wants to move against us we have to push back.

People who break the law are forced to have drug tests and pay for them. Not the general public.  The mere idea of your name listed for any law enforcement to see could even set you up to be a victim of unscrupulous police activities. These lists need to be ended immediately. Please help me to see this through. You may also contact the ACLU and the next governor of Oregon Kate Brown Executive Office at:

136 State Capitol
Salem OR 97310-0722
Fax 503-986-1616

Merkley, Jeff - (D - OR) Class II
313 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3753
horizontal line
Wyden, Ron - (D - OR) Class III
221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5244
horizontal line