
Saturday, May 28, 2016

A thought or two

Now that nearly everyone has had a chance to cast a vote. Do you really care any more?

There are so many days rolling by in one lifetime. That life may be measured by hardships, good fortunes, death, new life, new love, new companions.

We people of America, we endure. And haven't we endured long enough?

There was a waking time of mankind. When Columbus made his discoveries. That had all ready been discovered.

Like ego filled maniacs, we race off to cast a vote.

While delegates are chosen. They are the ones who will try to carry the will of the people?

No, unfortunately they can do what ever they want. Their people too. With strong feelings and agendas.

There are more players here than at a Blackjack tournament. And what does any of this have to do with how you feel?

Get in line. No one will ever really get what they want. Maybe, just maybe, someone will wake up.
Or many someones may wake up.

This political season isn't over just yet. So hang in there cowboys and cowgirls. We may be in for the ride of a lifetime.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Surrender Give up your guns America - surrender unwated firearms

The planet we all live on, can only house a few of everything. We humans have taken over, and now dictate what will live and die.

Men created guns as a way to fight nature and negative human behavior. In the old west, a man would be shot or hung for stealing cattle, wood, or any thing that was needed to survive. Times changed, people grew.

Intellect and religion made men believe they could have all the power they could work for. Guns made a mans life easier in the wilderness. An efficient way to kill for food and sport. Millions enjoy hunting.

Times have changed again. With billions of mouths to feed and food dwindling. Men in government positions have decided only the ultra rich will hunt for sport. The rest of us better pack up our farms and ranches, make way for highways, hotels and casinos. In the name of progress.

Some thing in America is different. A serious tone. A war cry from those who have lost loved ones to gunfire. A movement that has gotten the attention of political leaders like never before. While one hand dips into the NRA, the other reaches out to families promising changes.

What is really happening? Across America cities and towns have begun to initiate give up your firearms.

This movement comes with increased boarder patrol. Are they trying to keep immigrants out, or all of us in? With talks about fencing in all of America, which sounds more like enslaving us. Our political leaders with Police, military and boarder patrol have all begun to surf the lands, from home to home.

Homes invaded for county and city violations. Those same simple violations used to get a person a ticket. Now, can end up with you or your family being carted off to jails, nursing homes and prisons. Your properties taken. Any weapons confiscated are never returned to any family.

Most of us are too busy texting, sexting, and or talking on our cell phones to care. We crave technology and money.

Our lust for more has been used to over step, and side step the Constitution Of the United States. Patriot act laws established. These laws  have turned on American citizens. Once free and filled with choices. Americans are facing limits. A new kind of oppression. 

This could be an Orson Wells novel. Better yet a Steven Spielberg movie. Unfortunately, for Americans, the next ten years will be very hard to take. No matter what side your on, imagine if a national disaster happened that was so bad, most of the people here die.

Then imagine what would happen as other countries decided it was time to come calling. Think about that for awhile, without a gun.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

American style Political nigthmare

America has seen her share of issues. Every country has issues. Mostly due to human behavior. One side wants to control the behavior. The other side wants to be left alone. Too many sides and the nation gets grid locked.

From the outside world, America once looked like a haven. A safe place to go when other nation's were in term oil.

Fueled by financial oppression. Americans have begun to listen.

Donald Trump holds all aces, as he verbally assaults other candidates. Hilary Clinton is a liar. So is Donald Trump. She seems to be better at it and much quieter. Telling every one Bernie Sanders is too old and will die soon. Donald Trump's words get people motivated.

Donald Trump invokes negative action from voters. he then tells people he will pay for their legal fees and he does nothing. He lies over and over, yet millions are voting for him.

The name calling, general put downs, lies and bad behavior of one Republican candidate makes the world dance. United by incivility. Americans of all walks of life are rallying their support for this mean spirited being to become President.

Incited by his words. perhaps true or perhaps just used to capture the votes. Donald Trump is an expert at lying. Using the media to gain himself a shot at the biggest prize: becoming President of the United States of America.

Wait, wait don't tell me; baby boomers are rushing to his side. The same baby boomers who bought that every thing was fine. The same generation that kept lying to the next generations over and over.

Watching  and doing nothing as college tuition climaxed beyond the average citizens ability to pay. As forced health insurance was made law. While Social security was secretly beginning to be dismantled. Women's right taken back to the fifties, even further. 

Laws established, that force all working Americans to pay the highest for medical care, than any other country in the world. Our current leader Barrack Obama told us we needed to be different from other nations. Social medicine wasn't for this nation, unified health care wasn't for this nation. He created a scam, to pull trillions off of the markets and into health insurance.

We have sold our bodies as small corporations. Americans are paying for that business with our lives. The care never improved, we just get to have more taken from our paychecks.

The baby boomers, who allowed the federal government to turn away from the people and enhance its own military authority. After the movement in the sixties.

Finally, a man who is white, rich and loud mouthed. Standing up telling the nation, how bad the world is. How terrible our economy is. A man who uses immigrants to staff his hotels and pays them minimum wage. A man who has taken multiple bankruptcies because he couldn't figure out how to pay his bills?

The school yard bully, who with his mouth and paid bullies now tells America he is the answer. The answer to what exactly? This is what the other half of voters are asking.

Words change when men become president. Actions change. Deeds change. While this nation may be broken. This nation has never been unified about health care and the needs of all people including those in political offices. We want to end social programs, they cost us. We want to end Social security. It isn't solvent. That is what is really being said.

We lavish our attention to a foul spirited man, who is not our friend as workers. He is an employer, he is his own corporation. He is not a man with whom any presidency ought to be given. If he can not keep his mouth shut, act in a responsible manner towards others. He then, is inciting negative actions in our citizens. This could result in a war like America has never seen before. From within it's own boarders.

Hitler did the same thing and millions cheered him on.  Millions were murdered, tattooed and experimented on. One class of citizens didn't find Hitler the great leader they had hoped for.

The military is waiting to be called up against any threat to this nations government. The people no longer have a real vote. The presidency is seen as a playing filed for those most wealthy to see how much they can cut into the workers checks. Be mindful of wolves in sheep clothing.

American style Political nightmare.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

No Tax refund? Social Security over payments?

America has a another government program.The Department of Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS). This department has the authority to collect tax refunds, for past due debts. Including child support, and over payments from Social Security.

This year, for the 2015 tax season, the BFS has seized millions of Americans tax refunds.

All tax payers become excited at years end. Many are sure they might get a refund.Then a letter comes explaining the refund is being used to pay debt.

Obviously, these debts need to be paid. Too take one hundred percent of a tax refund seems a bit harsh. Especially when people are on fixed incomes. This is exactly what millions of Americans are now facing.

Interestingly. Tax refunds fall this year exactly at the same time we have a heated political race.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Amazon sales troubles

Amazon was the brain child of Jeff Bezos technology entrepreneur. He has made billions.

Net worth aside, customers in America are beginning to see a pattern of bad sales, poor customer service. And a general feeling of being taken to the financial cleaners. All though you can give sellers feedback. There seems to be little resolution for bad products.

1. Computer logins not functioning

2. Cameras that won't take pictures

3. Piano keyboards malfunctioning

To give Amazon some credit. They have told people who wish to sell with them. You must state if a product is used or refurbished prior to any sales.

With millions of products, Amazon hasn't had much success cutting down the problems. If Amazon wants to be fresh. They must give customers a hot line to resolve issues. And make sure the people who work on it, can speak and understand the language of each the customer.

Otherwise, Amazon will never be able to compete with a similar new startup online business that offers real help.

Customer service  and professionalism are still key. Even in today's global economy.