
Friday, January 29, 2016

Mental health acts, Terrorist laws - 12 year old girl murdered by police?

What the hell is going on in America? Stories about police discharging a gun. Shooting through a mans arm while serving an eviction notice,  killing his twelve year old daughter. Telling every one the father leveled a rifle at the officer. Then charging the father with manslaughter, murder and whatever else trumped up crap the police can toss in. Telling the public the man was being evicted, he was not to own guns because he has a mental illness?

This is a nation being ripped apart by people with guns. And Police want to take them all away it appears. Then the police can rain supreme holly terror on the public? That is, what these news stories bring to many people's minds.

The days of protect and serve are long gone. If something isn't done to tell police to try non violent methods first, we all might wanna pack up the wagon trains and head for free lands. Where ever that might be.

Dam nice of the police to charge the father and lock him up right after the police killed the child. Mental health acts, terrorist laws? Are we even in America any more?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Free citizens no more - Ammon Bundy jailed

Americans have been taught for years to stay out of law enforcement's way and to behave. Follow American laws, you get to drive around this great nation without a care in the world.

But cross the path with law enforcement, you might end up dead. That is a clear message sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When they acted on Ammon Bundy and his followers, who had taken over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon yesterday.

The will of the people in Oregon was heard loud and clear. In a time when children are picking up guns and killing people. And, there are people who have hatred in the hearts for America. They will blow themselves up, killing whoever is around them. Or chop off our heads for their cause.

The news flashed last night around seven. Militia members are brought down. Men from several different states. These violent protesters who threatened our way of life in Oregon, all believe the Federal government has over stepped it's bounds with the people.
Maybe these militia men should have started about two hundred fifty years ago. They might have had a chance to change the course of politics in this nation. With a human population over 300 billion, killing is becoming the way to deal with unruly people.

Are these times telling America a sad truth - freedom is what the government gives you as long as you play well in the sand box. Continue feeding the ubber wealthy. And watch, as all the politicians pat themselves on the back for one more job well done.

Ammon Bundy and his followers will now experience being locked up. How long will their sentences be? What crimes did they commit? And of course we know the jury of peers are tired American people who work day after pathetic day just trying to pay their bills and keep the debt as low as possible. They just want to go home. And if they try to empathize with Ammon Bundy's view point, the judge will most likely just enter his or her verdict without a jury if need be.

And we will read the closing notes. Sentenced to fifty years in prison for violating Federal Laws. We are a nation of lawless, unruly people. have no fear though, if the police, boarder patrol, F.B.I. or C.I.A. can't control things we have the national guard then the Army, Marines and Navy.  They all work for the ubber wealthy and politicians. We call what they do; for the good of our national interests.

Ammon Bundy has now met the entire crew who will keep him locked up for however long they can under what ever charges they create. To satisfy shutting him up and down. We all should feel much safer knowing these violent men are in jail now. These gun toting protesters in America. They are free citizens no more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bundy Arrested in Oregon

Our tax dollars have paid off. Ammon Bundy was captured. Unfortunately, the rest of the tribe will now experience a new level in national security unless they lay their arms down and give up.

Oregon government has made it's stand clear. The take over of Malheur National Wildlife refuge was unacceptable. And this display of lawlessness could not be tolerated. Governor Kate Brown had her wish happen when Federal Bureau of Investigation took over.

And tonight the story breaks that Ammon Bundy was arrested while involved in a traffic stop.

What's the world coming to when Law enforcement does well? Congrats F.B.I. and Governor Kate Brown. Bundy arrested in Oregon.

Cut off - Ammon Bundy's last stand

Ammon Bundy is a ranch man who came to Oregon to help the Hammond family spread the word about the Federal government reclaiming lands for public use. They took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

One side wants Ammon Bundy to go. The other side are ranchers and families who have watched this same situation play out year after year. The Hammond's are just one stubborn family who didn't want to sell out. Unfortunately, people do not protest like they once did.

And what about a rouge rancher whose voice the Federal government has grown tired of hearing? They will just wait him out. Cut off all electricity, ask the Oregon press to cut off publication since no other news agency seems to care. And the town businesses may even have decided to cut off sales of any food or drink to any body affiliated with Ammon Bundy.

Out of town, out of luck. When the big guns tell the world to stop helping you, they do. We are a society of haters, who do not care about ranchers loosing their lands. Because once reclaimed by our government; our main stream society can go play on land that was once these ranchers homes. We huntsmen of the forest, we hikers, we bikers, we families with kids, bird watchers and all. We never shed a tear for the loss of someone's land, or home. We have become numb.

Cut off - Ammon Bundy's last stand?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ammon Bundy in Oregon Stand Off with F.B.I.

The Federal Bureau  of Investigation have arrived in Oregon to fixed the stand off at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

City folk and many country folks, will never understand the feeling of looking over the range and seeing the heard grazing. A rancher knows the cattle and the way they eat will bring good prices at market. This is how The Hammond's and Ammon Bundy who are fighting with the Federal government make their living, ranching.

The Hammond's were wrongly convicted of burning lands. For years the BLM and United States Forest Service have wanted the ranches in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge forest area.

Federal Government employees, used illegal tactics to get families to sell out. When that failed in some cases, these federal employees flooded the lands, forcing families off the lands with nothing. Most everyone left. The Hammond's stayed.

These two agencies, the United States Forest Service and the Bureau Land Management, utilized a Federal Judge to imprison the father and son ranchers for 5 years after they set fire to some of the lands to prevent further damage from forest fires. The Hammond's had done this for years without any legal problems.

The story is much larger than this shorter version. The Hammond ranch practically sits in the middle of the Governments targeted Federal forest area. After running all the other families out. 
The employees of the Federal government decided they would use the Hammond's naivety about the laws to crush them. Take out the father and son, the rest of the Hammond's were weaker.

Mr. Ammon Bundy came to Oregon to protest the United States governments interference and take over of public lands that people have farmed and ranched for years.  Mr. Bundy told F.B.I. release the Hammond's and we'll see how things go. To settle the stand off at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

If any law enforcement or government personnel believe they are able to contain the outrage of American citizens by continually imprisoning people, they are wrong.  Oregonian's may not like the fact that Ammon Bundy came here to help the Hammond's and to try to get people to stand up against this sort of coercion.

The actions of one man may indeed anger others. To shut up, lay down, and allow our elected national leaders, sworn in law officials and others to illegally lock us up and steal our lands must stop. Perhaps this is the message they are trying so hard to get us to hear and understand. The oppression we allow now, will be the oppression we experience later.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gas Price wars

Listening to NPR. We over here the announcer stating something about a small town having gas wars. The result, gas as low as .49 cents a gallon.

I laughed and said,

"You know, when gas was in the thirty dollar range I was a kid in 1974. Dang getting older too fast.I knew that the current rate was way over priced and we the payers are being hosed, literally.

So why isn't every town and hamlet dropping gas prices to the prices they should be? Well greed, and more greed. And just down right greedy people. We can't force the gas stations to lower prices. We can ask nicely if they would consider helping out their towns.

Over all, gas prices should have dropped like a log torn down from the forest. Just a loud yes. Possibly heard around the globe. But why should we Americans pay such high prices for everything, including gasoline? Because we are in America? Just for the privilege to be here? Or exist maybe?

We only need one store owner to begin dropping the gas prices. Then another. They will still make money. This twist in the economics is rather angering. When I know, we shouldn't  pay over fifty cents a gallon. And that may even be too generous, since these thieves of our hard earned labors get theirs, while we roast under the flames of their greediness that knows untold limits.

Perhaps on the Oregon coast some may be persuaded to give a person a break this year. Fred Meyers has stepped up to start the wars. Just heading into Florence Oregon gas was seen at $1.99 a gallon. All I can say is,

"Hey Fred keep on going. Pull that buck away and we might start to get some where."

Lets all be so lucky to have gas price wars.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Congratulations California, Texas and Tennessee power ball biggest winners January 2016

Even more hand shaking and congrats to all those Republican winners. Or, they could be Democrats. Their political affiliation surely doesn't mean a thing, in this day and age. Would be nice to know.

Time out for good behavior. And a little luck you could be the next big winner. Power ball officials say typically the power ball will stay low right after a huge win. People get frustrated even though the game is only for fun.

Don't toss out your lucky numbers. If you continue to play, you never know it might be your numbers they draw. You may be one game away from a perfect ticket that gives you a financial boost.

Congratulations to all who won, and all who tried so hard to win.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are you the next American Billionaire?

Good evening, thank you America for giving us this opportunity to have your money. And we want to thank all the little people in our lives that really never mattered any way. We can just imagine what people are saying around the country tonight as another drawing takes place for the power ball.

And so the winner is, or not? Will the power ball become mega wonder ball, and continue to grow? Or is tonight the final drama for this very exciting time in American history. 

Power ball has made it clear the game is on. Monies collected are now going above 1.5 billion.

By the time the drawing takes place several states could have new winners in the millions. Or one lucky person or persons could share the grand jack pot in this new power ball race of the century.

For all of those who didn't buy a ticket, please don't go asking the winners for money. And for the rest of us who spent our small fortunes on tonight's drawing,  good luck seems like a sad love song. Maybe we will just say - best wishes for a new lifestyle.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Oh man oh man. You can all most smell all that money flying around. Uncle Sam will have the biggest pay day ever. And you can too. Only if you bought a Power ball ticket.

The lucky ticket could be in the hot state of Florida or even New York. Rumors over the internet suggest a few wealthy folks have invested over a million or so to bring the jack pot up, unable to confirm that one.

What would you do with all that money? Giving, party, buy your entire town a drink?

Pay bills is the number one answer. How sad, many of us are in so much debt we pray for a winning jackpot ticket. Praying for a ticket has worked for some in the past and today might be the first time you talk to the maker.

If you are one of the really lucky players, hitting five balls still nets you a million. Or even more if you paid for the kicker. Power ball could pay out to several folks in this category and still have a huge jack pot for the next draw.

Over hearing a conversation, a man telling his girlfriend if they won he would get her what ever she wanted. Be careful what you say to others. Legal experts do say you can enter into a verbal contract only if your state allows you to do so. However, courts have held up a person telling another they would give them money, so be careful.

One billion dollars can have a profound effect on the winner or winners. Be kind to yourself and others, no matter if you win tonight or not. GOOD LUCK AMERICA

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lottery Mania January 2016

Every state news agency has begun to advertise the enormous amount of money collected in the current Power Ball lottery.

Changes were made a few years ago to allow for larger jackpots. January 2016 may be the biggest jackpot ever. Closing in on one billion dollars. Such a hefty amount has caused even the most prudent to buy tickets.

Many jokes were made about Mindy Crandall. a young woman who gave Mrs. Gloria C Mackenzie an older woman, a pass in front of her at a grocery store. That pass prevented Mindy from reaping the massive five hundred million power ball jackpot. Because Gloria purchased the winning ticket. Mindy wasn't upset she told reporters, she wanted her daughter to learn a lesson. 

Second, doesn't even matter in this power ball run off to infinite destiny. But hold on there. When Uncle Sam gets their cut at approximately 40 percent or more. Then your local state gets a cut at another ten percent or more. Add to that the cost of a lawyer, accountant and your friendly IRS guys. Well that 800 million in your pocket looks more like a mere three or four hundred million.

And if your lucky enough not to get ripped off. Than you might just have enough to cover your families bills for the next fifty years or so. Especially the way commodities are rising.

That hefty sum of money can bring any one's life a golden opportunity. Good luck to all the players out there.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Oregon, "An unruly state."

On CNN today Oregon has been referred to as an, "unruly state."

Watching the Hammond's on this tiny window today. Reminded me of a story about a rancher in New Mexico who had a stand off with the Forest Department and United States Military.

Back then the old man just wanted to stay on his ranch and live out his life without being told to move by the government. That battle was won on the side of the rancher.

Seems that New Mexico story is a far cry from what we read. The Hammond Father and son duo were illegally charged by the government in order to get them off the land. The entire story can be found at the Conservative tree house .com. The Hammond's story is exactly what our nations leaders do with the monies they have collected from us.

American justice will not be found in the war cries of a few. But when a nation rattles it's fists in rejection to inflated ego's of the government that is suppose to serve the people. Then, perhaps the people we will be heard, for the better.

How is ending a ranchers livelihood going to preserve anything for his family?

One thing pops into this situation: the government, in serving the will of the people, have the right to relocate any person or persons in this nation if that serves the greater good. The government could have used eminent domain and did not. Unfortunately, the Forest department is saying that this land is needed to complete the Malheur National Wildlife refuge. And in fact the Hammond's have caused irreparable harm to the lands by grazing them.

Perhaps, the government is just attempting to reduce the cattle foot print. With all the talks on pollution, the hog population of ranches seem to be worse than cows.

Even if the BLM and Fish and Wildlife crush this family under foot. They will not have saved any land for others. They have been locking down this area for a awhile. There may be minerals or they want to begin Fracking with all that fresh water in there.

The sentences for both men should be thrown out. Because if they lock up these two innocent men. We all need to bar the door. Because in a short time, Uncle Sam will come to your house. And what it looks like now, is the government is moving ranchers into the city. While taking the land under whatever scheme they wish to concoct.

Uncle Sam began moving people off large ranches years ago. The BLM and Fish & Wildlife have been steadily collecting large swaths of land. Once collected, they let drilling companies in, or the ultra wealthy for guided private hunts. And close these lands down to the public whenever they choose.

The Hammond's need a President at this point to tell the BLM, and Fish & Wildlife to leave these people alone.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Broken Vows

Millions of souls this last year received the right to marry. Just like everyone else divorce will see an increase.

What the marriage vows were suppose to do was procure a woman to a man in exchange of property years ago in its creation. Children, at one time were given to other families to cover debts owed.

Marriage to many religious souls, is a commitment not taken lightly. To be entered into for the lifespan of both, or till death do us part.

However, humans have turned marriage into a sort of cloak and dagger game of wills. To some marriage is nothing more than a place to hide.

Others feel they own their partner, and have the right to do whatever they please physically to them. There are those, who hold onto the traditions of long ago. Let's make babies and populate the earth.

Marriage was a creation of man. Men have ruled this planet with a death grip ever since standing up and walking on her. Some men feel if you betray them in the bedroom you should be stoned to death. Even if that man lies to get a new wife because he is tired of the old one.

The broken oath comes in many forms. Lies, cheaters, lack of sensuality. Lack of good listening skills. Lack of sexual activity. Illness can and does drive men away.

Men and women feeling they are no longer supported emotionally or physically. Once those vows are broken, we cremate each other in court.

Those once stated vows, now tossed on their proverbial head. The vows taken in passion, taken in lust. Taken even under the belief of love.

Marriage vows taken, meaning nothing. An uttering of useless material, used to gain a partner for a temporary need.

Millions will walk away from their vows and never remarry. The broken vows lay upon the ground, as trash under our feet.