
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Oregon, "An unruly state."

On CNN today Oregon has been referred to as an, "unruly state."

Watching the Hammond's on this tiny window today. Reminded me of a story about a rancher in New Mexico who had a stand off with the Forest Department and United States Military.

Back then the old man just wanted to stay on his ranch and live out his life without being told to move by the government. That battle was won on the side of the rancher.

Seems that New Mexico story is a far cry from what we read. The Hammond Father and son duo were illegally charged by the government in order to get them off the land. The entire story can be found at the Conservative tree house .com. The Hammond's story is exactly what our nations leaders do with the monies they have collected from us.

American justice will not be found in the war cries of a few. But when a nation rattles it's fists in rejection to inflated ego's of the government that is suppose to serve the people. Then, perhaps the people we will be heard, for the better.

How is ending a ranchers livelihood going to preserve anything for his family?

One thing pops into this situation: the government, in serving the will of the people, have the right to relocate any person or persons in this nation if that serves the greater good. The government could have used eminent domain and did not. Unfortunately, the Forest department is saying that this land is needed to complete the Malheur National Wildlife refuge. And in fact the Hammond's have caused irreparable harm to the lands by grazing them.

Perhaps, the government is just attempting to reduce the cattle foot print. With all the talks on pollution, the hog population of ranches seem to be worse than cows.

Even if the BLM and Fish and Wildlife crush this family under foot. They will not have saved any land for others. They have been locking down this area for a awhile. There may be minerals or they want to begin Fracking with all that fresh water in there.

The sentences for both men should be thrown out. Because if they lock up these two innocent men. We all need to bar the door. Because in a short time, Uncle Sam will come to your house. And what it looks like now, is the government is moving ranchers into the city. While taking the land under whatever scheme they wish to concoct.

Uncle Sam began moving people off large ranches years ago. The BLM and Fish & Wildlife have been steadily collecting large swaths of land. Once collected, they let drilling companies in, or the ultra wealthy for guided private hunts. And close these lands down to the public whenever they choose.

The Hammond's need a President at this point to tell the BLM, and Fish & Wildlife to leave these people alone.

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