
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Space travel for all - not just the wealthy

We ought to work on space travel for all not just a few. Perhaps the bubble in my head is just that a bubble. Over a short time I learned people are cruel. And people have the power to raise each other up. Not hand outs but give a hand up. Space travel is about this world coming together and doing something for all life here. As we dig the earth apart and cut her trees soon temperatures will change. No one knows when or how fast. Virgin Airlines I thought was going to lead us into space. Instead, they have offered flights into weightless atmosphere like Disney land offers rides for cash. If America wanted to lead the world. We would amass people and build space ships. We would send thousands into space. Not just five or six or twelve. Not just learned minds but everyone that can make change happen for humanity and all the other creatures here. Instead, we have cut our space program, we pay Russia to go to space instead of us. We are wasting valuable time and money on screwing around. This slow pedal behavior may end the rule of man. Perhaps this is our destiny to be wiped out again and again until we figure out how to join with the world. I hope space travel becomes common and that we all have a chance to go beyond this planet. Like Start trek. Space is the final frontier or is it?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Vegetable size getting bigger or just more drugs to fight?

Bad waters, bad meat and bad fish. Vegans prepare for world domination from all the meat eaters. Our lives can be extended and even made more comfortable according to Dr.Joel Fuhrman. We can all rest easy by eating more vegetables and fruit. Get rid of diabetes and cancer, even reverse hardened arteries. Pharmaceutical companies stock plummets while Dr Joel Fuhrman rebounds and rejoices in his accounts and new found wealth. Selling an age old truth, you can't get fat if your not eating fat. That's the million dollar answer to the question. Just one tiny concern, has anyone noticed the size of a radish lately? Coming in from Mexico these little round red things look more like small plums than a radish. Taste is another concern. What ever these companies are feeding these radishes will it make us a bit bigger as well. We will see over the next year how my waist trims down or up. You never know what the truth is until the our government tells us right? Just my daily complaint or concern in this case.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

After Lance Armstrong's confession he is a liar and a cheat. Can cycling ever recover or will this end all hopes for all those who aspired to be the best? Will all the monies and titles be given back and to whom goes the spoils of the now defunct Lance Armstrong? Does his behavior show us just how depraved we are as a society? And how do we deal with the fall out for years to come?