
Friday, November 27, 2015

Violent religious gun toting extremists here in America

Humans come from all types of backgrounds. Recent news stories centering on the heinous killings of people is disheartening. We hear of men with guns, knives, and even women blowing themselves up within crowds of people.

Human over population may be enlisting the insanity and helplessness people are now living with.

Across the globe, other nations have long seen America as both savior and demon. America, was created off the backs of immigrants. Many of our ancestors were "those people" who crossed the oceans to build with them new dreams of prosperity.

The prosperity divide between those with and those without, has deepened and widened with time.

Perhaps, knowledge of the planet being alive. Or that mother earth will morph into something of a cleansing machine with time. Allows humans with guns and violent tendencies to rain down upon the rest like a firestorm.

Colorado is the latest in gun violence.

We call people who blow themselves up in crowds terrorists, extremists.

A single gunman, killing people who work at an abortion clinic, is no less of a terrorist and religious extremist. Than those around the world who blow themselves and others up.

To say they are hurting or we need to understand their desire to stop abortions is insane. While the entire world is facing a global disaster. We humans can no longer play at being God.

Violent, religious gun toting extremists, live right here in America.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Safety, Just a rant

Humans all want to be safe. We want our kids to be safe. We want are families, old and young to be safe.

Mostly, people just want to live their lives without being forced to accept things we do not believe in.

American politicians and the Supreme Court have turned, "being forced" into a national theme. With the passage of, Forced Health Insurance Sales. Then the President, enacts marriage for all. One man, decided for a nation, because this nation is so divided in controversy over religious beliefs.

 If you are traveling around the world via passport we get to look closer. If you come from the Middle East, we get to look at you much closer. Then there is another process to go through if you want to live here.  
Unfortunately, as soon as those screening processes are learned and relayed to the terrorists, they will get in. Terrorists live here now, and come in all shades, not just one. 

Living in Arizona we never feared the illegal Mexicans who came over for work. The men and women were just trying to get out of poverty. And poverty in America can be very different than other nations. However, before we relocated we saw many Hispanics not wanting to meld into Arizona culture, they wanted Mexico in Arizona. Race wars were in full swing.

Where were these folks getting this "take over attitude?" The Mexican president and the Catholic church had told the people to go to America and populate. Get into politics and make laws and rules to better serve their cultures. The message was never about melding into the culture here. Neither the Church nor the President called for the people of Mexico to take up arms and kill Arizonians.

We had met holocaust survivors. Learned about their plight. How terrible they had it traveling from house to house just to survive. Stuffed in cellars or other hiding places around farms to stay alive. If caught they were shot. Women were raped, then shot. This was Germany at its best with hatred for difference.

Africa has for years been run by whites, using the nations people. The murders, rapes, tortures inflicted by different tribes. Outsiders, from all the big countries taking the national minerals and exploiting the animal kingdom. The people of Africa are beginning to fight back. Starting businesses, while working to put an end to the stealing of the countries mineral wealth. For Africans the fight goes on daily. And starvation is all around. Poverty there is horrible, clean fresh drinking water sparse, if any at all.

Face book makes things easy for us to vent. We tell each other about family trips, new babies, weddings and life in general. But what if, it were used to kill? What if people were using codes? A made up language to speak in? How would you ever know?

Humans are violent creatures when continually messed with. Over and over we trained men around the world to fight for what they believed in. The Islamic State is doing what they believe in.

Our political leaders never asked our permission to build this countries private spy building with our taxes. They never asked if we wanted to vote for health care reform. They never asked us, if it was all right to cut V.A. benefits and hours of nursing.  Then turn around and blame the V.A. for not taking care of veterans? No, the people of this nation have been left out of far too many big decisions and we haven't fought back. We have lost nearly all of our rights to privacy in the name of security.

There is always more to a story than one paragraph. If people are more interested in sports and porn, than this nation is in serious trouble. 

If the United  States wants to end this plight with terrorists, it can. Without any more money placed on security.

What do we now tell the children and grandchildren? Everyone has to look, listen and report? We all have to be security wise? What ever our daily tasks are?
We must be vigilant. We might even need self defense training, weapons training. We need to move as a nation together or fall to the way side.
The other choice is to allow religious extremists to conquer humanity again. Then start all over if any one survives.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

United States Senators asking for calm???

Wouldn't want to create fear? Who are we kidding?

Let us say one person came from Syria every month for ten years. You now have ten people in ten homes. And let  us say their friends came over one at a time and their families. Untold numbers of cells living right here in America.
Isn't that what our nations leaders are telling us? Isn't that what they said after 911?

The Islamic State survives by moving around from home to home. Traveling around check points or making sure their papers appear normal. They use the same ideas the Jewish people fleeing Germany had. They use private homes and travel at night perhaps. Dealing in cash only, never credit cards never leave traces. Never go home in most cases. Hate lives every where world wide.

Take out a map of the United States, and look for Mosques to see where they are on the map. Islam appears to have ensured all Mosques are surrounding this country. Easily distributing suicide bombers.

And Uncle Sam can't find these men and women? Maybe we need to hire outside security forces.

ISIS = Islamic State?

Islamic State as ISIS is now calling itself, is well funded and organized. Who wants to bet money Saudi Arabia and United States, are footing the bill? Even worse a handful of young rich men who have become bored and want to destabilize the world into a dark black hole.

Who ever is financially backing these maniacs, can't be found? Can't find the monies? Can't figure out how they communicate? Are you kidding me? The United States went global on the banking industry around the world for what? To find out every tom dick and harry, has his dick in the wrong person? Getting dirt was fun, the dirt even helped to take out a few very powerful men in Washington. Fight terrorists? No, why worry about that.

The United States has enacted over 22 new taxes after nine eleven, and told all of us we would be much safer. While police bought new coats and rims for their cars, they perhaps forgot the world was leaping into flames. Boarder patrol wastes more ammunition than all of our armed forces combined.

Our Government officials want us to give up our guns and let them handle things? While they created this hatred fueled situation globally. And now they can't control them any longer.

What baffles the mind? There are huge amounts of money for guns, ammunition and creative blasting devices. The United States, Russia, France can't find these maniacs?

The news informs us they want to build chemical weapons. The news media, seems hell bent on fueling the flames and guiding us right into the line of fire.

We all were born to this planet. Yet, every man who ever walked on her has been at war in one way or another. We have not learned over the centuries war and hate beget war and hate. Over and over ISIS tells us where they will strike and then they do. We act horrified at our televisions and radios when they announce the death toll. And we continue with business as usual. Allowing our government to continue it's rain of terror using our countries armed forces. Without changing our policies.

The other issue ISIS name change and the news runs with it. We give them the air time. We give them weapons, we give them money. We thought we could control these maniacs. Since they are global and mobile they can be caught.ISIS looks for holes in security and there are plenty. We don't need more laws we need to enforce the ones we have.

Paris knew the man who set off the bombs. All the intelligence in the world didn't stop him. If Islamic State wants street gang credit, they have earned that ten times over.

While ISIS speaks of our ill spiritual state, they might want to look at the sodomy they perform on young boys, or how they rape, then stone women to death.

Islamic State what is their message? Insanity?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More laws? Washington Out of Control

Our nation has invested billions into spying on other nations and our citizens. We have given up so many privacy rights out of fear. Washington bureaucrats built a huge building to house their own personal war on every one. While passing laws in the Patriot act and rewriting the Constitution in order to control the population in America.

Now, our leaders have decided we need more laws to give up our privacy. More action and laws to enable all ready "out of control" Police departments to have a wider powers than ever before. Similar to France, but strictly American. 

Using boarder patrol in conjunction with Police to come into our homes without any search warrants. At the discretion of each department?

ISIS has people around the world apparently. While the United States helped fuel their anger and gave them weapons and training. Our leaders have sat in board rooms filled with cigar smoke and glasses clanging. Patting each other on the back. Who can figure out the next big screw to the public.

When wealthy Washington bureaucrats find they can not control what they have unleashed. Now they want to take action?

Guns sales are sky rocketing. Households in the United States are beginning to arm themselves to the teeth. Do our leaders really believe they can stop the Islamic State, as ISIS is now calling itself?

Religious beliefs are at stake here. And the total domination of the worlds remaining resources. Islamic State has created a fear mongering world where the people will begin to take action. 

When Governors are telling Washington they will not allow Syrians into their towns. And churches have begun to turn those away who claim a Muslim faith. Neighbors beginning to fear Syrian and Muslim shop owners.

Like cancer; the fear will grow. Just like school shootings, which have put schools on alert while adding armed security guards, metal detectors, and fencing.

Perhaps the United States should reinvest in the people here. And try to make us all security experts. Rather than feeding the fear.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mother Earth has yet to tell us

Headlines serge the Internet. Three news stations in the United States repeat over and over bombings, be-heading's.  Politics's aside for a day of morning. Hilary Clinton promises she is the answer for America. Donald Trump prays upon our fears and need for entertainment, and says he wants to be president. Dr. Ben Carson tells us we just need good Christian values. Bernie Saunders seems to be the only candidate that makes any sense, he talks of what is broken and how we can fix things. That is a boring conversation to millions. And the many wealthy candidates who just keep talking.

Mother Earth hasn't yet wade in. She has tossed out a couple of nice storms here and there. Mother Earth, has shaken her grounds a few times this year to make us bow to her. Not enough yet, to really wake up humans. There may be a bigger problem besides ISIS, or who ever is out there with a gun  intent on harming others.

Mother Earth is beginning to show us, she has all the power. And no God or Deity can change this. This planet is morphing into a huge change for all creatures, human or not. And no amount of cutting gases, no amount of stopping pollution will change her will.

Humans have been trying to kill this planet. We dug into it. We pour chemicals into the ground. We liquefy the bed rock. We bury nuclear waste. We continually take good water and pour into bad. We have filled the oceans with garbage. We have cut the other creatures to pieces. Continually deciding what will survive and not, for our pleasures. While using the statement, what about our children and grandchildren to gain more money so the wealthy can live out their dreams, while the rest serve them.

None of these things matter. None. This planet, like the solar system is changing. Caused by humans incapable lack of understanding. Mother Earth hasn't put her two cents in on the next huge storm, the next earth quake or volcanic eruption.

Mother Earth may just blow us all to pieces. And now the statement may be, how fast can we get off the planet before she blows.

Murder's be dammed - Bombings in France

My dad served in WWII. He wasn't a brave man. He was in my opinion just a tough guy. My father served with a Fire team for a time during WWII. They fought fires on the ground as planes would land in flames. 

The only story my father ever spoke of that really caught me off guard, was after I had my first experience watching a man die who bled to death in a hospital. I related that story to my dad. There was an over powering smell of iron.  My Father told me it was the blood, and he never got over the smell of burning flesh either. He and his fire team helplessly watched, as they sprayed water on the flames, the two men inside the plane screamed while burning to death. He told me of a gun battle, where he had several men surrounding him who had been shot. The smell of blood was over whelming. He walked in his boots as blood surrounded his feet from those who had been cut down by gun fire.

I don't tell these stories to glorify war. I tell my father's words to remember the massive death we create as humans.  There are those who live perfect untouched lives. They never have any injuries or any harm come to those they love or themselves. They are the souls who will undoubtedly be severely touched as we humans move forward in war. 

War is something man created long ago when we first walked this planet. Men have for centuries fought for land, food, gold, jewels and women. We fight perhaps because fighting is bred into us from generations of fighters. Many men enjoy the testing of their physical beings, while gaining the ultimate recognition that we are great.

ISIS is something, America may have helped create. This matters little to any one who has lost friends or family to their fighting tactics. These men seem to be nothing more than an organized group of thugs. Who at first glance may seem like children with bombs.

These men, who have beliefs in an afterlife that will reward their cowardice. They plant bombs and continually broadcast their kills.

It is not my heart, I give to Paris but my soul. For I am not a man who enjoys the taking of any life. However, if I were asked to go fight in the Middle East. I would ask, why not fly a plane there, drop a bomb and walk away.

My father told me when he was in WWII,  our military and our government were seeing the Middle East as a problem even then. He told me, Islamic values were embedded in the hatred of anyone who did not believe as they do. He went on to say, even if they were like the Chinese, when we dropped the bomb the war ended. 

The men who chop off the heads of others, then televise their acts. Or blow themselves and others up, die.
The men who order or talk others into performing these acts.Those men, go off to their tents or homes and drink wine or goat milk to celebrate. While their brothers have died. And they do this over and over, because there is a vast amount of poverty and ignorance in the Middle East.

Perhaps ISIS pay's the families for the loss of one or two men. But they are just as dead as the ones they kill. Nothing will bring them back.
There may be some of these men, who are so under educated. They are living like cavemen and do not wish to learn anything from the west or any other nation. Gladly, they take up arms in the belief that their God will grant them false riches.

Today is about France, and those who lost their lives from a group of thugs with bombs. Like little boys kicking the animal to death, because they want to see it die and feel the power of killing.
When the leaders if ISIS are caught, they should be given no mercy. If their goal was to create a world in flames. They have now found themselves living in that world, just trying to survive. And France must be rattling their world, by dropping bombs. Go France.

To the people of France I give you my spirit and my love. For as a man I clearly understand the violence we create. And that we as men, can create tolerance and understanding. Only after we have cleansed the weeds from our lands.

 May your families and friends know, there are those here in America that will fight with you, in this battle of wills. No matter what you believe in. May we honor your right to freedom from tyranny. Our hearts and prayers go to all of France today.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Donald Trump for president - why?

Millions of Americans have begun to turn their hopes to Donald Trump. Who came from money and has been in business development his entire life. He flattens homes, beaches, and has impacted this planet in a negative manner continually.

What is driving his campaign? Trump realizes, if he can sit in the presidents seat he can manipulate consumers and Washington so he can make trillions. Trump has no intention on staying out of war.

He has no intention on keeping Social Security, he will privatize it, then allow the program to die.

Trumps views on those with a different skin color is clear. Trump has said he would repeal the gay marriage law. Donald Trump has racked up the voters by appealing to their prejudice. Americans aren't asking what his plans are for our nationally protected lands. Trump has made bids in the past attempting to get some of those lands so he can build hotels.

With so many multi-cultural persons in America. Trump is a bad idea, his supporters are mostly a collation of Christians just trying to keep their own propaganda alive. While continually spreading their message of intolerance and hate.

The message of intolerance is one that has rocketed Donald Trump to a level even he must laugh about. "How stupid can you people be, Trump states." This statement has been his political lead in for nearly every show he gets on including any political debates.
Trump is a television clown, who sells nothing but quick lipped put downs and is unable to rebuttal anyone with a brain.

Trumps calling card is - Americans want to be entertained, not think about the days drudgery.  He is selfish, immature and overly confident. Trump is showing the world America is just a big play ground for the ultra rich. He is making a mockery of the current political system. And Americans are eating that up.

Trump doesn't have any experience in politics other than being told, no. Trump himself told reporters he wants to be president so he can be in charge of everyone.

Trump is not a child and ought not be entertained to believe he is the right choice for this nation. He makes jokes that if Obama can be voted in, so can he, because Americans just want to be entertained.

Do you just want to be entertained? Is entertainment all your vote means? Donald Trump for president - why?