
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Murder's be dammed - Bombings in France

My dad served in WWII. He wasn't a brave man. He was in my opinion just a tough guy. My father served with a Fire team for a time during WWII. They fought fires on the ground as planes would land in flames. 

The only story my father ever spoke of that really caught me off guard, was after I had my first experience watching a man die who bled to death in a hospital. I related that story to my dad. There was an over powering smell of iron.  My Father told me it was the blood, and he never got over the smell of burning flesh either. He and his fire team helplessly watched, as they sprayed water on the flames, the two men inside the plane screamed while burning to death. He told me of a gun battle, where he had several men surrounding him who had been shot. The smell of blood was over whelming. He walked in his boots as blood surrounded his feet from those who had been cut down by gun fire.

I don't tell these stories to glorify war. I tell my father's words to remember the massive death we create as humans.  There are those who live perfect untouched lives. They never have any injuries or any harm come to those they love or themselves. They are the souls who will undoubtedly be severely touched as we humans move forward in war. 

War is something man created long ago when we first walked this planet. Men have for centuries fought for land, food, gold, jewels and women. We fight perhaps because fighting is bred into us from generations of fighters. Many men enjoy the testing of their physical beings, while gaining the ultimate recognition that we are great.

ISIS is something, America may have helped create. This matters little to any one who has lost friends or family to their fighting tactics. These men seem to be nothing more than an organized group of thugs. Who at first glance may seem like children with bombs.

These men, who have beliefs in an afterlife that will reward their cowardice. They plant bombs and continually broadcast their kills.

It is not my heart, I give to Paris but my soul. For I am not a man who enjoys the taking of any life. However, if I were asked to go fight in the Middle East. I would ask, why not fly a plane there, drop a bomb and walk away.

My father told me when he was in WWII,  our military and our government were seeing the Middle East as a problem even then. He told me, Islamic values were embedded in the hatred of anyone who did not believe as they do. He went on to say, even if they were like the Chinese, when we dropped the bomb the war ended. 

The men who chop off the heads of others, then televise their acts. Or blow themselves and others up, die.
The men who order or talk others into performing these acts.Those men, go off to their tents or homes and drink wine or goat milk to celebrate. While their brothers have died. And they do this over and over, because there is a vast amount of poverty and ignorance in the Middle East.

Perhaps ISIS pay's the families for the loss of one or two men. But they are just as dead as the ones they kill. Nothing will bring them back.
There may be some of these men, who are so under educated. They are living like cavemen and do not wish to learn anything from the west or any other nation. Gladly, they take up arms in the belief that their God will grant them false riches.

Today is about France, and those who lost their lives from a group of thugs with bombs. Like little boys kicking the animal to death, because they want to see it die and feel the power of killing.
When the leaders if ISIS are caught, they should be given no mercy. If their goal was to create a world in flames. They have now found themselves living in that world, just trying to survive. And France must be rattling their world, by dropping bombs. Go France.

To the people of France I give you my spirit and my love. For as a man I clearly understand the violence we create. And that we as men, can create tolerance and understanding. Only after we have cleansed the weeds from our lands.

 May your families and friends know, there are those here in America that will fight with you, in this battle of wills. No matter what you believe in. May we honor your right to freedom from tyranny. Our hearts and prayers go to all of France today.

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