
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Washed and cleaned

See my article about associated and pay pal  resolved very interesting stuff.

click below:
this will take you to my poem on addicts then you can see my other work and thanks for reading me and all writers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Money nightmare dream of writing professionally

I am slowly realizing I do not have the skill. The skill referred to is not writing. Rather the marketing and getting my work sold. I am a creative writer. I can perform product reviews if it is something I may use or like.
We signed up for Helium and Associated Content. I have not gotten paid from Associated. They actually keep sending me emails telling me they have paid me. My Paypal account sits bare. Another subject for another day.
But what I really want to do is publish poems and books. I may not be Shakespeare,  however I am sure the gift lives in me. Some things produced are better than others.
I took a writing course to get myself more familiar with The Writers Market. Guess I am not there yet. Or, I am in need of someone else to do the marketing. Perhaps that is a topic for writing an article. How so many of us are sold on others ideas. And they may not work. Everyone wants to sell me a book or sell me a writing opportunity to learn. Learn how to market, learn how to write. Food for writers, knowledge for writers. Writers selling other writers on other ideas. My head is spinning. How about yours. Well I have a couple pieces and would be honored if you read me.Check them out.

Enjoy. :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

More more more

Enjoying the last couple weeks. Published now three articles I am proud and learning I need to spell check and re-read everything prior to getting published. I am hard on myself. I need more hits. Perhaps the articles need to be stronger. Or perhaps I am a fledgling not yet out of the nest. But willing to fly when asked. Check it out if you click on the photos they enlarge... Enjoy - And THANK YOU FOR READING ME:)--

Monday, August 2, 2010


I wish I could tell you that today I am sitting at home.  My feet raised, while relaxing in my favorite reclining chair.  Unfortunately I would be telling you a lie.  So imagine now that I am in a dank, dark drab looking room.  It is late three in the morning. I am typing, I sit straight up and type. Yep I am at work. The middle of the night or morning if you will.
This job is the one that pays the bills. God knows I am waiting for the writing to pay.  Then maybe by the universes grace I can stop working in this field.
Currently it is about 88 degrees and humid. We are in Arizona, and no one thinks of humidity with Arizona. This year we have a lot of humidity. We had ran for three days now we are drying out.
What a grand morning I hope today will be. I am off work for four days. Yippy. May not be a dictionary word. But it is one that works for me. I will wait to tell you what I do for a living. The knowledge might leave you speechless.

There are toads outside croaking for mates right now. If you rung a cat that is what I think they sound like. A deeper pitch, but a cat. Perhaps even a sick cat. They can be heard through the stucco walls of this building. I am in the desert outside of Tucson. In Catalina Arizona.

I think this will be the only job I may actually enjoy in this field. If I had to do this any where else forget it.
I feel a little lost inside this morning just a bit tired and I would like to just go home and sleep.
Oh well better go enjoy the day for now.
Here is some advise, not a good idea to blog at work. Unless you are a writer. Bye for now:)

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Beginnings 2nd Published

Again today I passed the second chance. Another article was published at Associated Content. I am VERY proud and excited. Really dreaming praying and realizing I may be able to work full time as a writer. Instead of my current job.
For a long time now I have worked in the health care industry. While this career has helped to make me grow. The career has often left me feeling so tired and mistreated I never wanted to go back.

Writing has always been in my blood. Not like I did not allow the fear to keep me from it. I have and did. You see when I was a teenager there were no adult role models I could revere. None that really mattered. So instead I followed the call of the wild side. And with that came irresponsibility.
Enough on this. Today I want to take joy in being published and pray the money comes into this soon. You can find my second article here ---
Mexico - The Alien Solution

Yes it is all a controversy - Enjoy:)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I am singing and laughing like a kid. I got published. Just a small article but one I am very proud of. I signed up to write for Associated Content. I am so excited. I have been up way to long today. Living off the natural joy. Working in the field of recovery currently. I have wanted and needed more opportunities to move into a career I love more than my current field. Fear always kept me from taking action. Last year I told myself this year was my goal to write. And so I move into my life long dream. Try this link to read the article and THANK YOU in advance for reading my work. :) Just copy and paste.


Recently, my wife and I and our small troop of dogs went camping. Just prior to a sizzling temperature increase here in Arizona. As we drove to Lake Roosevelt on highway 77. We began to notice a lot of travel trailers. We were pulling our pontoon boat with our Nissan Titan.

I found myself dreaming of having air conditioning while on the lake. But for this trip, we would unload our gear pitch a tent, with no air conditioner. Just us, the wind and heat. I actually found myself asking the stars to keep the wind coming. I could feel the humidity creeping in.

We went through a few towns, Mammoth and Dudleyville to get to Lake Roosevelt. Going through Globe as the last large one. We did our usual stop at the local Fry's grocery store for ice and last minute munchies. Off we went to the lake. A mild morning was beginning to show signs of heating up. By 11 a.m. the temperature had hit the triple digits.

We found a nice private cove to spend the next two days in. Our dogs got off the boat to do their seek and find adventures. While the spouse and I set up camp. She enjoys putting up the tent and I the camp stove setup. After we completed the unloading we had a quick dip in the lake and I made us some lunch. Everyone was secure (dogs to). Then we decided to take a boat ride around to see the lake. This is were the fun begins.

Lake Roosevelt is not known for lush sides that one can traverse, no it has deep thick red mud walls coming into the water's edge. We found this out by getting out of the boat. Actually the golden retriever found out for us. She jumped and landed and began to be swallowed by a mass of red goo.
Being the hero I am I jumped into this massive mix up to my knees to haul my dog out of it. Luckily I had gone in barefoot as I often do. My wife however, decided to try to walk across this muddy landscape only to loose her shoes. A nice pair of sandals she loved. As she struggled to pull her legs out of this muck. I heard a scream. She was now loudly involved in telling the lake world she had lost her shoe. She reached down into the muck as I instructed her to do and retrieved the other half of her shoe. It had tore apart. Cheaply made we could see only three points where glue had been placed.. She held what was once a nice sandal in her hand in two separate pieces. She was horrified at this juncture and demanded we leave this mucky world.
We retrieved our now red covered dogs. And hauled ourselves upon our pontoon boat. With red mud sticking to everything we backed away from the area to go back to our small sanctuary where red mud seemed dry. And some nice boaters before us had placed rocks around the edges of the land to assist with walking around.
We found the marina the next day and entered it's tiny but well filled store. To my horror five dollar water shoes were listed at twenty a pair. Gas was pricey to but that is for another story.
During our trip we found dogs must be leashed at all times. And if they by chance pooped we were to pick it up. I bought this pair of water shoes, and proudly brought them to my wife. She exhaled and smiled at me holding this bright yellow pair of swim shoes. As I handed them to her, her smile told a thousand words, while she placed them upon her now tired feet. She had to go nearly a full day without shoes. Something she never does. Camping in Arizona is always interesting.
The moral to my camping story always bring extra footwear just in case you encase your feet in something unexpected. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Flexable spending accounts

What a great way to rip off  hard working Americans. Flexible spending accounts? For many who put their money in and never get a good return. You still pay the costs, but now they are even higher. Your without insurance so the system maximizes your money? Wrong, you get to pay all the premium costs that the physicians and labs want to charge. And you do so because you have your flexible spending account. The name just brings tears to my eyes.

In Arizona I was handed a form that had well over seventy HMO's listed then add to that your flexible spending accounts and we have, you got it. Another lottery, but for your health care. All brought to you by good ole American ingenuity at it's best. Just my thought on flexible spending accounts. We can live without them.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Music no more

I have been alive for nearly fifty years. In this time I have listened to countless concerts. Gone to parks where Hispanics have held their cultural days as well as cowboy days since I am in the southwest. And Indian cultural days.

Not to long ago I was sitting in the traffic when a nice young man pulled up with his music blaring. The base was ripping through my mind and body. I felt a dark need to get out and crush his skull. I did not of course but I was struck by how this base music can cause such an up roar in my being.

Today my new neighbor has played his mexican music continually day after day. Always during the day. He will not turn it down, I asked him to. So the music blares on. We have lived here for ten years and never had such a nosier neighbor. Disrespect comes to mind. I could place my speakers outside and do to him what he is doing to us. I have not.

I know some will think 'geez it's just music get over yourself'. But others know what I am talking about. Here is a guy who moves into the neighborhood. And he turns on the truck stereo.

The base dives through the walls of the house like birds soaring through an open window. I can nor more make him stop his music than he can make me stop writing about him. The daily tirade goes on. Good news, I only work three days a week. Bad news, the weekends are when I work, so he is here playing the music, loud proud and Mexican music.  We can't understand the words but I can tell you I have had it. If he were playing rock I would still be pissed off.
When we speak of terror this means anyone who terrorizes another. We claim to be free, but how free are we when we let others disrupt our peace?  We sell headphones for a reason. I-pods by the millions. The reason? So we you and I do not need to hear each others music. Unless we want to. So essentially this neighbor is infringing on my right to peace and quiet.