
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cautious or down right scared?

Driving around town can be an infuriating experience. We all are attempting to get the best possible position on the roadway. As traffic light after traffic light seem to impede our travels some of us begin to get angry. Others just seem to hum along and take it all in stride.

Watching the news can make any one feel a bit uneasy now a days. Ever since Sept 11th 2001 I feel a bit uneasy. Seeing bombings and gun fights around the globe daily makes one wonder when we will see these issues here daily.

Today there was a situation witnessed while driving. You decide cautious or down right scared.

Your driving in a speed zone of 35MPH. Several cars and trucks are breaking ahead of you. You begin to scan ahead to see what the issue is. You are all ascending over a bridge over the ocean. But traffic seems to really be slowing down. And you scan far ahead to catch a glimpse of a tanker truck. You notice it is unusually dirty. Nor does it have a major brand name on it you would recognize.

As you spot the tanker you realize the traffic begins to get slower and slower as this truck is traveling over the bridge. A thought rushes into your brain. This isn't safe.

You see a pull off, right before the bridge and pull into it. This allows more vehicles to rush by then slow to nearly stopping behind this truck. The cars are really backing up on your lane.  When a  police car comes across the other side. You notice this tanker must have stepped on the gas and shifted, because large black plums of smoke come from the rear of the truck and it seems to speed up after seeing the cop car.

You have in your head the image of a tanned male driver inside the truck he looks middle eastern, olive skin, dark haired with a beard. You are sitting waiting for traffic to make it across the bridge. You are thinking what if, what if it's a bomb?  Again, you decide, cautious or down right scared?

This situation is very real. We all must deal with our own lack of education with regards to culture. However, in a time when any one could shoot at massive crowds or create a bomb, perhaps it pays to see ahead and be a bit more cautious.


Recent news casts blabbing about people and how we all have secrets. And, the most important fact about why we have these secrets. Some people have little secrets, like she has a small chest full of costume jewelry she likes to dress up on Sundays and play dance time. He has the stash of baseball cards and a wooden bat. So he can pretend while he is drinking a beer, he is in the big leagues.

He fantasizes about getting women and fast cars as he sits on the carpet, racing tiny cars over a rubber track. He is forty maybe older. And then there are those who are closeted smokers, they smoke secretly the little air pipes and work hard to hide the smells. The secret chewer. Secret baby doll collector. Secretly dressing up like a woman, hiding what he really feels inside himself, his feminine side. She secretly picks her buggers and eats them. From the gross to the extreme we all have them. Secrets.

But why? Do human beings want to have secrets? Is this a fad? Is it something we carry from our caveman days of living in the dark reaches of the earth? Perhaps we enjoy stashing things and coming back to them later. Maybe secrets are our way of saying we have power. Scientists are studying us. And they want to know what you stash and why. Check it out maybe your local University has a study program and maybe they might offer a little cash or even one of your very own secrets.

Monday, January 26, 2015

How Americans have turned their bodies into small Businesses

Just a couple years ago you would go to a doctor when you wanted to. If you got ill you had insurance through you job. Premiums were low, about forty dollars or even sixty bucks for a family of three. Every couple of weeks the money came out of your checks. Maybe your employer paid most of the premiums for you. You had a decent co-pay, under twenty bucks. Pharmacy costs weren't to bad. Lab fees were low. X-rays were forty bucks, one view. If you had pain you could be prescribed narcotics without any trouble. Your blood pressure medications were covered, the diabetic medications were covered.

Then a little something called Obama care began to hatch it's ugly little head. We all glanced at it and laughed, they will never pass it. Then the turning point came. Washington not only passed it, they renamed it, The Affordable Care Act. As if a major joke had been hatched. A short interview on 60 minutes with a man who spoke very much like he was from the middle east. Who said, "I just wanted to sell more insurance." He laughed, then said,"I never thought they would pass it."

And then, the nightmare began to unfold around America. Employers were dropping healthcare benefits. They now had five years to figure out how to cover their employees.

What used to be cost effective, became a forced health insurance sales frenzy. Premiums up from 40 to 100.00 and beyond. A family of four had to pay $6000.00 a month. Blood pressure medications and diabetic medications no longer covered. Deductibles were up to a whopping ten thousand dollars.

You went to the doctor for a pain medication and had to sign a form giving away your right to protest and say no. Then the charges came for urine drug screenings up to $1100.00 for one test from twenty dollars a test. Doctors, hospitals and labs all getting filthy rich. Not from good healthcare, from forced insurance sales. What was best of all? Not one single American got up to protest. 

You tried to navigate the massive insurance sales scams emerging. But there was no end in sight. Some states just dropped The affordable care act to create their own versions. To really help people out.
But the insurance sales wars had begun. And your body was now owned by your Doctor. He or she had ultimate say with what you did with your body. You were fat, you were told loose the weight or we will charge you more. You smoked, you were told, stop or we will charge you more. You were old over 50 and god help all those baby boomers they saw you coming around the corner. Now you were really going to pay for health insurance.

Trillions of dollars to be collected and President Obama had every intention on getting his. Kickbacks and bribes into the millions. Hush monies they called it. Whispers behind closed doors. Celebrations erupting; how the Washington big dogs finally got all Americans to become little businesses using your bodies.

Now, you had to buy insurance or face certain fines, certain rules at medical offices, and with the IRS threatening to take your refunds.
Doctors who were now in complete control over your body. And the bodies of your children and spouses.
You were paying, and now you were paying more than ever before. With an infinite amount of cash flow, why would Washington ever bother changing to a national heath care system we could actually afford that would significantly cut costs?
Why, when you can raise costs beyond the sky to reap huge massive amounts of money for these Medical professionals and their hospitals and labs. In turn you gave away your right to say, "No." If you said no you were charged more and more. Your body was now a small business worth millions if they could just keep you sick. But wait, we will let your state legalize pot so you will shut up and calm down.

If we create a unified national health program like medicare Doctors would no longer be millionaires. They would have limits and so would educational programs and so would everything else. But that can not happen because they wanted theirs. With education costs now in the millions. Why not steal from you and I? Why not be in charge of your bodies? You have failed to take the advice given. So Doctor and nurses  alone can dictate what you will and will not do? You can not afford to to not perform for them.

This is how  Americans all became small business owners in one vote from Washington to the Supreme court. Without any of the citizens getting to vote, on any part of The Affordable Care Act. American's have all become small businesses with their bodies. Welcome to the unsustainable American future. Using your body as a small business investment.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Abuse continues in 2015 - lets stop the abuse

George beat Cynthia within an inch of life. After he had punched and kicked her so many times she was puking blood. He stopped to smoke a cigarette. Looking around at the empty dirty dishes on the counter he began to fill with rage again. This time however, Cynthia had enough. By the time George realized she had the knife, he had sustained ten stab wounds into his chest. Falling back against the counter he took his last breath and crumbled to the floor. Cynthia was charged with murder and is currently serving a 20 year sentence.

We may not see the headlines regarding abuse in America like we once did. The facts are 1.3 million women are victims of physical abuse in America today. Often men abuse the women before the actual murder has taken place.

Working in a female dominated profession of nursing Dale G RN was asked, "How do you cope with female nurses who are verbally abusive, without hitting them."

He states,"I saw my dad punch my mom a few times to get her in line. But when I went attended college my girlfriend took me to some sessions for abused partners. I learned I don't need to use my fists or my mouth to hurt another person. I ask myself when these women are participating in verbal abuse in nursing what am I missing here? Was she hurt by another woman and is trying to gain some form of power back? Usually I find most of them, have been the victims of another persons abuse. In their families or their private relationships. I will give them a number to call for help and redirect them just like I do with the patient who is out of control. They need help, not more criticism or violence. But sometimes I do have that twinge inside of me. I think, if I could smack her head across the desk, would she ever speak to me that way again. I have to guard myself from those thoughts. We are all capable of violence in various forms. As a male in nursing I have to be on the watch constantly for my own issues. And if I can't get the other party to settle down I can go up to the top of the corporation. I find writing a letter showing how their behavior has negatively affected patient care and co-worker moral really gets the conversation rolling. As for my folks my dad died of a heart attack and my mom she married another guy who ended up murdering her. I guess she couldn't end the cycle of being abused."

There is a world full of people who have experienced various forms of abuse. There is a national hot line you can call if you are a victim. 1-800-799-SAFE.

Stop the cycle before your name is added to the statistics nationally. And you are the one serving a sentence in prison. You can rise above the cycle of abuse.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Medical crisis in Pain Managment - Forced Urine Drug tests violate unreasonable search

Our world has been defined over the last ten years by Physicians who are more interested in profits than in helping a person regain their health.

Laboratories have become symbols of massive profits. While bringing Physicians new income streams they never realized they could have. Urine drug testing has become an income winner by many in the medical world.

With billions of dollars on the line. Washington would never have allowed the people to vote on Welfare drug testing. Even though many believed this to be a good idea. Anyone with legal sense had to know these tests violate your right against unreasonable searches. States who have passed Welfare drug testing laws, may be hoping no one comes along with a Class action law suit to stop all this non sense in the supposed War on Drugs.

Pain patients are reaching  anger over load. While signing pain management agreements and paying for urine drug tests. Many states have allowed Hospitals and Physicians to test urine for drugs without intervening. Allowing these medical facilities to over charge and profit, at the patients expense. The entire process may not take very long. The implications can and do have catastrophic ends. Patients are being fired by Physicians,who use these urine drug screens as a way to unload pain patients.The issue isn't about health care. The urine drug screen test is all about profits.

Doctors have been caught receiving kickbacks from labs who receive these urine drug tests. If the lab is within the hospital, profits for the hospitals have tripled. One drug urine test is $1000.00 the company gets 400 people tested a day, the total is $400,000.00 daily.

We can quickly see why forced health insurance was a big scam. Sending pain patients to drug treatment facilities. Then billing insurance thousands of dollars needlessly. While pain is not being treated, but profits are.
Another added insult created, have been Pain management clinics popping up around the country. The picture becomes a darker one. Pain management clinics using surgeries, steroids and other old outdated treatments, until finally giving the narcotics back to the pain patients. Seeing their profits sky rocket saying they are helping the pain patients. Some may find help in these various modalities but the urine drug test is a clear violation of your right to privacy.

President Obama saw a way to open up markets to create and prosper in the medical world. None of this has any thing to do with good health care. Great business sense yes, health care no.

Physicians telling pain patients, "If you do not sign this agreement I can not prescribe narcotics to you." That statement is nothing less than coercion. Intimation utilized by nurses and medical assistants who believe they are now acting like parole officers under the law. Using the taboo of narcotics against patients who are just trying to survive severe pain.

The reckless nature that the DEA has produced with it's own threats to Doctors has had a turn around effect on the public.

Physicians are willing to go to court or endure law suits by the Federal government. When the suits themselves are less than the monies these men and women have gained from illegal urine drug screens.

When profits are reaching into billions, greed over rides good sense when health care is involved. Nothing about urine drug testing is about good health care. And all parties know this to be true. Forced urine drug tests violate unreasonable searches under the forth amendment of our Constitution.

Correction: The 4th amendment was created to protect citizens from Government; not private organization's.  Apparently, in the United States any one can drug test you as long as they clearly tell you they are. And of course you pay for the test one way or another.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Drug testing war

Across America citizens are angry about health insurance costs. Adding to the flames are forced urine drug screens any time a person is prescribed narcotic pain medications. Forcing Doctors to become probationers and nurses to be the guards on the hospital floors, now turned into prison floors.

Hippocratic oaths taken, to do no harm. Does not mean we can't over charge you. Treat you like a prisoner. And take away any medication when you test positive for other substances. Or if your urine test has too little drug or too much you are screwed. Thanks to the DEA war on drugs.

You and I foot the bill. We pay these outrageous health insurance premiums. New tax laws in place to catch those of us who have not paid, The IRS now turned into the largest police force. Adding fines to an all ready financially burdened person creates more undue stress. As fines stiffen over the next five years for refusal to buy health insurance. All these costs are generated to control the illegal sale of drugs. To create and maintain a fight on substances that most use for pain relief.

The current Drug test war have costs sky rocketing. Lab fees for a ten dollar urine screen have jumped to nearly one thousand dollars. Greed is running a-muck in the good ole USA with medical costs.

None of this has stopped the illegal sale and creation of manufactured drugs. These drug tests are not patient friendly.

Drug testing is the truest form of medical oppression I have ever witnessed in the twenty plus years now in the medical field. These drug testing wars have seen an increase in suicides. No one has tallied the cost to the consumer. It had become big business to order drug screenings. Hospitals have increased revenues through forced health insurance and DEA war on drug policy to screen all users of narcotics.  

All this effort to control drugs seems wasted. If Amsterdam saw lowered illegal activities and less crimes. Why can't America? Is this nation going to be dependent on laws to force people to buy insurance then force them to pay for unnecessary drug screening tests? Obviously the answer is yes.

Will our nation ever stop the current drug testing war?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Race is still a national issue

CNN airing a white  former cop pointing his gun saying, "I'm really enjoying my eggs Benedict, move along now." Referring to protesters who entered restaurants reading the names of the dead shot by police.

News flash; John Cardillo, that was a very racist comment. With the intent to threaten anyone who disagrees with you, using your gun. Nice NRA hat in the back ground.

Using a real weapon to get any message out was a little disturbing. Is this former cop someone the FBI ought to have a closer look at with regards to his right to carry or have weapons. His post infers he would kill a person for interrupting his meal. So mafioso.

The underlying truth is, in America we do not teach acceptance. Through culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation. America has a failing grade in our schools for lack of acceptance. .

No matter what culture we are from, all human beings have many things in common.

Face book and twitter make things easy for us to unlike some one when we find what they say offensive. But are we missing an opportunity for growth?

Recently a co-worker spoke of his race continually and the rich history that came with the culture he was from. As we were all enthralled by the conversation during a lunch. I knew the topic was a bed of underlying flames and all it needed was a torch.

America created laws that are not people friendly. One hand wants to lock up anyone who acts out. The other hand wants to medicate them. Another hand wants to free every one and start a new direction. With ex cops and current ones still facing a wrath of public opinion. The shootings continue nothing has changed.  Race is still a national issue.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Xbox PS4 are they really worth the cost?

Xbox and PS4 you know them and you love to hate them. Gamers thrive on anything that can be played for over 6 hours or through many days.
Are these gaming stations really worth their four hundred dollar price tags?

Video is smooth and crisp on both consoles in most games. Xbox however, seems to have a few more games with strong clear play while PS4 is still plagued by some not so great video problems. Tiny jagged lines observed in certain games. Xbox is more of a social media entertainment unit that Microsoft brought into the market intending the console to be for family, while PS4 from Sony was intended to make a significant mark on gamers. PS4 still lacks some technology to make it past it's short comings. The small jagged lines on some games may be CD related or PS4 may have a more serious issue that Sony did not correct prior to launch.

These slight flaws often make a consumer wonder if these units are truly worth the four hundred dollar price tags.

In comparison; online computer gaming is moving up towards taking away from Xbox and PS4. why? Simple, cost. More free play online sites and with nearly half the cost of a video game CD. PS4 and Xbox games consoles may have reached the end of the road in pricing. At least here in America. Gamers have long wondered how and when would cost begin to crumble. We may be seeing the first signs of Microsoft loosening it's financial grip on the market.  And with the hacking of Sony has the market had enough of a shake up to lower prices?

No, prices have not fallen significantly yet. Else where around the globe prices are leaping into possibly record setting trends. Are these consoles worth the price. Not to a family struggling with Health insurance premiums. Not to the college student who is knee deep in debt to the Federal student loan program. And certainly not to the millions who make under twenty thousand a year.