
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Abuse continues in 2015 - lets stop the abuse

George beat Cynthia within an inch of life. After he had punched and kicked her so many times she was puking blood. He stopped to smoke a cigarette. Looking around at the empty dirty dishes on the counter he began to fill with rage again. This time however, Cynthia had enough. By the time George realized she had the knife, he had sustained ten stab wounds into his chest. Falling back against the counter he took his last breath and crumbled to the floor. Cynthia was charged with murder and is currently serving a 20 year sentence.

We may not see the headlines regarding abuse in America like we once did. The facts are 1.3 million women are victims of physical abuse in America today. Often men abuse the women before the actual murder has taken place.

Working in a female dominated profession of nursing Dale G RN was asked, "How do you cope with female nurses who are verbally abusive, without hitting them."

He states,"I saw my dad punch my mom a few times to get her in line. But when I went attended college my girlfriend took me to some sessions for abused partners. I learned I don't need to use my fists or my mouth to hurt another person. I ask myself when these women are participating in verbal abuse in nursing what am I missing here? Was she hurt by another woman and is trying to gain some form of power back? Usually I find most of them, have been the victims of another persons abuse. In their families or their private relationships. I will give them a number to call for help and redirect them just like I do with the patient who is out of control. They need help, not more criticism or violence. But sometimes I do have that twinge inside of me. I think, if I could smack her head across the desk, would she ever speak to me that way again. I have to guard myself from those thoughts. We are all capable of violence in various forms. As a male in nursing I have to be on the watch constantly for my own issues. And if I can't get the other party to settle down I can go up to the top of the corporation. I find writing a letter showing how their behavior has negatively affected patient care and co-worker moral really gets the conversation rolling. As for my folks my dad died of a heart attack and my mom she married another guy who ended up murdering her. I guess she couldn't end the cycle of being abused."

There is a world full of people who have experienced various forms of abuse. There is a national hot line you can call if you are a victim. 1-800-799-SAFE.

Stop the cycle before your name is added to the statistics nationally. And you are the one serving a sentence in prison. You can rise above the cycle of abuse.

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