
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stealing from family?

Over the twenty years I worked in the medical field in various positions. One of the things most often seen, stealing.

Families would clean out mom and dad's place faster than a jack rabbit in heat. Same with grandparents or any family member.

This past year, we had several items come up missing after family had been here. I was furious. Some of the items taken were to be given to my brothers children. Now the items are gone.

Stealing is compared to rape. Because they both rob people of feeling secure and safe.

Family stealing from us has left me angry like never before. We are discussing how to leave our estate. Stealing from family is really cruel.

Mrs. Johnson was a high school teacher in Arizona. She had married Bob. Together they had three daughters. One of whom was a lawyer. The Johnson's had arranged for home care if they ever became that ill. They wanted to die at home. Bob died first. And Ann died two years later.

Before Ann's death her daughters began coming to the home and taking whatever they wanted, without the parents blessings. One day, the daughter who was the lawyer showed up. She wanted to know where mom's possessions were. She was referred to the Nursing director. Who informed her, the other sisters had taken the items to their homes. She was furious. The incident made the papers. She sued the sisters.

Since their parents had a will outlining the items to be given to each daughter. The judge ruled all items were to be returned to the home immediately or the current cash value paid into the estate.

One sister had sold a painting. That particular painting netted her nearly thirty thousand dollars. She spent the money gambling. And had no way to pay it back. The judge ordered she either pay the money or face jail time and a criminal record. She had to take a mortgage out on her home.

The other sister committed suicide. There was no winner here. The damages piled higher and higher. Costing life and monies. That is what stealing from family can do for you.

**all names and locations have been changed to protect those who remain.**

Lasting impressions

When thinking about lasting impressions. Do you ever think of how your kids will be as adults? Will they scream, hit, terrorize their children? Will they kill others out of some sort of misguided belief they must conquer this nation? Will they become rapists, drug addicts or murderers?

How have you handled your mouth while in front of them? Do you speak badly about their fathers? Their mothers? Their other family members? And tell them to shut up about that? Do you insult your kids. Put them down and insist that they are not good enough? Do you slap them? Constantly hitting them or putting them down? Or are you supportive, a good listener? Are you an understanding person who is calm when bad things happen? You have a solid well grounded emotional compass?

Lasting impressions come in many forms. As parents your job is the toughest in the world. Directing your kids for the best possible outcome. This New Year parents may want to check what lasting impressions you are leaving behind.

Enrique Marquez?

Who is he? A twenty four year old man who had a life, now he may be looking at life behind bars. Nice, one more person we give medical and dental to while feeding, clothing and housing him.

In the United States anyone can buy a gun. Unless you have a felony or documented mental issue. Buying a gun and giving it to someone else? You better fill out the correct paper work. Or you might end up like this idiot.

He has lied to officials, and to make matters worse, he was living with a Russian woman who has no right to live here legally. 

Mr. Marquez now facing many charges for his purchase of the weapons that were used in the California Christmas employee party. That resulted in several people dying and twenty two others wounded.

We can only wait to see how far the government will go in this case.

Cosby no laughing matter

Mr. Cosby has been formally charged for a twelve year old sexual assault. Cosby has continued to claim all sexual encounters were consensual. Except he settled out of court with one.

Then we have several other women who all claim he had his way with them. Pills, and one very troubling factor. Cosby gave pills to all of them, anxiety, and cold pills, really? Business Insider article wrote statements from each woman.

When there are millions on the line who knows the truth?

Mr. Cosby may be a serial rapist. Or just black man who has millions and these women want to crush him financially. Because he never helped them into what they wanted. An old saying comes to mind. Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

This writer is not making lite of rape. If he is guilty than let a jury of his peers here the evidence within the legal time frame.

If Cosby isn't guilty than he ought to sue every one of these women. Alas, he has not. Perhaps that is the only truth we will ever get from this case.

Computer blues?

Are you one of the millions who buys a brand new laptop or desk top? Have a smaller iPad or some other new toy for Christmas?

STOP - do not purchase the two year insurance plan. Why? These crap computers are famous for dying right after the warranty is gone.

The truth is manufacturers have simply made these machines cheaply. The manufacturers need to have sales up. They are willing to sell us, John Q public, crap machines so we keep buying new ones.

The truth for each of us, may vary a bit with regards to how long a computer really lives.  Sure there will be a fortunate few who have had their machine since computers were first created.

For the rest of us? Maybe demanding these machines have a slightly longer life span might be coming.

Computer Manufacturers have seen a downward trend in sales of some of their machines and have been scratching their heads. They haven't understood we talk. We read, and we understand if John Q says IBM sucks, then we may not buy it.

Still, with technology rolling into space. Computer makers better get with the program. And create machines that really last longer.

No one wants a computer to crash in space when they are watching next seasons previews.

Monday, December 28, 2015

SpaceX "We did it." 2015Dec

Six days ago news blazed across You Tube and beyond. Cheering hasn't stopped not even in our tiny household.

We lovers of space travel. Dreamers of going beyond our current home. For billions the dreams of working, living and traveling into space are not that far off.

Space X did what no one had done before. Flew a rocket into space, then landed it back on earth.

Every Star Trek fan had to have after parties for at least the next three weeks. Just to get us through the holidays.

Congratulations to every one at Space X, you have fans, and friends for life. Now, lets get moving into space in mass and where ever that takes us.  

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Have Police issued an order "Kill when threatened"?

The following paragraph was taken from an article on AOL today. By AP writer

Officers who responded to the call "were confronted by a combative subject resulting in the discharging of the officer's weapon," the Chicago Police Department said in a brief statement late Saturday.
"The 55-year-old female victim was accidentally struck and tragically killed," reads the statement, which extends "deepest condolences to the victim's family and friends."

Sorry doesn't cut it any more. When men and women are killed by men and women who are not able to with hold gun fire. Police have non lethal ways to deal with people and they have stopped using them. 

The question then goes to, "who has given the order to kill when you feel threatened?"

Reading the many police statements after such incidents. There seems to be a troubling sign rearing its head. Police have tools that are non-lethal. Why they keep shooting and killing people is any ones guess. Perhaps the media has just placed a focus on police murders.

This latest shooting of a mother leaves many wondering who will be next? If I call police will I be the one dying?  Public trust eroding away with every bullet and body. Some communities pondering the question, do we really need police any way?

To be fair we the public created these entities to serve and protect the public? Are they still serving and protecting the public? Or is it time for citizens to take over?

When people begin to become afraid of a person with a badge, instead of respect. The tables have turned. Perhaps this is one reason cops are willing to shoot first and ask questions later. Who cares how high the body count goes. Our population is over a few billion so we can go without many of the souls currently walking the planet. Perhaps that is what police have decided. We, the public are expendable and an unfortunate causality of an unruly society.

Have police issued an order to kill when threatened?

Muslims a different look

Those of us who grew up in the later sixties early seventies saw Muslim people. New Muslim kids would do their best to fit in. By wearing similar clothing to avoid any extra, unwanted attention.

We were invited once to go over to a kids house after school but his father refused us to enter his home. He said we were unclean. As kids we thought he was saying we needed to shower. We ignored them after that.

Mosques were constructed and the news flashed about the new neighbors moving in from all around the world. Building their places of worship. No one thought of them as evil, terrorist training recruitment centers.

The world has changed since those early days. But remember when no matter what color, religion or anything "if they weren't white they weren't right."  An old expression perhaps to crude to keep around. It might cause a war, you never know.

To think one party is being treated as prisoner rather than friend in 2015. And no one is really protesting in mass? What if that were your family? Locked up in prison for trying to flea a war torn neighborhood or city?

Yea, you just can't tell who is who now a days. So we need to separate, interrogate, criminalize, demoralize. Then maybe consider giving them free refuge?

Some folks would say about homosexuals, He looks like one don't you think? Look at him the way he walks like a girl all soft toed and what not. There was a lot of race issues in the early seventies and beyond. Blacks wanted to have complete total freedom from oppression in this nation. Homosexuals wanted rights. Women wanted rights. Children wanted rights. Transsexuals wanted rights. Hispanics wanted rights. haven't heard much from the Irish, the Italians, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Vietnamese,  the Indians continue to battle for rights.

If people from Syria are all terrorists sworn to loyalty to Islam. What makes anyone believe there aren't many more people here in America right now who want to blow themselves up in the name of Islam, while taking a few of us with them?

Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, haven't gathered up and trained their flock to go out and kill. At least not in our lifetime that we know of.

Muslims kept to themselves and everyone kept away unless invited in. A very secretive societal presentation they had created all those years ago. All though there were a few who thought how strange they were so secretive. Most never thought twice about it. Until now.

How sad the day is here we must look at our neighbors and know who they are and what their up too. We are all creating an uncomfortable world where no one feels safe any longer. We are snooping where we ought not go. This is a direct path way into our homes, into our very private lives for those who still live those.

Locking up the Muslims isn't going to find a terrorist. Separating their families and locking them up may very well create one.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tis the season

Tis the season to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!

No matter what you believe in, you have the right to believe however you want. As long as your beliefs do not attempt to over shadow other people's beliefs.

This last year has taken us on an emotional journey.The year has been filled with something fresh in the air. Bringing the fight to American soil. 

The world is at war it seems. Daily headlines of murders across the globe.

We want to be on higher ground, and we fall so short. As a creature, we have conquered all that walks, flies, or digs in on this planet. With very few new things here to conquer, shall we now embark into space?

Maybe this Christmas, instead of celebrating that latest AK47 purchase. You, as the parent can look into your children's lives from top to bottom. Before we read about them in the headlines.

America; this nation is full of rapid tempers. Just waiting for the right spark to ignite them. Maybe this Christmas our wish for Peace will not go unanswered.

 STAY SAFE AMERICA December 24th, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pre Christmas lottery anyone?

Hey check it out. Nearly three days to Christmas and then those wonderfully exciting Pre-Christmas and post Christmas lotteries.

Mega millions is over one hundred million. Who couldn't use a bit of that to spruce up the house, pay oof debts, buy better, bigger stuff. Oh and to think we wanted to remodel. You could remodel an entire city with that kind of money. Of course after a visit to Uncle Sam and the local tax collectors. That hundred million just got cut in half. Make sure you pay the full share to the IRS. Or they may come knocking.

Power ball lottery tonight is over two hundred million will it break tonight? Or will it be that after Christmas, New Year, winning celebration. That once in a lifetime I got struck by lightening moment. Like seeing Disney Land for the first time. How impressive, magnificent. A floating by the feet moment. A faintness to our heads, but lightly awake. He had a dream. She just knew. They all pitched in. What will the stories be of the next American made lotteries?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Mr. Rant: 1.1 trillion dollar spending??? Merry Christmas Washington Politicians

Growing up our parents weren't into politics like most. When the race began they would make home made betting slips, and cut them up with all the names. Then they would draw out the republicans and the democrats. Two for each person who voted that way. These were there votes, jokingly of course.
That scene reminds me of exactly why this nation is really in trouble. We think these situations funny. We feel there isn't really anything we can do any more to change it.

Our parents made horrendous comments as well. A good politician is a dead one, why do we need these guys taking our money from us? The politicians play back door politics.

We pay schools out of our home owners taxes, then we pay again to the federal government. That is double and triple taxation, but no one protests it. So essentially our parents felt or I heard they did not like politicians nor did they feel they were handling our monies right.

When I saw the article about a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill passed, I nearly fell over. The sheer audacity of our government to make sure their pay checks continue with raises.

With our nation of infrastructure crumbling around us and no sign of major repairs. Business owners forced to sell out due to economic downs. Our leaders telling us there will be no medicare or social security. We will have no uniformed health care system in this nation. But our leaders have great health insurance. Voted in by them and paid for by them from our taxes. Even though they have disputed that.

At this juncture we ought to start looking into how to take back Washington. Our politicians have made no effort to end our debts with China. They passed the largest spending bill ever when Obama took over. We pay for all that they don't. This will increase our taxes; we are just beginning to see that with interest rates raised.
Our politicians refuse to pay back monies they took away from Social Security. They took away monies from education. They get half of the lottery winnings when someone wins. They are policing food stamp recipients. They are policing our calls and Internet usage. We pay them to do these things to us? Does this make any sense to you? Merry Christmas Washington Politicians.