
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Washed and cleaned

See my article about associated and pay pal  resolved very interesting stuff.

click below:
this will take you to my poem on addicts then you can see my other work and thanks for reading me and all writers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Money nightmare dream of writing professionally

I am slowly realizing I do not have the skill. The skill referred to is not writing. Rather the marketing and getting my work sold. I am a creative writer. I can perform product reviews if it is something I may use or like.
We signed up for Helium and Associated Content. I have not gotten paid from Associated. They actually keep sending me emails telling me they have paid me. My Paypal account sits bare. Another subject for another day.
But what I really want to do is publish poems and books. I may not be Shakespeare,  however I am sure the gift lives in me. Some things produced are better than others.
I took a writing course to get myself more familiar with The Writers Market. Guess I am not there yet. Or, I am in need of someone else to do the marketing. Perhaps that is a topic for writing an article. How so many of us are sold on others ideas. And they may not work. Everyone wants to sell me a book or sell me a writing opportunity to learn. Learn how to market, learn how to write. Food for writers, knowledge for writers. Writers selling other writers on other ideas. My head is spinning. How about yours. Well I have a couple pieces and would be honored if you read me.Check them out.

Enjoy. :)