
Monday, July 13, 2015

Season's travelers Oregon

Season in Oregon. That is, what the locals call this invasion from other states, even countries.To the medium hamlets that line the Oregon coast.

The smell of hot cakes and sausage cooking as you drive  25 to 35 miles per hour through town. Newport hovers over both sides of highway 101.

The lights of every restaurant should be on until the late hours of night then reopen in the morning.  One tiny place stands out front of the rest like a beacon, Newport cafe.

What it lacks in aesthetics, it gains with food. All though, to be fair it has some nice interior catches. From wooden crabs. To small pictures lining the wall with famous and not so famous Mixed martial arts fighters, with family weaved into the mix.

The food is the real favorite here. Huge helpings piled high on your plate. It is a home away from home for many to come.

After a large breakfast, head out to see the beaches at first light. There is no way to properly describe the picturesque beauty that engulfs the senses.

Because Oregon has such medium sized hamlets along the coast, it is so blessed to allow humans to traverse for half a mile or farther without seeing another human soul at times. Locals tell stories of agates found years before from parents and grandparents the size of fists and bigger. Trinkets are what most folks find today. Yet, the beaches tell us a story of time, movement and life on earth.

Small pools of water encased by rock. These can be found in some of the rock islands that show when low tide reveals them. Tiny creatures line these places. Adults and kids can marvel at nature. Try not to squish anything as you amble the beaches. If you look down you will notice tiny air holes, you may have stumbled upon more creatures and even their entire neighborhood. So if you see these tiny holes maybe find a place to walk where they are not. Better to keep our other neighbors alive for future visitors than to trample them down as we do so much of this planet.

Enjoy the stay on the coast.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Health care or health nightmare?

Americans have long had a history with taking pills to enhance health. Or so we were taught and instructed from the forties and beyond. In these last five years there has been a shift. The kind of shift that has harmed millions. And is going to harm many more if our government will not step in.

Falls, fractures, basic medical care seriously lacking in Oregon.

From infections in the sinus' to fractures from falls. Patients given three days of pain medications, no availability of good primary care doctors. Rules implemented out of fear and reprisal from the DEA. Doctors and all medical care providers acting like police and probationers. Demanding drug screens, limiting medication amounts, even when instructions are to take multiple pills if needed.  Doctors telling patients, "it's just business."

Business is something we operate to try to make money. Now, health care has become nothing but a huge trillion dollar business. With so much profit to be made by forcing people to see their doctors every quarter. Then telling people they have to fill out health surveys and answer health information insurance questions. If you don't, you might loose any health insurance. Or be forced to pay the IRS fines for not having health insurance? What is wrong with this picture?

Perhaps Doctors need to file a class actions suit against the Drug enforcement agency of America. For interfering in the health care of Americans.

Unfortunately, the truth is the DEA has never,'told', any hospital or Doctor to do anything. They merely have suggested they monitor patients better who they prescribe pain medications to.

 The DEA has followed up with arresting and incarcerating doctors and pharmacists that have over prescribed in their eyes. 

What has happened? The fear of reprisal from the Federal government?

Hospitals and clinics have refused to treat pain. They will talk to you for the three or four hundred dollars, they will not give you pain medications for more than 3 days with fractures, torn muscles and too many other injuries to list.

How are we going to fix things? A uniformed health care system like Canada where people are treated and medications are given. With a clear understanding health is something each of us control. And when the time comes we need a pill we get one. Americans need to fight back, if we truly care about our health, we must demand better treatment. And get the DEA and IRS out of health care.