
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

President Obama WAKE UP

If the new forced health insurance purchasing program has shown anything,. The Affordable Care Act has taken trillions out of our pockets and added to the wealth of those who were invested in the scheme.

Age may have something to do with or not. Yes, cynical enters my thoughts. When I was a teenager, I had a horrible motorcycle crash. The bike was too big for me. I was not a well trained rider. The witness said it flipped three times. They said I continued to hold the handle bars, as my body was smashed into the pavement over and over. The visor was ripped from the helmet. My face a bloody torn mess. I woke to find myself flat on my back, unable to move. I heard a vehicle then voices were heard,"is he alive?" They left and there I was. I passed out until the next party came to rescue me, my parents. I was placed on a blanket in the back of my dad's pickup. My mother was a medical assistant who thought she was a mini doctor.

Back home she scrubbed me raw trying to get the asphalt from my face and knees.  A few days passed until I couldn't take the pain any longer. My mother finally agreed to allow me to see a doctor. One she worked for. He quickly assessed me and sent me over to the hospital for x-rays. He berated my mother for keeping me at home. The x-rays revealed a spinal fracture from a small bone. My front lip had been ripped in half and my left face was gone. It was nothing but hamburger. The bills began coming in. The insurance had them pay one hundred dollars.

Now, there are bills for over ten thousand dollars for premiums for my spouse and I. The insurance we have is horrible. I have never seen such outrageous amounts of money placed onto the payee. It seems we have insurance that means nothing.

Health insurance was about pooling monies from millions so coverage could be given to all. Small co-pays and no deductibles.
Now, what has been created is nothing more than a shell game. Where all the money goes, who knows. I might as well pay for all the services myself and skip having a huge deductible we are unable to cover.
If this is what Obama wanted, was to rip off more Americans he has succeeded. And those numbers they tossed out about one million uninsured getting coverage, well this writer now questions if anyone knows the truth. Even the man who created this scam told NBC news, "I never thought they would buy it, but Washington did."
Yes, the current insurance comes from a corporation who has more profit than it seriously needs. However, to cut the company cost, they placed nearly all of the financial burden on the workers.

President Obama can never understand this situation. When all of Washington politicians have their own insurance, they created and we pay for. All though to be fair, they deny that. And, they even went to ABC news to tell the story of how they created their insurance coverage.

We can not afford this new type of insurance, it is cheaper to find services that we can afford. Now  when we have injuries or illness we seek home remedies just like the old west.

This is a serious situation for all Americans. If our national leaders continue on this path they should have all Americans financially subservient by 2018. Obama wake up and fix this crap you allowed to pass. Shut it down and go to a unified system like Canada.

Samaritan Hospitals in Oregon treat Cancer and Heart disease

We just received Heart to Heart in the mail. A small magazine from Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital. Two stories jumped out at me.
The first is found on page ten, Cancer care. Macke and Mary Williams story centered around them both surviving Cancer, quoting from the story, "they considered themselves, "Mayo people." A happy robust appearing couple. Both struck by different forms of cancer. Survivors, who were grateful to the Mario Pastega House. "A home that serves families needing access to Samaritan's Corvallis-based services." Quoted from page 12. The theme from the story is one of hope.

The second story found on page 24 highlights that no matter what your title in life, heart problems arise. The President of Samaritan, Larry A Mullins found out he needed heart bypass surgery. Mr. Mullins survived and gave much thanks and appreciation to his care team. Mr. Mullins had many other offers from colleagues across the country and he chose Samaritan.

These stories provide a small glimpse into the health care system in Oregon. And the great work these facilities are doing.

Best wishes to both parties for continued good health and happy living.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fear and the Food Industry

The prime definition of fear from Merriam Webster: to be afraid of (someone or something).
The prime definition of afraid from Merriam Webster: filled with fear or apprehension <afraid of machines> <afraid for his job>.

These emotions have driven humans to overpopulate this planet, without regard for food.

A friend recently came to speak with me about food sources on this planet. He pointed out that unless, every person and family begins growing enough produce to feed themselves, they may see starvation in the next twenty years. At least that was his theory. He also went on to tell me we were the largest meat source available now on the planet. I had to stop him, and ask if he were all right, was he having any thought problems. I even tried to check his vitals. At this juncture he adamantly told me to to f- off.  

A little Internet search regarding food supplies. We find stories about the need for GMO's, (genetically modified foods). Another story from the Washington Post from 2012 brought up the fact we may not be growing enough food. 

Over the years food for me has become a weapon. One bite of any juicy tasteful burger and fries and I am a goner. Physically, what that food does is not pretty. Gastric upset, weight gain, may be attributed to the chemicals we put into food. But the food industry says, no way. 

Just like the tobacco industry and the chemicals they put into tobacco. The food industry has long held a denial of any problems. Their stance is, to make money you must cut corners. Which in simple speak means, we get the chemicals because the food industry really can not make healthy any thing we ingest that is processed. 

McDonald's new CEO Steve Easterbrook unveiled his plans to make McDonald's food better. A sell off of franchise's, reduction in staff. Mr. Easterbrook really isn't giving any information how they will give their food a boost. It seems the company solution, get rid of as many non profitable facilities as possible, without regard to the people who have stayed with the company.

If our food supply is in danger, than Americans have more opportunities than ever to create and produce better food in this global economy.