
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fear and the Food Industry

The prime definition of fear from Merriam Webster: to be afraid of (someone or something).
The prime definition of afraid from Merriam Webster: filled with fear or apprehension <afraid of machines> <afraid for his job>.

These emotions have driven humans to overpopulate this planet, without regard for food.

A friend recently came to speak with me about food sources on this planet. He pointed out that unless, every person and family begins growing enough produce to feed themselves, they may see starvation in the next twenty years. At least that was his theory. He also went on to tell me we were the largest meat source available now on the planet. I had to stop him, and ask if he were all right, was he having any thought problems. I even tried to check his vitals. At this juncture he adamantly told me to to f- off.  

A little Internet search regarding food supplies. We find stories about the need for GMO's, (genetically modified foods). Another story from the Washington Post from 2012 brought up the fact we may not be growing enough food. 

Over the years food for me has become a weapon. One bite of any juicy tasteful burger and fries and I am a goner. Physically, what that food does is not pretty. Gastric upset, weight gain, may be attributed to the chemicals we put into food. But the food industry says, no way. 

Just like the tobacco industry and the chemicals they put into tobacco. The food industry has long held a denial of any problems. Their stance is, to make money you must cut corners. Which in simple speak means, we get the chemicals because the food industry really can not make healthy any thing we ingest that is processed. 

McDonald's new CEO Steve Easterbrook unveiled his plans to make McDonald's food better. A sell off of franchise's, reduction in staff. Mr. Easterbrook really isn't giving any information how they will give their food a boost. It seems the company solution, get rid of as many non profitable facilities as possible, without regard to the people who have stayed with the company.

If our food supply is in danger, than Americans have more opportunities than ever to create and produce better food in this global economy.

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