
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hilary Clinton survives Benghazi hearings & begins to rally the voters

Hilary Clinton had the coolness we very seldom see from her male counterparts. She was refined and professional. The Benghazi hearings over, Hilary Clinton immediately wasted no time beginning the rally calls to voters. The Clinton's have had the ride of a lifetime.

Politically, many thought after former President Bill Clinton aired his lies and bad behavior on live television that the Clinton's would be crushed politically forever.

Amazing, how some women can turn the tables on males in less than a second. By rising to the occasion, rather than being crushed by all the bad press.

Millions of women are certainly excited Hilary is moving forward. When the population of voters is at an all time high in America. No vote can be counted out. And for the race to the White House no one will be left behind. Unless they choose to drop out.

We know Hilary Clinton has the much needed experience so many of her rivals do not have with foreign affairs. Hilary has stood toe to toe with many leaders. However, many world leaders haven't had to deal with an American female presence in the top seat. How some may react is still in question.

And can't you imagine Donald Trump speaking with President Putin, he might say something like.

"Well Vlad I don't think your style will work for the future, you're fired."

As laughable as Donald Trump can be, he has millions interested in how he would deal with the top seat in Washington. Hilary Clinton has all the experience she needs to nail Trump in a debate.

Hilary's performance was breathe taking, as one woman at a local cafe stated.

"We will see if her momentum can put her in the presidential seat."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Race to the White House

Any one with half a brain can clearly see Donald Trump emerging forward. Trump has a unique truth gauge. Mr.Trump knows how to say things that will create controversy. His opponents can not dispute his statements, in most cases.

Hillary Clinton can't defeat Donald Trump in his arena of verbal one liners, that make Americans laugh. The number one reason Hilary Clinton is unable to break Donald Trumps momentum; he airs his dirty laundry publicly. His divorces, his affairs, his bankruptcies. He makes no apologies for his behavior and people in this nation love that, especially men. Women are pulling for Trump too, just not in the numbers he would like. Donald Trump has stated, "I don't care what the polls say, they are flawed any way."

Donald Trump seems to be able to get voters in a rage. He hasn't offered one solution to any deficit issues, foreign policy or health care reform. Trump shows no signs of really talking about issues. He is merely tossing dirt on every candidate, and that system is working at eroding voters away from them and over to him.

There is nothing charismatic about Donald Trump. He came from wealth, he has placed no value on others because he doesn't need to. He appeals to males for the most part, like a gladiator he is beating the crap out of the opponents. He cuts them with their own sorted, stupid behaviors.

Hilary Clinton has an up hill battle. After her spouse former President Bill Clinton put his finger inside Monica Lewinsky and then stuffed a cigar there. Former President, Bill Clinton pointed his finger at the camera's and told our nation he never did anything with her. A massive waste of our taxes.

The subject of trust has become an issue on the campaign trail.  Frankly, no political candidate ought to go near the word trust. Any one who has been in management lies or manipulates the truth. You have to, to keep employees doing their jobs and satisfy the ones above you. So the word trust, in politics must mean something really different.

We have had eight years of increased deficit, our commodity prices leaping upward. Our infrastructures are crumbing. Small and big businesses are shutting down at record rates. And the so called Affordable Care Act that was supposed to open the medical markets and lower costs. Instead has rocketed costs into the sky. This one system has harmed the masses. Time for a national health system that works? Not if Donald gets elected. He has begun to beat up on Bernie Sanders. Because Mr. Sanders sees the financial gains on the Affordable Care act have seriously cut into the middle class. That is really bad for the nation as a whole. Trump now sees new ways of getting us to pay more. Once the Supreme Court passed forced health insurance sales, what else will they pass?

Mr. Trump has nothing to offer the world as a whole. He isn't a great businessman, he survives by continually taking bankruptcies. This nation can't afford another spend crazed man in the oval office. 
Hilary Clinton may be the woman this nation needs to get us out of debt and tip the scales back to the middle class and poor. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Gun rights?

Who is right? The National Rifle Association (NRA) tells Americans to hang onto their guns. They take in trillions in gun sales. Constantly arguing guns are not the problem. We have a people problem. This is a parenting problem. This is a school problem. Guns are everywhere. In nearly every household in America. How do we stop the violence?

We don't stop the violence. As Americans we are entitled to own weapons. Mostly due to the second amendment. The Supreme Court however has limited some of what was written, or tried.

Unfortunately, people do not want to give up their right to bear arms. Frankly, why should we give up our weapons?

Has anyone read the headlines? Russia hates us, China owns America. China hasn't called the debt in yet. North and South Korea don't want us messing with them. Saudi Arabia has played America like a violin, and we gave them all they ever wanted, a free pass on destruction of the seas. Mexico wants us to tear the wall down and leave their people alone. Columbia wants our government to stop spraying their coco plants and forests, making their farmers sick.

American government has terrorized every nation around the world. We have threatened the banking industry. We have threatened businesses. We have torn down our infrastructure and our own leaders seem to not care.

Take our weapons from us, no way. Americans come from all kinds of back grounds. And many come from countries they were oppressed by. Now these souls are citizens here and want to protect their families. They went out and bought guns, got permits and now the government tells them that is not good enough?

You don't need a ak47 to kill a deer. You need automatic guns if your in a gun battle. So what are we going to do about gun rights?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Recreational Marijuana sales in Oregon

The month of October was to be filled with Halloween and Christmas irritations. Oregon recreational marijuana sales began October 1st 2015. Quickly over shadowed by a tragic school shooting at Umpqua College in Roseberg Oregon.

How has sales progressed for the local stores. Many more hoops to jump through. As some stores were ready and some were not. People here were not rushing off to the local stores to buy those high priced ounces.

When speaking with a local police officer who would only speak to me if his name was omitted, he stated,

"It seems quiet around here. I haven't seen tons of cars stopping at this shop yet." He was just outside of Waldport Oregon sitting down the street at a small shop there.

Noticing a larger police force recently as if the police are playing dominoes. Come to the coast then go inland.  Another thing asked of this officer was.

Are there more DUI's now? writer asked

I don't know the over all stats but the last DUI road block we didn't get any more people. Police officer states.

Since marijuana is illegal federally many folks are staying to the black market. Afraid to enter stores with so many cameras. These pot stores make a mall look like a joke with security. 

Sales will most likely have to be reviewed in a couple months to see how Oregon is really progressing with it's share of the pot profits for recreational marijuana. 

Violent acts

Males have a historical record of violence.

Some of us have twisted desires that we feed in various ways. Others hunt other creatures so we can fill our freezers and our egos with stories of that land mark killing. Our children some times grow up in violent environments we males created.  We punch, kick, bite and fight.  Not to say women are not violent. Women also perpetuate verbal and physical abuse in the home. Men are more frequently arrested and jailed for violence.

We go to war, we rape, murder and pillage. then we are told to remain calm.

 For years women's rights's came to the forefront. While males in America were just the workers of concrete, builders of walls, and defenders of the home front. We were forgotten in education, drugged by our families and stuffed into endless routines of mediocrity. Our educational dreams not met in favor of going to work as soon as we could walk.

The kicker is the knowledge that all these younger gentlemen who have murdered, are possibly ADHD babies. The medications taken by parents and children must be closely scrutinized. To rule out any chance the drugs have caused a mental dysfunction, that may precipitate a killing spree.

The pharmaceutical companies who produce these medications in mass do not want any thing to stop the sales. How far will a trillion dollar industry go to cover things up? Just look at the tobacco companies.

Remembering all the Ritalin commercials in Arizona alone. Does your child have trouble staying seated while in class. Are they a disruption to others? Has your child drained you, are you feeling exhausted. Mostly they were talking about boys. Male children who need to run, exercise and really be more physically active than females. Society just wanted them to shut up, stay quiet, and stop running around. So we medicated these children by the millions in some sort of mass attempt at giving parents a rest.

And those resting parents? They needed drugs too, for depression, pain, sleep and anxiety. We took those pills maybe for years before giving birth to what we thought was a healthy baby. Then they grew up and killed.

Parents sat those drugged up kids in front of televisions to watch violence over and over and over. The desensitization began. Parents left guns out, ammo out, parents cussed and parents raged. And we thought these little people could handle all that, maybe not.
Our nation may never completely figure out why the school shootings happen.

 Medications have side effects. Many medications have unknown effects on our brains.. Just another avenue to investigate when dealing with violent acts.

School shootings - just an opinon

The news today released some of the manifesto rants of  Chris Mercer, who was in his mind sane.  Chris Mercer killed nine people and himself at Umpqua College in Roseberg  Oregon.

The news, now vilifying those who rant or journal. We may be creating more problems than trying to figure out how to stop the violence.

Our President wants more gun control laws passed. Families who had a loved one killed want more gun control passed.

These situations remind me of the bear stories in Alaska. The bears attack when they feel threatened or their young have been separated from them. It is a stress response.

America has cut mental health services down to half of what they were at one time. The government stating the states need to create their own services, our tax dollars gone for these services.

Our society didn't want monies given out to these kind of services.

We want to blame the guns, but this isn't a gun problem, the problem is people. People, males primarily, who have so much anger they can't channel it out of themselves without help. Who do we get to help?

Each shooting had the same issue, anger, fear, deep seeded resentments. The people couldn't or wouldn't let go of. And we sit around demanding change to cut down gun sales. This is not an efficient action to stop the violence.

Tardiness and failure to provide healthcare

Due to an error in judgement I was late to a Physical Therapy appointment by ten minutes. The lobby was empty. There were no other patients. The receptionist stated.

"By the time I get you warmed up, the nine o'clock appointment will be here. So we will need to reschedule."

Too tired to argue the point I left after being told they would call and reschedule.

Perhaps I am seeing the world from a viewpoint that others may not see. So I am left believing that my health care doesn't matter.

Health care is different than Health insurance. Health care is what we get when we seek medical attention for an injury or illness, and health insurance is a system we created to compensate those who provide that care. The issue for me is, and has always been. we do too little and charge incredibly high prices for services rendered and not rendered.

The deductible is listed at 1500/3000. Then I have to pay a copay of twenty five dollars each visit. Afterwards bills begin pouring in.  Currently we owe around ten thousand in medical costs.

The Affordable Care Act was nothing more than a forced insurance scam that has done nothing to improve services or cut cost.  Physicians are making record amounts of money. The insurance companies profits have sky rocketed into an unknown arena, where only the ultra rich have access to the best health care. Those who do not have that privilege are just screwed.

Back to the Physical therapy office: There were no other patients, all they do is turn a timer on and I warm my arms up by using a hand bicycle. Then I perform some of the exercise routines I was taught, then possibly a few shoulder stretches, and finally ice and a tens unit on another timer. For this they charge a whopping $350.00. or more. Guess they were never taught how to multi-task. Multi-tasking obviously is not something this office practices.Then returning home to a message informing me I will be charged for a, "no show appointment." I had to call and let them know I would not be paying any such fee, since they turned me away and there were no other patients.

Perhaps one day being late will be greeted with, lets get started.