
Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Race to the White House

Any one with half a brain can clearly see Donald Trump emerging forward. Trump has a unique truth gauge. Mr.Trump knows how to say things that will create controversy. His opponents can not dispute his statements, in most cases.

Hillary Clinton can't defeat Donald Trump in his arena of verbal one liners, that make Americans laugh. The number one reason Hilary Clinton is unable to break Donald Trumps momentum; he airs his dirty laundry publicly. His divorces, his affairs, his bankruptcies. He makes no apologies for his behavior and people in this nation love that, especially men. Women are pulling for Trump too, just not in the numbers he would like. Donald Trump has stated, "I don't care what the polls say, they are flawed any way."

Donald Trump seems to be able to get voters in a rage. He hasn't offered one solution to any deficit issues, foreign policy or health care reform. Trump shows no signs of really talking about issues. He is merely tossing dirt on every candidate, and that system is working at eroding voters away from them and over to him.

There is nothing charismatic about Donald Trump. He came from wealth, he has placed no value on others because he doesn't need to. He appeals to males for the most part, like a gladiator he is beating the crap out of the opponents. He cuts them with their own sorted, stupid behaviors.

Hilary Clinton has an up hill battle. After her spouse former President Bill Clinton put his finger inside Monica Lewinsky and then stuffed a cigar there. Former President, Bill Clinton pointed his finger at the camera's and told our nation he never did anything with her. A massive waste of our taxes.

The subject of trust has become an issue on the campaign trail.  Frankly, no political candidate ought to go near the word trust. Any one who has been in management lies or manipulates the truth. You have to, to keep employees doing their jobs and satisfy the ones above you. So the word trust, in politics must mean something really different.

We have had eight years of increased deficit, our commodity prices leaping upward. Our infrastructures are crumbing. Small and big businesses are shutting down at record rates. And the so called Affordable Care Act that was supposed to open the medical markets and lower costs. Instead has rocketed costs into the sky. This one system has harmed the masses. Time for a national health system that works? Not if Donald gets elected. He has begun to beat up on Bernie Sanders. Because Mr. Sanders sees the financial gains on the Affordable Care act have seriously cut into the middle class. That is really bad for the nation as a whole. Trump now sees new ways of getting us to pay more. Once the Supreme Court passed forced health insurance sales, what else will they pass?

Mr. Trump has nothing to offer the world as a whole. He isn't a great businessman, he survives by continually taking bankruptcies. This nation can't afford another spend crazed man in the oval office. 
Hilary Clinton may be the woman this nation needs to get us out of debt and tip the scales back to the middle class and poor. 

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