
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Back ground checks gone wrong

The United States about ten to fifteen years ago allowed companies to crop up over the Internet, whose sole purpose was to find out about your neighbor. Millions became excited, they could check on anyone.

Men and women who were accused of sexual misconduct were listed. They were the first in a long line of casualties. Tossed out from rented dwellings, lost jobs, no medical, no way to maintain a home.

Back ground checks were created out of fear and frustration from law suits. Companies had no way of knowing if a person they hired was a criminal or not.
That was the entire process, had applicant A lied or omitted anything on the application that would need to be known, to make a good hiring decision. Legal safety for the corporation must be maintained. The cost of law suits were rising. 

Companies then decided, they needed to check peoples credit worthiness. One would think this would be done only for cash handling positions. However, these same companies decided if they could deny a person for bad credit, who would ever sue.

The federal government wasn't really keeping an eye on the developing catastrophic bad behavior of employers. Law makers were more concerned with how to cash in on all those companies that wanted out of paying for health insurance. That is another story.

Back ground checks have been used to crush anyone who has a low credit score below 600 or less. Back ground checks have been used to stop LGBT folks from working. Men who are overly feminine. Women who are too masculine. Transsexuals who had name changes were cut or harassed so badly they quit their jobs. High numbers of Hispanics and blacks were hit hard due to criminal records, they could no longer omit.

Increasing background checks hit lists, enter the religious extremists. Women who were married more than once, unacceptable. Too many child or family obligations cut. Over weight people have always been easy to say no to or not call back after an interview. American employers have been having a field day using back ground checks on American citizens.

Back ground checks may not currently be illegal. As a future note, they may become illegal since these fly by night companies have taken the stance, there is no right to privacy in America.

Corporations complained they needed more information to make good hiring choices. This statement know longer holds true. American back ground checks gone wrong.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Political stupidity

Telling Americans that China, Singapore, and the free trade acts have taken jobs away from Americans is a lie.

Corporations moved out of the United States. Why, simple economics. The federal government raised corporate taxes.  Corporations had to pay for health insurance, in many other countries employees are covered for medical or there is no requirement for a business to provide any such insurance. Many other countries have less taxes and much better offerings for businesses.

Other nations have invested in their people. With national health systems that work for all. Yes, there are issues. None of them come close to what America has done to it's workers.

Economically Americans are paying more taxes. Americans are now paying for forced health insurance payments, in some cases these payments are nearly $6500.00 a month.

The Affordable care Act cut into the middle class worse than taxes.  Causing the middle class to cut expenses.  Add forced insurance payments to taxes, the middle class once again got taken to the cleaners.

This one act - the Affordable care Act has become the worst financial crisis for Americans. We have turned our bodies into small businesses.

Good health comes from good food and exercise. Not from financially raping Americans.

No matter which side you have taken participating in stupidity is dangerous.

American politics needs a serious change. Not more political stupidity.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

America is divided

The new America looks like razor wire and grotesque cement walls surrounding most of this nations shore lines.

The new America isn't about defending anything remotely regarding freedom.

We Americans have given up our right to any kind of privacy, via the Internet and our government spying on us.

The new America has a dictator, instead of a president and congress.

The new America locks up more citizens. The new America begins killing off any one over fifty and any one disabled regardless of age.

The new America has forced life insurance, forced dental insurance, and continued force health insurance. Which all guarantees the wealthy stay that way. While the rest of us give up eighty percent of our paychecks to insurance schemes.

The new America has voted in a prejudice hate filled white man. Whose juvenile behavior and mouth enter us into a world war we will loose. Under this new leader's reign, the new America is flying a Chinese flag, right after he takes America into bankruptcy.

The new America isn't about helping social programs. The new America is about getting rid of dead wood. Those who can't pay, lock em up. Those who can't work, euthanize them. The new America doesn't believe in hand outs.

In the new America, you no longer have choice.  Once we gave up our right to privacy. We gave up our right to bear arms, in the new America.

America is divided. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

American Politics

We listen to every word. Hanging on for the eventual gigantic crowd clap and we're off. Like a bunch of kids after balloons. We are running with our choices up until we cast that vote.

America is just slap happy regarding politics. Rich men and women battling for the one seat that gives them lifelong benefits, for only serving four years. With our recent exception serving eight.  The presidential seat commands an orchestra for the world to see. And at one time to follow.

Now, the candidates speak about what they will do for the country. Lock down, and finally secure the boarders. Bring jobs back from China and Mexico. Give Americans more job offers. Repealing Obama Care, now called, Affordable Care act. Abolishing the IRS.

Most of the candidates employ people from over there. Yet, they speak as if no one gets the issue of immigration. Send everyone back. Cut off welfare. Cut more programs.

Ideas abounding in American politics in 2016.