
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Political stupidity

Telling Americans that China, Singapore, and the free trade acts have taken jobs away from Americans is a lie.

Corporations moved out of the United States. Why, simple economics. The federal government raised corporate taxes.  Corporations had to pay for health insurance, in many other countries employees are covered for medical or there is no requirement for a business to provide any such insurance. Many other countries have less taxes and much better offerings for businesses.

Other nations have invested in their people. With national health systems that work for all. Yes, there are issues. None of them come close to what America has done to it's workers.

Economically Americans are paying more taxes. Americans are now paying for forced health insurance payments, in some cases these payments are nearly $6500.00 a month.

The Affordable care Act cut into the middle class worse than taxes.  Causing the middle class to cut expenses.  Add forced insurance payments to taxes, the middle class once again got taken to the cleaners.

This one act - the Affordable care Act has become the worst financial crisis for Americans. We have turned our bodies into small businesses.

Good health comes from good food and exercise. Not from financially raping Americans.

No matter which side you have taken participating in stupidity is dangerous.

American politics needs a serious change. Not more political stupidity.

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