
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Politcal nightmare

American politics looks more like a scene from Dr. Phil's show of rambling dysfunctional families who just can't seem to get along.

We have heard more character assignation in this race than real hope for a nation now struggling to keep Democracy alive.

When the Middle East looks more like a mecca for employment, housing, health care and real innovation. America seems like a weak child tossing her military weight around. While fueling fires around the globe.

All though no writer can say they truly understand the political arena that has been created today. We may now be seeing a house a cards that is crashing down.

Some cities have new technology, while many others do not.

Health care has been turned into a for profit only business. Our bodies are nothing more than dollar signs for Doctors, hospitals and the very government that was supposed to work for the people.

Laws focused on jailing any one who wants to treat pain naturally, still thrust millions into jail cells.

Facilities that treated mental illness were closed down by a for profit only modality. Placing millions in situation, they now struggle to survive in apartments they can't afford.

Ask the homeless who march the roadways in search of freedom from government oppression, how they will get their next meal.

We say all lives matter, our actions speak louder when men and women are murdered who act out with any type of aggression. Fear perhaps is what drives us now.

Guns: a trillion dollar business whose mentors have profited, while telling us we need more guns and less regulation.

Women are being thrust backward from ranks once held so high. Crushed by men who have had enough of their bullying and belligerent behavior.

So what will Americans do as this nightmare on elm street continues in the political arena?