
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nursing career over?

Nurses train and receive education to allow them to sit for the NCLEX, The National Licensure Examination. Every state created a Board of Nursing to govern and carry out the task of making sure practice rules and regulations are followed. Nurses are required to read and understand these rules.
Some boards have posted general directions for companies and Directors of Nursing to help them decide if a nurse should be looked at more closely by the Board of Nursing. Patient safety and neglect were the top reasons for most boards creation. A loud cry of foul by the public in Elder care was heard. Each state created a band-aide.

Like a drivers license, a nursing license is a privilege.  We are responsible for our own actions as adults. There are always going to be incidents that occur on shifts. Some have tragic endings, some incidents create lesser degrees of  problems.
When we face our own frailty in good judgement, when we see things need to change on our end. Perhaps at this juncture the answer becomes clear, it is time to leave nursing. 

The feelings inside of worry and fear make sleeping a much less valued time. As nurses wait to see if they will be subject to termination or in house disciplinary action, even the dread of Nursing Board actions. The possibility of law suits and loss of home, career and any assets certainly gives rise to uncontrollable fear.  Thoughts of suicide can enter the mind when all other possibilities look so grim.
Nurses have been jailed and prosecuted for acting in unprofessional manners towards patients. We read headlines about Administrators stealing from residents. Directors of Nursing covering up massive amounts of errors for the sake of company and pay check. Death can occur in the elder population very easily. And still nurses get up every day, go to work, facing huge patient loads in Long term care settings and rehabs.We very rarely hear about physicians who make errors and nurses who pay the price.

Boards of Nursing justify the patient load by nurses aides, practical nurses and Registered nurses being staffed. What they do not see is the work loads for the one nurse who is trying to manage as many as 40 to 100 patients by themselves. Without any other nurse in the building. As little as 24 to 1 can feel daunting. Day shifts filled with admits, and discharges. Without good communication practices, schedules are not set with two hour windows. people just show up when ever. Some schedulers laugh at the nurses who struggle with all the tasks.  Companies jam the elderly into the various facilities to increase the census so corporations reap billions of dollars in profits while treating nurses like second class citizens.
Huge numbers of errors are made from time constraints. "Get off the time clock", is the national mantra in Long term care/rehab.. Chart while you perform the IV starts, blood draws, blood sugar checks, vitals, admits, discharges, answer phone calls, perform wound care, and handle emergencies. There are many other tasks not listed here. These business modalities are failing nurses and patients.
Accidents happen. Lack of good judgement happens. Stress plays a key role. However, no amount of blogging will ever change these horrible situations nurses endure.
Emotions run high, people can't handle the stress. Many nurses turn to drugs and booze to cope. While they don't realize they are compounding the problems they have. Nurses who do not use any mind altering substances also find themselves in trouble. Nurses must remember, nursing is a privilege not a right. Regardless of how the errors occur, is the Nursing career over?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Internet Security

Security, we speak about it all the time in America. We build fences all around us to secure homes and property. We have created the largest boarder enforcement in the world. We have built more prisons than any other country. Still, we face Internet security problems globally?

We decided we needed to update our computers and try to secure them. I laughed at the thought, but as an undereducated person with regards to the Internet, I figured it is a small price to pay for protection.

What began as a simple down load has turned into a frustrating process of close, reboot, click and check. Close, reboot, click and check. Finally, tonight I have come to the conclusion the monies I spent are worthless. McAfee was our chosen download. Perhaps it is the older version of windows 7 or some really simple issue I can not figure out. Two days of my life now have been absorbed by trying to get the darn thing to load onto my old laptop.

OK, laugh if you you must. When your time is swallowed by sitting around waiting for some supposed protection that you just paid your hard earned cash on, well the laughing stops.
Every time I get to the license sign in page this little circle turns but nothing happens. I downloaded the technical support, it did a couple of fixes. I was still unable to download. I had spoken with customer service but I am not an expert and barely understood what they wanted me to do.

The software loaded to the other computers but not this one. If I were a betting man I would say something is blocking it but no messages or pop ups.
Last ditch effort and I feel better. Jay F in customer service finally had a solution. He took remote control of the laptop and cleaned a couple of things up. He wanted me to take the laptop for repairs. Unknowingly, he had fixed the issue. When I went back to McAfee it began the download. Mind you this process took more than 2 hours. I will be notifying the Internet carrier.

Frustration is subsiding as my faithful old laptop chugs along in peace. Perhaps, the global world can settle for one moment and stop trying to send out virus's to end the lives of computers. McAfee may not be the best for your situation but they eventually fixed the problem without knowing they did. I just had to laugh. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wrong verdict in Michael Brown case or justice?

We want to believe that law enforcement is good for our society. Recent events, cast doubt upon the police using lethal force during an arrest.
We were not there that fatal day when Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson met. A grand Jury convened and found Officer Darren Warren acted in self defense, following the rule of law.

We have countless historical acts by blacks documenting the communities outrage over past, present and future treatments under the law. The  L.A. riots in 1992, young black males pulled a white trucker out of his truck. They beat him senseless, nearly to death. He is permanently disabled. In 1998 white males tied a rope around a black mans neck. These men drove around with him tied to their truck until his head was ripped off. We have years of slavery and welfare.

What we do not have is a fair and impartial jury. We do not have fair police departments. Systems are broken in this nation and must be fixed.
These acts of violence have done little to improve black culture. We seem to march when children get gunned down who may have acted irresponsibly toward police.

No one was marching or getting violent over issues that affect us all. Forced Health insurance sales. Using the IRS to police the population nationally. Voting on issues that ought to be public. Spying on all citizens. We barely raised an eyebrow as a society.

Culturally, blacks have yelled louder, marched more and created more violence than any other culture in America. When do we say - enough?
Are we all sheep? Do we just want to use the deaths of young men and women to our advantages?

Michael Brown's parents tell us he was a good son, he would never be violent. I remember in high school a young black man, his parents said the same thing. His mother was a mouthy drunkard. His father worked for the local mine. That young man got into many fist fights over his mouth.
What ever we may want to believe these two males met and acted out of fear. Guns, fear and adrenalin do not go well together.

We arm people; then tell them not to have an emotional response to a hostile, violent situation.  The problem is: one will go home the other will not. Police are afraid. They should be. We are violent and we are capable of horrible behavior when provoked or in fear. We are human beings. We all have emotions and we all get angry. Some will give up, some will not.
The justice system is unequal to those who have no money regardless of skin color. However, if you are black or Hispanic there appears to be a wider difference in the justice system. Placing a man of color as President did not solve this issue. Now, our nation must watch as youthful individuals will act out against anyone in their way. We might want the police here now. Was the verdict wrong in Michael Browns case or justice?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Road Warriors

As the holidays approach I see people driving faster and faster. Today a deer lay across the side of the road. The elk lay a mile down from that. A racoon splattered on the yellow lines. A coastal bird mashed into the side where bikes are to ride. A dog rotting in the grass. A mouse flicking to its death. Then the sky was filled with Geese and I wept. Telling my self today is a good day, at least we all don't fly yet.
This season, could you slow down. Can you look out for every creature. Can you just stop and look around. What would this planet be with out all the other life forms? They have families their trying to feed and get back to. Slow down and let them pass. Use your horn most of them will move. Yell at them, they might listen. Stop and think if that was your pet. What would you want a driver to do? We may have laid the black top, but we didn't consider the rest of the planet when we did.

Killing is not kindness in action. Road warriors; slow down this holiday season and think of the other creatures. Be kinder in your travels Road Warriors.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Obama 2 years remain - more waste

Over the last six years Americans have watched in horror, as a once hopeful candidate asked the people, "Are you ready for change?" Massive turn outs and record voting drove the Republicans from office like water. Yet, we have seen our taxes rise through a terrible housing debacle created to displace millions from their dream homes. Causing a depreciation of millions of other homes. While CEO's of banks, banks themselves and Chrysler all reaped huge rewards from this nightmare.Using our taxes. Americans were told; this was what the nation needed to stay on top of the world financially. Our nation's financial credit was turned down a notch. Due to a complete mismanagement of our taxes. The final blow came when Washington was able to convince the Supreme court that Forced Health insurance sales would some how help the people. One gigantic financial rip off to our citizens. And many still believe things will get better. A few voters turned out to reap the glory of placing Republicans back into lost seats. Democrats were tossed out. Voting turn out was the lowest since the forties. While some have cast a verbal onslaught onto those who either did not vote or were unable to vote. Those potential voters are now seen as the problem with this nation. Civil disobedience is in full swing and Washington knows it. Hence, the creation of DHS. Who now has the largest armed force in America. DHS has recorded using more ammunition than our entire military. Under the guise of boarder enforcement. More waste of our taxes. President Obama today announced his full efforts for the last 2 years will be to tackle climate change. I had to laugh. All through school we were taught how the earth changes all by itself and is capable of wiping all life away and beginning again. Some how I hear my wallet being opened and another hand dipping into it. Over these last few years more money has been taken away from every person in America and our tax dollars wasted. With 2 years remaining we can only pray we are not hit with more deductions from our paychecks.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Everyone needs to be heard - voting

In the last few weeks, talk show host's have all placed a spin on the Republican win. Each with their own version of how this happened and why. Some talk show host's, lack in understanding about those who do not make over twenty to fifty grand a year or even less. We call Social security disability collectors the problem. Some stated, "If you have a lack of dirty hands this means you are part of the problem." Referring to politics as being dirty. And it is, millionaires run this nation, not the working class, not the poor not the middle class. We say we want change, then we get ripped off. We vote, and things get worse. I seriously doubt any of these talk show hosts can turn their hands over to see a single callous, blister, burn, sticker or any trace they have had a difficult life. Where I come from, that was called the upper middle class and privileged. Some television hosts. I have heard, expose their personal belief that, "we" who don't vote are too lazy and irresponsible. As laughable as these statements are they are far from the truth. Many people have no identification. That little issue alone has been preventing hundreds of thousands from showing up at the polls and Republicans and Democrats have both whittled away at voting in the United States.Creating more impositions to this supposed simple process. A right people fought for and died. We shouldn't have any barriers today to placing a vote. Regardless, some of the men and women who talk on television seem to be under the influence of ignorance. While utilizing comedy and vulgarity to impress their audiences. I personally think they are buying time before they run for some political office. These learned talk show hosts are so far removed from the working class individuals who bust the ground, sweat over the coals,serve the food, and wait tables, clean the homes, climb into the sky to build for the greed of others. Just to get a check. Once they open it, they see now for the first time in history forced health insurance fees, medicare, social security, short and long term disability, child support deductions,court garnishment fees, federal taxes, state taxes and so on. We can add in the IRS to this list due to forced health insurance sales. All these fees keep many locked into a money enslaved cycle they are unable to get out of. Government funding cuts to education, while we were told the lotteries would help improve our educational opportunities. Instead politicians were funneling monies away and the lottery became the only support. Job cuts, wage reductions by employers.Yet, billions of taxes are not collected from companies riding off these low wage earners backs. Those who did not vote were the issue? Take some responsibility for your own actions and stop driving the nails between the wealthy and poor. If you voted great, meanwhile get off the backs of those that didn't. They have reasons you don't even know about. One man I spoke with registered to vote in the new state he moved too. He was denied the right to vote in that state. He was sent a letter stating he was registered in another state. That stopped that man from voting for over 5 years. He placed calls, wrote letters and tried to get answers to such a simple situation. He was being denied his right to vote, no answer was ever given as why this happened. Then two days after voting occurred this year, he received his voters card for the first time in years.He was a registered Democrat. This is another situation created for some purpose, yet unknown. Passing false judgments on those who did not vote is not my job. Nor is this anyone else's. What sticks in me is what appears to be a blatant attempt by legislators, to rip the right to vote away from the populace. We were not invited to vote on forced health insurance. Which has nothing to do with healthcare. Healthcare, is more about what we eat and how we treat our bodies in youth.Money often dictates what types of foods we eat. Education about good healthcare can come from many sources. We were not invited to vote on going to War in Iraq over oil. We were lied to by many who spoke of weapons of mass destruction with such powerful voices we were captivated and struck into fear. When planes flew into buildings here in America, all these men who performed those heists were from Saudi Arabia minus one. And when the news followed this story, monies by the millions some how were funneled to these terrorists families by the United States and Saudi Arabia. Yet, we were assured this was not an act our own legislator would participate in. During WWII we locked up Japaneses American citizens. Our government listens in on our conversations, internet activity and yet we are told this action is to keep us all safe. Forced health insurance isn't paid for by employers; it is the employees responsibility to get insured. What about the homeless? They don't have email or addresses? Some talk show hosts tell us you make change by voting? Really, I see a government out of control, out of touch with reality, and leading a dangerous path of financial ruination, while stripping away the right to vote from the populace. While the realtors and bankers raped American citizens dreams of home ownership offering inflated loans our great legislators clapped and cheered as they made more money. Then our government paid Bankers more monies with our taxes, they borrowed from Social security (our monies)and never paid it back and now want to end social security. Our trusted leaders paid Chrysler millions of our tax dollars telling us this was a national company.Then the CEO got his millions in bonus' and they repainted their cars and trucks while buying ad space on television. Voting didn't change anything, voting did create massive greed. This nation is at war with everyone around the world. We are spying, lying, and trying to cover it up. Now, Americans are economically dissatisfied and unable to increase their incomes. Yet, those who had to work on voting day and were unable to vote were the issue? Threats of unemployment loomed. Many states do give employers an opportunity to allow employees to vote. Many others do not. I am sure of one thing; everyone needs to be heard. Not just the judgmental talk show hosts.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Joe Cross - King of Fat, sick and nearly dead 1 & 2

I have to say normally I do not plug for any one else. Selfishness and lack of social internet skills does that. Tonight, however sleep was eluding me. Perhaps the holidays bring up memories of trauma and drama. I got this email from Joe Cross. You have heard of him as the King of Juicing. He made the movies Fat, Sick and nearly dead 1 and now 2. When my wife and I watched it. We were moved. But our motivation fades with the stress created from working in a skilled nursing facility. But, I have kept juicing at least every other week as money allows. And I am working on building a sustainable environment for us. I hope to learn gardening so we can produce some of these crops to juice. What happened after I posted to his You tube site. He sent me an email. I needed that, desperately. We all have a story and we have to tell it. Joe Cross being a rich man I felt he was just wanting to sell juicers, but when we drank the juice recipes things changed. Working in the health care field we see many who have poor diets using the classic American food and lack of exercise theory. Now, we feed our elders the same things as before when they lived in their homes. I see money as an instrument for good or evil. And this situation makes me angry when we are fat telling others how to eat. Nursing care centers the food doesn't taste bad all the time but I have yet to see any real fruit offered, soups or juices that are healthy. We now have forced health insurance that has crushed so many. And angered millions. Joe Cross made a difference to me in my thinking and my body. I am still on a path and hope this year I will get more muscle and continue to trim off the fat. But when your living pay check to pay check food is tough to buy. Prices are crazy now. And so I will encourage all people to learn how to grow gardens to help supplement their families foods. May all of you have good health and less stress this holiday season. No matter where you are. Again, thanks to you Joe Cross for finding out the truth about food and sharing it.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Republicans will rule the nation

Our society here in America has been polarized. The Democrats have taken us into a financial deficit like America never has seen. Estimates, are now that babies born in America today are all ready sixty thousand dollars in debt. To correct this disastrous situation. Americans are now turning to Republicans to help our society. Regardless, what your affiliation may be. As adult voters we must never forget the basic right to vote was created from war. Even with millions who have kept voting. Our leaders have continued to take us down a financial path we can not sustain. As the wealthy become richer, the poor are growing by leaps and bounds. For every one wealthy person there are well over one million poor. This is an insane way to continue in America. Instead of creating a Universal health system we can sustain. The rich voted, with out our consensus to force us to buy insurance. Now, physicians are beginning to see how they can make millions as well. This is not about good health. America has become about greed. Our nation is in trouble. The angry are mobile. They have weapons, they have motivation. And our government knows it. Our own government has been making lists of dealers, pot heads, queers, lesbians, feminists, racists, transsexuals, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, Russian, Indians. The e-lists go on. Our government admits they continue to listen to our conversations. Monitor our internet activities. They are trying to monopolize the internet and tax it. They have blocked blogs, seized online stores. Closed down online activity we once enjoyed. Yet, we do nothing, absolutely nothing. Some voted, many did not. The lack of voting was primarily an act of civil disobedience. Washington is not running scared. No matter what side of the polls you are on. You can not possibly be ignorant to what is happening here now? No political party is willing to cut off the financial hemorrhage. All though talks are energizing to end Social security and medicare. A once fluid sustainable system that the politicians have borrowed monies from continually. Millions face becoming homeless if Social security is ended. Politicians grow their own incomes, and let the rest of us fall down and die. We are repeating the past. How can America be the home of the free and the brave if only a few are there to serve the many? If the masses wanted to remove our current political system it would mean national disaster, people are afraid to act. Prisons and jails here in America house over a quarter of our population this number is rising. Taxes wasted on the millions who see no other way to live but to continue in crime. Our taxes pay for their healthcare in prison. Now, Americans are willing to gamble that Republicans will rebuild this nation; give us good job training; improve the forced insurance sales. And make everything better. Lies upon lies, and we listen intently. As politicians have worn their suits and dresses and carried themselves around the globe on our dollars. We do nothing. Absolutely, completely nothing. Suicide is the highest it has ever been. As blogs are banned and closed. Because the voices can not be allowed to be heard. Writers will document into history these days of the wealthy and the poor. Roman history is now playing out here in America. And so we will see what the next five years brings. All eyes now look to Republicans to seize the presidency and turn this mess around. Historically; Republicans have gotten us into more wars, more debt, and more economical strain than any other political group. If America does not stop this national disaster, America will fall into the hands of our creditors. And like all repossessions the take over will be swift; filled with pain and sadness of what could have been. Republicans will rule the nation. Until China has had enough.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Washington out of touch with American's

Republicans took the house. Now we can look forward to nothing getting done for 2 years.

We can enjoy watching these millionaires struggle to figure out what the people want. The newest Republicans were confused by the votes to legalize marijuana and deny more taxation.

Except in California were sugar drinks are now going up due to taxes. California enjoys a much higher wage bracket, with wealthier individuals residing there. Wealth removes many obstacles to education and housing. Wealth allows for the purchase of the best insurance. Those who can afford it get the best treatments. While millions out in America just want a break from heavy taxation and higher commodity prices.

Washington hasn't figure out they have broken America. Example: Two wealthy physicians were given experimental drugs from the FDA then the world was told even though the drugs cured EBOLA they have no cure. Our own government is cosigning the deaths of millions.

Washington still hasn't figured out the people are really angry about forced health insurance sales. Forced health insurance does not give us good health. We each have an opportunity if we have enough money to feed ourselves and grow gardens. Sadly, millions starve. America has a huge lack of good paying jobs. We have not created programs to train older adults in new careers who may be lacking educational backgrounds. There is no one willing to stop human over population. And as tragic as the world is, we are killing everything for more food.

President Obama's lack of leadership and his ruination of our country financially has placed newborns in debt before getting out of the womb. He was brought to office to create a universal health system and unite us like never before, he lied. Like the millionaires who went before him, he lied. He could not get the job done. No one can. This nation will need a national change or the United States will go down as a once great opportunity that ended because a few wealthy people would not share the wealth. People will not live where they can not be free. People eventually fight back enslavement.

The United states has more than a quarter of our population locked up. Drugs, alcohol and stupidity seem to run hand in hand. Yet millions want to legalize marijuana. We are not allowing everyone to be licensed and have an opportunity to build wealth. Only a select few will be allowed to run businesses and only their families allowed to get rich. Washington has not legalized pot. Instead the DEA goes around arresting those who seek to bend the law. While still wasting our tax dollars.

Washington has not listened to the voters; they want pot legalized. Instead of building new infrastructure, our tax dollars are pissed away like a huge down pour of water.

Politicians in Washington borrow from Social security then tell us they want to end it. They pass no law to protect our monies in this program. That would not benefit Washington. All they need to do is expand medicare, we all ready pay for it. That's an idea just to simple for the wealthy to handle. To get more money they forced us to buy insurance. An illegal move on this nations part. Regardless of how they voted or how the Supreme court voted. Washington created this forced health insurance without one regular citizens vote. Had the people known it was nothing more than forced health insurance sales we would have voted it down. We were never given that chance. Democrats paid for this lunacy.
Now Republicans want to over haul the so called Affordable care act to make more of us join. We are a country run by fear and we are in fear of them. Washington has turned the IRS into a giant police force with health insurance. If you don't buy in, you pay with your tax refund. How defeated many Americans feel. They can't get ahead. We work all year, then we have the hope of monies due taken away because we can't afford to buy insurance. Families deciding about food and shelter. Not insurance. And Washington is not listening. If this law remains they can force us to buy insurance of any kind. Washington can force us to buy one kind of bread, stand in food lines. Washington can create an entire new set of rules for us to live by and we do nothing but type on a keyboard. Even that is in jeopardy now.The people of this nation are not being heard.

We do not want border fences; we want a just system to process those who come here. And we can't get it. We can no longer put our children into college without amassing huge debt. The American dream of a home ownership is only there for those who save from birth to grave. Even then we need a cap on housing prices. Millions more are now homeless and jobless. 

 Taxing the internet is coming.Washington is out of touch with Americans.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ebola Nurse And Idiot Judge

Regardless of the ruling Kaci Hickox will go down as one determined woman who fought the law and won. We tried to confirm she was a nurse online but we could not verify that. So I am not going to call her a nurse. Perhaps a caregiver who volunteers to go abroad. Judges have no business interfering in medical matters that concern our national population. To disregard protocols set up by the Center for Disease Control is like playing God and hoping your right. Why this woman felt the need to fight to get out of a 21 day quarantine we may never know. As a health care worker I can understand the financial burden the 21 day quarantine places a person in when living pay check to pay check. But, when dealing with a disease that can kill millions upon millions this health care worker is not a person I would allow around my family. She blatantly negates a safety situation to benefit herself. That is not a nurses duty. Since a judge has ruled she can go about her own business I wonder if he knew she had a fever. Then it went away. Or was that reported as a lie to get her some news. Perhaps she saw a spot light and went for the possibility of money. Her motivation to get out of quarantine is worrisome to those of us who know we must follow all safety protocols to protect the public. And if I were on a nursing board I would have to question her character and whether she should be a nurse if she is one. If this woman won't follow this protocol what others doesn't she feel she needs to follow?

Forced Health Insurance

If my father were alive we would have packed the truck and left. America, the land of the free, not any more. When laws are passed to force people to buy a product they do not want or need. We create a burden upon our entire society. America's government has done it this time. Fines if you don't buy insurance, possible jail time later on. Now, some of you will say I am wrong. I ask you this. If you fail to pay the IRS what can they do to you? Do you know? They will seize your assets. Freeze your bank accounts. And they have the power to ruin your life. Yes, they have the power to jail those in debt. Forced health insurance was created to serve trillions of dollar's to the senators and congressional persons that are heavily invested in insurance. This entire scheme was passed by our very own Supreme court. Who either was lied to and they really didn't understand what the hell they were doing. Or they felt Americans needed to pay hefty insurance bills to create more commerce. Because America is dying in commerce. If our own government can do this with car and health insurance next will be dental and life. That is not the America I was raised to believe in. We were the greatest nation in the globe and we have fallen dramatically under the riches rule. We are now like Romans facing a calamity of societal proportions, we are headed for civil uprising. If China does not take us over due to our irresponsible leadership nationally because of our indebtedness. I believe Russia will make a move with China. We have pissed away a great opportunity to capitalize on a national level to provide a United Health system. We have fractured our all ready broken system and over whelmed Americans into debt before birth. Children now owe over sixty thousand dollars prior to being born here. Any one who becomes a citizen no longer can enjoy the many opportunities once laid out for all. While educational cost continues to rise beyond belief with no end in sight. Families no longer talk to their kids about buying homes. We have continued to inflate market values of houses that are not worth the money invested to repair them. As our country is disintegrating around us. Our leaders are taking our money away to place in their families pockets. As sad as I am about our national woes. I see this forced insurance as a violation of our rights not to purchase something. This law can force you to buy all Apple products, that is what this law has opened us to. When ever a government forces its people to buy one product that only benefits a few it reminds me of the stories about the Holocaust. How can any Supreme Court Justice be trusted now? How can we allow these people to stay in charge of our nation and write law? They can just as easily begin locking up all those they deem unworthy. Like Yahoo ending Yahoo Contributors, and the closing of so many other web sites to begin monopolizing the internet. This country is at war with everyone around the world and now within its own boarders we are pushing Americans to the breaking point financially. Insurance costs have sky rocketed. Costing anywhere from $300.00 to $6,000.00 dollars per family per month. The truth is most will not get sick. That was before they also let Ebola in. Now, everyone must face this biological illness and forced health insurance nightmare. Americans need to repeal forced health Insurance sales. We need to some how get forced health insurance on the ballot nationally. Give the people their vote without the lies. This forced health insurance was nothing more than a scam. Ebola will kill hundreds of thousands and possibly millions. Insurance isn't going to prevent that.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fit test infection control

In Arizona due to TB outbreaks from across the boarder. Most facilities in the health care world performed fit tests. These were simple tests to see what size mask or respirator mask you would need in the event of an emergency. Here in Oregon many folks have told me they didn't even know what I was talking about. This is concerning because we now have Ebola in the United States. The only educational nurse I have met was from a pharmacy up in Portland. Fit tests are used not only to teach staff how to utilize a mask but what size they should wear. Masks are not one size fits all in the arena of infection control unless it is a simple paper mask. As a health care worker I have become concerned employers are not doing enough to educate and train staff for an outbreak of any kind. Our first line of defense in the medical world is having properly trained staff and the lack of this is glaring around the nation as the CDC recently pointed out. If you are working at a facility that has not provided any training on PPE (personal protective equipment) it may be time to ask how we can help educate rather than try to deal with the infection control issue after we are in the middle of a crisis. As well as making sure there are the right supplies on hand if you do have an infection control problem for all the staff to use.