
Monday, November 10, 2014

Republicans will rule the nation

Our society here in America has been polarized. The Democrats have taken us into a financial deficit like America never has seen. Estimates, are now that babies born in America today are all ready sixty thousand dollars in debt. To correct this disastrous situation. Americans are now turning to Republicans to help our society. Regardless, what your affiliation may be. As adult voters we must never forget the basic right to vote was created from war. Even with millions who have kept voting. Our leaders have continued to take us down a financial path we can not sustain. As the wealthy become richer, the poor are growing by leaps and bounds. For every one wealthy person there are well over one million poor. This is an insane way to continue in America. Instead of creating a Universal health system we can sustain. The rich voted, with out our consensus to force us to buy insurance. Now, physicians are beginning to see how they can make millions as well. This is not about good health. America has become about greed. Our nation is in trouble. The angry are mobile. They have weapons, they have motivation. And our government knows it. Our own government has been making lists of dealers, pot heads, queers, lesbians, feminists, racists, transsexuals, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, Russian, Indians. The e-lists go on. Our government admits they continue to listen to our conversations. Monitor our internet activities. They are trying to monopolize the internet and tax it. They have blocked blogs, seized online stores. Closed down online activity we once enjoyed. Yet, we do nothing, absolutely nothing. Some voted, many did not. The lack of voting was primarily an act of civil disobedience. Washington is not running scared. No matter what side of the polls you are on. You can not possibly be ignorant to what is happening here now? No political party is willing to cut off the financial hemorrhage. All though talks are energizing to end Social security and medicare. A once fluid sustainable system that the politicians have borrowed monies from continually. Millions face becoming homeless if Social security is ended. Politicians grow their own incomes, and let the rest of us fall down and die. We are repeating the past. How can America be the home of the free and the brave if only a few are there to serve the many? If the masses wanted to remove our current political system it would mean national disaster, people are afraid to act. Prisons and jails here in America house over a quarter of our population this number is rising. Taxes wasted on the millions who see no other way to live but to continue in crime. Our taxes pay for their healthcare in prison. Now, Americans are willing to gamble that Republicans will rebuild this nation; give us good job training; improve the forced insurance sales. And make everything better. Lies upon lies, and we listen intently. As politicians have worn their suits and dresses and carried themselves around the globe on our dollars. We do nothing. Absolutely, completely nothing. Suicide is the highest it has ever been. As blogs are banned and closed. Because the voices can not be allowed to be heard. Writers will document into history these days of the wealthy and the poor. Roman history is now playing out here in America. And so we will see what the next five years brings. All eyes now look to Republicans to seize the presidency and turn this mess around. Historically; Republicans have gotten us into more wars, more debt, and more economical strain than any other political group. If America does not stop this national disaster, America will fall into the hands of our creditors. And like all repossessions the take over will be swift; filled with pain and sadness of what could have been. Republicans will rule the nation. Until China has had enough.

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