
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Everyone needs to be heard - voting

In the last few weeks, talk show host's have all placed a spin on the Republican win. Each with their own version of how this happened and why. Some talk show host's, lack in understanding about those who do not make over twenty to fifty grand a year or even less. We call Social security disability collectors the problem. Some stated, "If you have a lack of dirty hands this means you are part of the problem." Referring to politics as being dirty. And it is, millionaires run this nation, not the working class, not the poor not the middle class. We say we want change, then we get ripped off. We vote, and things get worse. I seriously doubt any of these talk show hosts can turn their hands over to see a single callous, blister, burn, sticker or any trace they have had a difficult life. Where I come from, that was called the upper middle class and privileged. Some television hosts. I have heard, expose their personal belief that, "we" who don't vote are too lazy and irresponsible. As laughable as these statements are they are far from the truth. Many people have no identification. That little issue alone has been preventing hundreds of thousands from showing up at the polls and Republicans and Democrats have both whittled away at voting in the United States.Creating more impositions to this supposed simple process. A right people fought for and died. We shouldn't have any barriers today to placing a vote. Regardless, some of the men and women who talk on television seem to be under the influence of ignorance. While utilizing comedy and vulgarity to impress their audiences. I personally think they are buying time before they run for some political office. These learned talk show hosts are so far removed from the working class individuals who bust the ground, sweat over the coals,serve the food, and wait tables, clean the homes, climb into the sky to build for the greed of others. Just to get a check. Once they open it, they see now for the first time in history forced health insurance fees, medicare, social security, short and long term disability, child support deductions,court garnishment fees, federal taxes, state taxes and so on. We can add in the IRS to this list due to forced health insurance sales. All these fees keep many locked into a money enslaved cycle they are unable to get out of. Government funding cuts to education, while we were told the lotteries would help improve our educational opportunities. Instead politicians were funneling monies away and the lottery became the only support. Job cuts, wage reductions by employers.Yet, billions of taxes are not collected from companies riding off these low wage earners backs. Those who did not vote were the issue? Take some responsibility for your own actions and stop driving the nails between the wealthy and poor. If you voted great, meanwhile get off the backs of those that didn't. They have reasons you don't even know about. One man I spoke with registered to vote in the new state he moved too. He was denied the right to vote in that state. He was sent a letter stating he was registered in another state. That stopped that man from voting for over 5 years. He placed calls, wrote letters and tried to get answers to such a simple situation. He was being denied his right to vote, no answer was ever given as why this happened. Then two days after voting occurred this year, he received his voters card for the first time in years.He was a registered Democrat. This is another situation created for some purpose, yet unknown. Passing false judgments on those who did not vote is not my job. Nor is this anyone else's. What sticks in me is what appears to be a blatant attempt by legislators, to rip the right to vote away from the populace. We were not invited to vote on forced health insurance. Which has nothing to do with healthcare. Healthcare, is more about what we eat and how we treat our bodies in youth.Money often dictates what types of foods we eat. Education about good healthcare can come from many sources. We were not invited to vote on going to War in Iraq over oil. We were lied to by many who spoke of weapons of mass destruction with such powerful voices we were captivated and struck into fear. When planes flew into buildings here in America, all these men who performed those heists were from Saudi Arabia minus one. And when the news followed this story, monies by the millions some how were funneled to these terrorists families by the United States and Saudi Arabia. Yet, we were assured this was not an act our own legislator would participate in. During WWII we locked up Japaneses American citizens. Our government listens in on our conversations, internet activity and yet we are told this action is to keep us all safe. Forced health insurance isn't paid for by employers; it is the employees responsibility to get insured. What about the homeless? They don't have email or addresses? Some talk show hosts tell us you make change by voting? Really, I see a government out of control, out of touch with reality, and leading a dangerous path of financial ruination, while stripping away the right to vote from the populace. While the realtors and bankers raped American citizens dreams of home ownership offering inflated loans our great legislators clapped and cheered as they made more money. Then our government paid Bankers more monies with our taxes, they borrowed from Social security (our monies)and never paid it back and now want to end social security. Our trusted leaders paid Chrysler millions of our tax dollars telling us this was a national company.Then the CEO got his millions in bonus' and they repainted their cars and trucks while buying ad space on television. Voting didn't change anything, voting did create massive greed. This nation is at war with everyone around the world. We are spying, lying, and trying to cover it up. Now, Americans are economically dissatisfied and unable to increase their incomes. Yet, those who had to work on voting day and were unable to vote were the issue? Threats of unemployment loomed. Many states do give employers an opportunity to allow employees to vote. Many others do not. I am sure of one thing; everyone needs to be heard. Not just the judgmental talk show hosts.

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