
Friday, November 28, 2014

Internet Security

Security, we speak about it all the time in America. We build fences all around us to secure homes and property. We have created the largest boarder enforcement in the world. We have built more prisons than any other country. Still, we face Internet security problems globally?

We decided we needed to update our computers and try to secure them. I laughed at the thought, but as an undereducated person with regards to the Internet, I figured it is a small price to pay for protection.

What began as a simple down load has turned into a frustrating process of close, reboot, click and check. Close, reboot, click and check. Finally, tonight I have come to the conclusion the monies I spent are worthless. McAfee was our chosen download. Perhaps it is the older version of windows 7 or some really simple issue I can not figure out. Two days of my life now have been absorbed by trying to get the darn thing to load onto my old laptop.

OK, laugh if you you must. When your time is swallowed by sitting around waiting for some supposed protection that you just paid your hard earned cash on, well the laughing stops.
Every time I get to the license sign in page this little circle turns but nothing happens. I downloaded the technical support, it did a couple of fixes. I was still unable to download. I had spoken with customer service but I am not an expert and barely understood what they wanted me to do.

The software loaded to the other computers but not this one. If I were a betting man I would say something is blocking it but no messages or pop ups.
Last ditch effort and I feel better. Jay F in customer service finally had a solution. He took remote control of the laptop and cleaned a couple of things up. He wanted me to take the laptop for repairs. Unknowingly, he had fixed the issue. When I went back to McAfee it began the download. Mind you this process took more than 2 hours. I will be notifying the Internet carrier.

Frustration is subsiding as my faithful old laptop chugs along in peace. Perhaps, the global world can settle for one moment and stop trying to send out virus's to end the lives of computers. McAfee may not be the best for your situation but they eventually fixed the problem without knowing they did. I just had to laugh. 

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