
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Obama 2 years remain - more waste

Over the last six years Americans have watched in horror, as a once hopeful candidate asked the people, "Are you ready for change?" Massive turn outs and record voting drove the Republicans from office like water. Yet, we have seen our taxes rise through a terrible housing debacle created to displace millions from their dream homes. Causing a depreciation of millions of other homes. While CEO's of banks, banks themselves and Chrysler all reaped huge rewards from this nightmare.Using our taxes. Americans were told; this was what the nation needed to stay on top of the world financially. Our nation's financial credit was turned down a notch. Due to a complete mismanagement of our taxes. The final blow came when Washington was able to convince the Supreme court that Forced Health insurance sales would some how help the people. One gigantic financial rip off to our citizens. And many still believe things will get better. A few voters turned out to reap the glory of placing Republicans back into lost seats. Democrats were tossed out. Voting turn out was the lowest since the forties. While some have cast a verbal onslaught onto those who either did not vote or were unable to vote. Those potential voters are now seen as the problem with this nation. Civil disobedience is in full swing and Washington knows it. Hence, the creation of DHS. Who now has the largest armed force in America. DHS has recorded using more ammunition than our entire military. Under the guise of boarder enforcement. More waste of our taxes. President Obama today announced his full efforts for the last 2 years will be to tackle climate change. I had to laugh. All through school we were taught how the earth changes all by itself and is capable of wiping all life away and beginning again. Some how I hear my wallet being opened and another hand dipping into it. Over these last few years more money has been taken away from every person in America and our tax dollars wasted. With 2 years remaining we can only pray we are not hit with more deductions from our paychecks.

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