
Monday, November 3, 2014

Forced Health Insurance

If my father were alive we would have packed the truck and left. America, the land of the free, not any more. When laws are passed to force people to buy a product they do not want or need. We create a burden upon our entire society. America's government has done it this time. Fines if you don't buy insurance, possible jail time later on. Now, some of you will say I am wrong. I ask you this. If you fail to pay the IRS what can they do to you? Do you know? They will seize your assets. Freeze your bank accounts. And they have the power to ruin your life. Yes, they have the power to jail those in debt. Forced health insurance was created to serve trillions of dollar's to the senators and congressional persons that are heavily invested in insurance. This entire scheme was passed by our very own Supreme court. Who either was lied to and they really didn't understand what the hell they were doing. Or they felt Americans needed to pay hefty insurance bills to create more commerce. Because America is dying in commerce. If our own government can do this with car and health insurance next will be dental and life. That is not the America I was raised to believe in. We were the greatest nation in the globe and we have fallen dramatically under the riches rule. We are now like Romans facing a calamity of societal proportions, we are headed for civil uprising. If China does not take us over due to our irresponsible leadership nationally because of our indebtedness. I believe Russia will make a move with China. We have pissed away a great opportunity to capitalize on a national level to provide a United Health system. We have fractured our all ready broken system and over whelmed Americans into debt before birth. Children now owe over sixty thousand dollars prior to being born here. Any one who becomes a citizen no longer can enjoy the many opportunities once laid out for all. While educational cost continues to rise beyond belief with no end in sight. Families no longer talk to their kids about buying homes. We have continued to inflate market values of houses that are not worth the money invested to repair them. As our country is disintegrating around us. Our leaders are taking our money away to place in their families pockets. As sad as I am about our national woes. I see this forced insurance as a violation of our rights not to purchase something. This law can force you to buy all Apple products, that is what this law has opened us to. When ever a government forces its people to buy one product that only benefits a few it reminds me of the stories about the Holocaust. How can any Supreme Court Justice be trusted now? How can we allow these people to stay in charge of our nation and write law? They can just as easily begin locking up all those they deem unworthy. Like Yahoo ending Yahoo Contributors, and the closing of so many other web sites to begin monopolizing the internet. This country is at war with everyone around the world and now within its own boarders we are pushing Americans to the breaking point financially. Insurance costs have sky rocketed. Costing anywhere from $300.00 to $6,000.00 dollars per family per month. The truth is most will not get sick. That was before they also let Ebola in. Now, everyone must face this biological illness and forced health insurance nightmare. Americans need to repeal forced health Insurance sales. We need to some how get forced health insurance on the ballot nationally. Give the people their vote without the lies. This forced health insurance was nothing more than a scam. Ebola will kill hundreds of thousands and possibly millions. Insurance isn't going to prevent that.

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