
Friday, November 11, 2016

Holding my breath 2016 President

Since election day as the numbers were tallied. I feel as though I am holding my breath.

The world cheered, laughed, cried, became angry. Then some acted out. Like bad children whose parents allow them to terrorize other kids. Some Americans found their freedom was through violence and breaking the law. 

At the helm of the ship now sits a man, President elect Donald Trump, who has been nearly immortalized in television. His pride may be that of a man who knows he has the world by the literal balls. And through whatever crazy voting system America currently has. That voting system seems to put a few in the hot seat once in awhile. Popular vote aside, electoral vote counted and won.

Just in time was this election. Because as America has stopped reconstructing, stop trying to move to space in mass. The world has grown, while America has began to see the decay and rot. Left behind by years of ill managed monies. Corporations whose leaders moved them to countries where the taxes are nearly non existent.

We want to believe things for workers in America will some how get better. That someone in their right mind, would figure out, the forced sale of insurance was a horrible idea.  It has crushed the middle class. Home prices, rentals have decimated millions.

Instead, our new president and his team are moving to trade deals first. Of course, a good business man would move his newly acquired assets to better seating at the table of wealth.

How does his or any politicians wealth make us richer?

Work harder, work harder, the dreams can come true; people keep shouting. Not everyone can keep the pace. We leave far too many good workers behind, without proper support to bring skills forward.

America doesn't need good television now as much as it needs good leadership. The kind that gets things working again. Frankly, lame duck sessions for three months. Vacations that go for over two months or more.  Our tax dollars stolen away from systems to help the people.  Perhaps when real healthy change happens this writer will no longer feel as though I am holding my breath.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Politcal nightmare

American politics looks more like a scene from Dr. Phil's show of rambling dysfunctional families who just can't seem to get along.

We have heard more character assignation in this race than real hope for a nation now struggling to keep Democracy alive.

When the Middle East looks more like a mecca for employment, housing, health care and real innovation. America seems like a weak child tossing her military weight around. While fueling fires around the globe.

All though no writer can say they truly understand the political arena that has been created today. We may now be seeing a house a cards that is crashing down.

Some cities have new technology, while many others do not.

Health care has been turned into a for profit only business. Our bodies are nothing more than dollar signs for Doctors, hospitals and the very government that was supposed to work for the people.

Laws focused on jailing any one who wants to treat pain naturally, still thrust millions into jail cells.

Facilities that treated mental illness were closed down by a for profit only modality. Placing millions in situation, they now struggle to survive in apartments they can't afford.

Ask the homeless who march the roadways in search of freedom from government oppression, how they will get their next meal.

We say all lives matter, our actions speak louder when men and women are murdered who act out with any type of aggression. Fear perhaps is what drives us now.

Guns: a trillion dollar business whose mentors have profited, while telling us we need more guns and less regulation.

Women are being thrust backward from ranks once held so high. Crushed by men who have had enough of their bullying and belligerent behavior.

So what will Americans do as this nightmare on elm street continues in the political arena?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Clock Boy moved out of U.S.A. now sues?

September 15th, 2015 a teen walks into his classroom in Texas and shows his teacher a home made clock. Ahmed Mohamed, was thrust into the spotlight arrested and questioned without his parents present.

After meeting the President of the United States Barack Obama, a Texas police chief apologizing. And a Texas school standing by their teacher, yet backing off under the weight of social media.

Ahmed Mohamed moved out of the United States, 24 hours after meeting our president and is now suing his former hometown.

Clever as this story may seem, it remains real. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

What is so troubling? Ahmed Mohamed is using the United States as his personal financial punching bag. Either sheer luck, or a very orchestrated performance by an illustrious group who call themselves ISIS are very real possibilities in this modern day age of cloak and daggers.

Ahmed Mohamed and his family moving out of the United States gives an eyebrow rise by many. Who are now thinking twice about this young mans intentions.

There are far too many prestigious colleges and Universities in the United States that could have catered to him. Instead he moved to Qatar, whose neighboring country is Saudi Arabia.

September 11th, 2001 the Twin towers and Washington are attacked. Several of the men involved were from Saudi Arabia.

Regardless of the national prejudice. America has been targeted.

This so called clock boy, whose story never stated "why" in his mind was a clock a good idea to build, knowing the fresh history of America. Why would  a child do something like this?

Now, Ahmed Mohamed's actions look more like a simple play on American law to fund his families new life in Qatar. Is this entire incident sheer luck or a planned financial window of opportunity using fear?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Ebay used as theft ring profit?

All over the good ole U.S.A. families struggle to meet massive imposed federal insurance premiums. While juggling two or three jobs to support one, two or three children or more. Relationships in the toilet literally, over financial nightmares average citizens were never trained for.

Ebay first launched in 1995 as an auction site anyone could utilize for a small fee. Before long many sellers were making a good living selling multiple items on Ebay.

Thieves were right there every step of the way.

Even in the beginning reports of issues were popping up. And like many things in America, big corporations and money do not support the customer base. Issues were fielded through emails to sellers.
Requesting money back for poor quality goods. or worse yet  buyers never received the goods. In some cases antiques were fake. When the legitimate collector found the discrepancy, they were hotter than a Mexican red pepper.

Identity theft became news headlines in 2015 when a man was charged and pled guilty to identify theft of an F.B.I. agent. The wheels of justice moving faster after one of their one has been targeted. 

Ebay has not only become the worlds largest auction site. Ebay has possibly become the worlds largest theft ring as the Federal Bureau of Investigation are now probing the site.

In this day and age of terrorism, could Ebay be funneling monies to terror organizations as well?

Friday, July 22, 2016

Terror attacks in Europe rising

We all see the horrible pictures flying across our televisions. Terror attacks kill hundreds. Terror attacks kill thirty. Female suicide bombers kill hundreds. Black youth killed by unscrupulous police not utilizing their training. Civilians turn on police. Domestic terrorism rising.

America and Europe seem to be the hard targets. From a ghost who arrived on the scene screaming jibberish across the internet. And millions of viewers began running to the local gun shops in America.

Once priced under five hundred dollars guns and rifles shot up into the thousands. Dealers were making money, NRA, National Rifle Association membership rising. Monies pouring in from fear.

No military personnel called out to handle these attacks. A weary police force. High adrenaline and caffeine rob nocturnal bliss.

Police shot dead in what appears to be a growing terror threat from within a nation. While our own military is tasked with foreign affairs they can no longer deal with. In a political game of wills no one understands.

These suicide bombers and gun toting men and women seem hell bent on taking manhood back into some warped prehistoric ideology. Even an Omnipotent being, or creator might be scratching their head asking, why?

Could China, Russia and Japan have joined in some secret alliance against the United States and Europe?

Perhaps, this ghost war comes from every culture across the planet. Who have felt the whip from the USA?
While our European allies begin to wonder how long they can keep their civilians calm.

The government theorists are running their algorithms, checking their data to compile some sort of idea. Why destabilize the United States and Europe? Possibly the rest of the world would benefit, since natural resources are running out.

America and Europe profited heavily from the price gouging in the real estate sector. The dollar and the Euro have kept steady while other currency have seen a drop. Some nations have had to claim bankruptcy.

Even with the annalists working hard to figure out why. The why matters only to them. The families of the slain will morn for an eternity. Terror attacks in Europe on the rise.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Muslims go Home - American culture is the terrorist

Muslims in America have to be wondering how this political nightmare really began.

Hispanics under watch of a boarder patrol that is out of control. Who will be the overlord of this game of thrones?

One thing is clear: Whites are racing to the top again with prejudice in full swing, for an all out race war.

Two white men calling themselves the next revival. And the best choice for Americans seem to be on their way into the White house.

Out with those evil blacks, who broke our systems. Robbing away one program after another. Social programs gutted. While citizens trying to get any help are denied over and over. Until they wither, and are so weakened, they give up and die. Suicide is the highest in the history of America. 

No one gives a dam. America has become a massive country of incarcerates. Wars a nation can not win. Politicians who want to control the flow of drugs to the masses, by legalizing marijuana.

Messages sent out via tweet or text, "Muslims go home." We don't want your weak, your tired or sick. We don't even want our weak, tired, or sick. They have sucked up the monies and the masses have spoken, "no more." We do not want to pay any more. Or so the politicians and war mongers are singing these untruths to the masses and they are listening.

The new national anthem of hate filled drums has begun to speak to the millions. And nothing is worse than mass hysteria, or group think.

Muslims who came here in droves over the years and built their mosques. Enjoying all the benefits of American culture while keeping their own traditions alive and strong. Now under siege by an all out offensive line up that shows no chance of slowing down.

Will Muslims be the next incarcerated like the Chinese were in World War II? When the fears of a nation drove all Americans to fear those who came hear to live? Or will we finally see the true faces of terror emerge from the dark shadows from which it is hidden?

One thing is for sure, Muslims go home - American culture is the terrorist.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Free Windows 10 upgrades?

In 2016 we have a plethora of options for operating systems. Or do we really?

Microsoft launched Windows 10 reporting that it was what windows 7 users wanted and needed.  Problem's arose after install. Crashing computers, this launched a massive refusal to buy into Microsoft ever again.

Windows 10 is a free upgrade? Not really. After 31 days if you don't say no and stop using it there may be a monthly fee attached, Microsoft hasn't yet said what that will be. What those at corporate offices want the public to not know is, this is not FREE. Windows 10 comes with probing issues into anything your not telling the government or Microsoft.

Getting to know all of us better seems to be what Microsoft is now setting out to do. Microsoft seems to believe, since the feds can easily track all of us without protest, why can't they?

Scary thing is, why are we giving up our rights to privacy?

Do you want a camera in every corner of your home? Including your bathrooms and showers? Watching your children 24 hours a day? Maybe not in a good way.

Free software upgrades may get your google going, but think about how your going to feel after being so violated personally.

And why are most Americans not protesting all this intrusion? Fear of terrorism?

If Johnny hacker can crawl into your computer and so can Uncle Sam without you knowing it. How happy everyone is except your peace of mind has now been stolen from you. Free Windows upgrades? Who is watching you daily on that tiny electronic device 24 hours a day?

Government financial responsibility should they pay?

Americans and foreigners were heavily invested in the housing markets. In 2016, many of these 401K's and the like continue to be heavily invested in the current real estate markets. Hoping for the next big boom.

Hit hardest were those who wanted there dreams full filled without paying the reality prices.

The aftermath of the so called housing boom has been felt across this great nation. Many are moving out. While others reaped huge financial benefits.

What our government seems unwilling to speak about, has been the devaluation of millions of homes.

Those highly inflated prices even made trailers, known as manufactured houses hit huge prices over two hundred thousand in manly areas.

When these over inflated prices began to fall, they fell under the real homes value. Turning homes upside down in loans all over America.

To be fair manufactured homes loose their value over time due to structural failure, while houses do not. Yet houses structurally fail too.

If a place was built in nineteen forty, it seems the price goes up. But, if it is a manufactured house the price goes down.Both homes sit on the same ground. Dirt hasn't gotten piles of gold in it.

Yet real estate agents have learned verbage, that makes a mean mother in law look nice.

What is more remarkable? Some city authorities have purposely devalued homes to try to get people out so they can turn their own profits.

If government is purposely re-marketing homes to devalue them; shouldn't they pay?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Darker political side

Listening to Republican and Democratic debates. The men and woman seem to have a running theme.

Let us rich folks tell you voters how it's really gonna be. We don't care about the state of your lives. We care about the character assassinations we are dealing with today.

What is more nauseating to hear. The Republicans want to continue with Obama Care and raising taxes. And so do the Democrats.

Insurance premiums have stopped millions of consumers from spending. This one act alone Obama Care has hurt all businesses. Corporations have had five years to find their coverage for employees. Using the backs of the employee to cover ninety percent of the costs. These companies have flourished, only at the top.

The trickle down theory is in full swing. Causing thousands to move into motels. Living in these small units like homes, until their monies run out. They then move to the the streets.

As these ultra wealthy politicians have kept the homeless out of sight, out of mind. While cutting,  hundreds of mental and social programs. America is in serious trouble.

The number one item purchased in America right now, are guns. Either legally or illegally. People are buying ammunition at an all time high. Who is invested in these corporation's? Many of these same politicians.

Our government has strengthened DHS, Department of Health Services and Department of Homeland Security. While keeping our military in check.

The politicians have reallocated funding to their families, their stocks, while willfully stripping off the backs of lower and middle class people any chance at home ownership by inflating home prices and manipulating the market to devalue other properties. Even good home owners can no longer get fair prices for their properties.

Systematically allowing Fracking to go unchecked around our national parks and public lands. Ruining once pristine waters to what end?

And while millions out there will never believe what is written or said. Millions more will become slaves from a financial market that is not strong.

Each of these politicians own properties outside of the United States. They have private planes. Private security, all paid for by our taxes. And they never need to worry about insurance payments because their health care was voted in years ago. Without caring about the people of this great nation.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Police murders in Dallas Texas, another side

Like a fire breathing dragon descending upon the villagers. Police around the United States are now on high alert.

Police departments across America have seen years of illegal activities. Committed by the very men and women sworn to uphold the law. Too many cases of police brutality have gone unchecked and unpunished.

Yet, nothing seems to quench the thirst for blood.  A 43 year old black man Eric Garner, standing on a corner in New York selling untaxed cigarettes. Was killed by police.

They decided instead of writing a ticket they would wrestle him to the ground. And while one of their finest used an illegal choke hold to snuff the mans life away. The rest did absolutely nothing. Not even a whimper of, "hey you might be hurting him, lets stop."

Michael Brown was shot to death by another police officer.

These two incidents only represent hundreds of thousands of deaths at the hands of law enforcement.

While America's prison system has stolen hundreds of thousands more, young black men from their families due to drugs, alcohol and domestic violence.

Many of these men are habitual users and abusers. Who may never stop. And, after a stint in prison seem to come out more educated on what to do next time. Even worse, they move to murder. After that they seem to loose any chance at rehabilitation.

Yet, America is now is a crisis. Police are the latest targets. Their poor history with dealing with the public may have been counter to what the side of the cars used to say. To protect and serve. This logo became, to kill and survive.

How serious is all this news from Dallas Texas. Well if the L.A. Riots of 1992 are a testament to what may erupt, pretty serious.  African Americans have had enough. No matter what side of the street you are from, too many people, equal big trouble for police.

They may have a lone gunman or this may be the work of an internal explosion in America.

Some in the news have speculated with Donald's Trumps open prejudice and winks at White supremacists. Our entire nation is just about ready to explode. 

Regardless of how Dallas fares. Police are rethinking how law enforcement will go forward with such an ambiguous record of murdering blacks in America.

Monday, June 13, 2016

ISIS claims Gay bar mass shooting

Our own government wanted everyone to be happy. The gay marriage act was introduced into law.

Good ole religious folks were appalled. That any nations leader, would try to force them to accept these homosexuals. As equal, in the eyes of the Lord, and country.

Now, we have a so called terrorist act that left as many as fifty people dead. A gay bar was the latest target.

ISIS, known only to our government as a terrorist organization. Whose main purpose seems to be a kill and die strategy.

ISIS tell people on one hand they are following God's law. On the other hand, they molest and kill children, rape women and torture any one. Using an idea of cleansing older than the bible.

Like tiny devils popping up around America. These men and women are not just dangerous because of what they think. They are dangerous because they act out in such large scale ways.

ISIS claims responsibility for killing gays. They cheer and celebrate by raping more women. Killing and molesting more men and children. They thrive by living off the blood of the fallen.

Their point is; no one can regulate what people think and believe. Absolutely no one. Even in China. Which hasn't seen the mass killings Americans and French have.

The targets are clear - erode away, little by little the belief in the national leadership. Using military to change hatred is impossible.

When America created massive hatred through out the world by creating, training and giving guns to these insane men and women. Teaching them to kill. Some thing they all ready knew how to do.

Bombing the middle east would certainly send a strong message. What do you do when ISIS believers are all ready living here? Many right next door. Or even working in the White house.

ISIS has people every where. To think they do not is naive.

Perhaps China doesn't see as many of these killings because they deal with their own. In a different way. Russia doesn't seem to worry about ISIS. Nor does Saudi Arabia.

America is now known as the prison nation. We are afraid of our own shadows. ISIS uses that fear over and over. People will not stop having fun, because one bar was a target. 

Do something at a ball game, that would definitely send a message. Security at ball games is better than at gay bars.

ISIS has claimed more lives than the Iraq war did. We just don't hear about them unless the news wants us to know.

Our government lied to us to activate our military personnel to go into Iraq. To kill a leader they could not get out of office any other way. Trying to control the oil market. Bad move.

We can't sleep with the devil expecting not to pay.

ISIS beliefs are every where in America. For all those who cheered, ISIS latest murdering spree. Your excitement may be interrupted one day by your family getting murdered. Be careful what your cheering for.

How sad, that a group of men and women can hate so deeply, they feel murder is justified by God. Who would want to have a God who sought murder as a cleanser. To wash yourself in the blood of others. What a legacy to leave to your children. Hate, rape, torture and murder.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

"Your terminated"

Your terminated. Words, no employee ever wants to hear. You see smiles, and high fives as you walk away for the last time from a place you were once employed.
Those who just passed the ultimate judgment on you, rather than seeing their own short comings and fixing things before they really get bad. Your the one who is terminated.

Employers are funny beings. Asking workers to give doctors notes. Then telling said employee, we need to meet with you. Finally, telling said employee there's the door.

Taking away one persons right to make a wage must feel vindicating for the sicker of souls.

Some blogs and news articles refer to how bad supervisors feel when they must terminate a person.  Funny, how anything can be spun to make us look nice. Including corporate advertising.

One example: Millions are spent on web pages show casing how great a facility is in the health care industry. Later, finding out the physician in charge was mentally incompetent and blind to compassion and pain management. An administrator caught on a families camera was stealing from residents for years. Directors of nursing who are so abusive they ought never hold any license in the health care field. Law suits paid out quickly and quietly to avoid a media scandal that could have unlimited costs.

Corporate modalities designed to turn profits at the expense of family members.

Some corporations sell lies better than others. When your in the top five businesses,  no state wants to loose that kind of powerful employer.

Blind eyes come in to perform inspections. Once these inspections were a valuable safety catch.  Lies and more lies, some corporations comfort themselves and escalate profits at employee expense.Showing a terminated employee may have been the issue.

We humans haven't matured much. When those who really hate you, are plotting how they will end your career. This can sicken even the heartiest of career oriented souls.

So what to do when your terminated? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Take a moment to assess why this happened. Try to look at yourself, rather than those who did this to you. What happened that brought this to such a drastic choice? Could you have kept your mouth shut? Could you have been a yes person? Could you have asked for a transfer?

If you saw your termination as a catalyst to better things, great. If you saw your termination as the most horrible thing, you might want to back up. Look around and take stock in what you have accomplished.

Just like the Phoenix - you will rise again. Never side step a possible relocation, as that may be the best thing in some cases. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A thought or two

Now that nearly everyone has had a chance to cast a vote. Do you really care any more?

There are so many days rolling by in one lifetime. That life may be measured by hardships, good fortunes, death, new life, new love, new companions.

We people of America, we endure. And haven't we endured long enough?

There was a waking time of mankind. When Columbus made his discoveries. That had all ready been discovered.

Like ego filled maniacs, we race off to cast a vote.

While delegates are chosen. They are the ones who will try to carry the will of the people?

No, unfortunately they can do what ever they want. Their people too. With strong feelings and agendas.

There are more players here than at a Blackjack tournament. And what does any of this have to do with how you feel?

Get in line. No one will ever really get what they want. Maybe, just maybe, someone will wake up.
Or many someones may wake up.

This political season isn't over just yet. So hang in there cowboys and cowgirls. We may be in for the ride of a lifetime.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Surrender Give up your guns America - surrender unwated firearms

The planet we all live on, can only house a few of everything. We humans have taken over, and now dictate what will live and die.

Men created guns as a way to fight nature and negative human behavior. In the old west, a man would be shot or hung for stealing cattle, wood, or any thing that was needed to survive. Times changed, people grew.

Intellect and religion made men believe they could have all the power they could work for. Guns made a mans life easier in the wilderness. An efficient way to kill for food and sport. Millions enjoy hunting.

Times have changed again. With billions of mouths to feed and food dwindling. Men in government positions have decided only the ultra rich will hunt for sport. The rest of us better pack up our farms and ranches, make way for highways, hotels and casinos. In the name of progress.

Some thing in America is different. A serious tone. A war cry from those who have lost loved ones to gunfire. A movement that has gotten the attention of political leaders like never before. While one hand dips into the NRA, the other reaches out to families promising changes.

What is really happening? Across America cities and towns have begun to initiate give up your firearms.

This movement comes with increased boarder patrol. Are they trying to keep immigrants out, or all of us in? With talks about fencing in all of America, which sounds more like enslaving us. Our political leaders with Police, military and boarder patrol have all begun to surf the lands, from home to home.

Homes invaded for county and city violations. Those same simple violations used to get a person a ticket. Now, can end up with you or your family being carted off to jails, nursing homes and prisons. Your properties taken. Any weapons confiscated are never returned to any family.

Most of us are too busy texting, sexting, and or talking on our cell phones to care. We crave technology and money.

Our lust for more has been used to over step, and side step the Constitution Of the United States. Patriot act laws established. These laws  have turned on American citizens. Once free and filled with choices. Americans are facing limits. A new kind of oppression. 

This could be an Orson Wells novel. Better yet a Steven Spielberg movie. Unfortunately, for Americans, the next ten years will be very hard to take. No matter what side your on, imagine if a national disaster happened that was so bad, most of the people here die.

Then imagine what would happen as other countries decided it was time to come calling. Think about that for awhile, without a gun.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

American style Political nigthmare

America has seen her share of issues. Every country has issues. Mostly due to human behavior. One side wants to control the behavior. The other side wants to be left alone. Too many sides and the nation gets grid locked.

From the outside world, America once looked like a haven. A safe place to go when other nation's were in term oil.

Fueled by financial oppression. Americans have begun to listen.

Donald Trump holds all aces, as he verbally assaults other candidates. Hilary Clinton is a liar. So is Donald Trump. She seems to be better at it and much quieter. Telling every one Bernie Sanders is too old and will die soon. Donald Trump's words get people motivated.

Donald Trump invokes negative action from voters. he then tells people he will pay for their legal fees and he does nothing. He lies over and over, yet millions are voting for him.

The name calling, general put downs, lies and bad behavior of one Republican candidate makes the world dance. United by incivility. Americans of all walks of life are rallying their support for this mean spirited being to become President.

Incited by his words. perhaps true or perhaps just used to capture the votes. Donald Trump is an expert at lying. Using the media to gain himself a shot at the biggest prize: becoming President of the United States of America.

Wait, wait don't tell me; baby boomers are rushing to his side. The same baby boomers who bought that every thing was fine. The same generation that kept lying to the next generations over and over.

Watching  and doing nothing as college tuition climaxed beyond the average citizens ability to pay. As forced health insurance was made law. While Social security was secretly beginning to be dismantled. Women's right taken back to the fifties, even further. 

Laws established, that force all working Americans to pay the highest for medical care, than any other country in the world. Our current leader Barrack Obama told us we needed to be different from other nations. Social medicine wasn't for this nation, unified health care wasn't for this nation. He created a scam, to pull trillions off of the markets and into health insurance.

We have sold our bodies as small corporations. Americans are paying for that business with our lives. The care never improved, we just get to have more taken from our paychecks.

The baby boomers, who allowed the federal government to turn away from the people and enhance its own military authority. After the movement in the sixties.

Finally, a man who is white, rich and loud mouthed. Standing up telling the nation, how bad the world is. How terrible our economy is. A man who uses immigrants to staff his hotels and pays them minimum wage. A man who has taken multiple bankruptcies because he couldn't figure out how to pay his bills?

The school yard bully, who with his mouth and paid bullies now tells America he is the answer. The answer to what exactly? This is what the other half of voters are asking.

Words change when men become president. Actions change. Deeds change. While this nation may be broken. This nation has never been unified about health care and the needs of all people including those in political offices. We want to end social programs, they cost us. We want to end Social security. It isn't solvent. That is what is really being said.

We lavish our attention to a foul spirited man, who is not our friend as workers. He is an employer, he is his own corporation. He is not a man with whom any presidency ought to be given. If he can not keep his mouth shut, act in a responsible manner towards others. He then, is inciting negative actions in our citizens. This could result in a war like America has never seen before. From within it's own boarders.

Hitler did the same thing and millions cheered him on.  Millions were murdered, tattooed and experimented on. One class of citizens didn't find Hitler the great leader they had hoped for.

The military is waiting to be called up against any threat to this nations government. The people no longer have a real vote. The presidency is seen as a playing filed for those most wealthy to see how much they can cut into the workers checks. Be mindful of wolves in sheep clothing.

American style Political nightmare.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

No Tax refund? Social Security over payments?

America has a another government program.The Department of Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS). This department has the authority to collect tax refunds, for past due debts. Including child support, and over payments from Social Security.

This year, for the 2015 tax season, the BFS has seized millions of Americans tax refunds.

All tax payers become excited at years end. Many are sure they might get a refund.Then a letter comes explaining the refund is being used to pay debt.

Obviously, these debts need to be paid. Too take one hundred percent of a tax refund seems a bit harsh. Especially when people are on fixed incomes. This is exactly what millions of Americans are now facing.

Interestingly. Tax refunds fall this year exactly at the same time we have a heated political race.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Amazon sales troubles

Amazon was the brain child of Jeff Bezos technology entrepreneur. He has made billions.

Net worth aside, customers in America are beginning to see a pattern of bad sales, poor customer service. And a general feeling of being taken to the financial cleaners. All though you can give sellers feedback. There seems to be little resolution for bad products.

1. Computer logins not functioning

2. Cameras that won't take pictures

3. Piano keyboards malfunctioning

To give Amazon some credit. They have told people who wish to sell with them. You must state if a product is used or refurbished prior to any sales.

With millions of products, Amazon hasn't had much success cutting down the problems. If Amazon wants to be fresh. They must give customers a hot line to resolve issues. And make sure the people who work on it, can speak and understand the language of each the customer.

Otherwise, Amazon will never be able to compete with a similar new startup online business that offers real help.

Customer service  and professionalism are still key. Even in today's global economy. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

One of the best cafe's in Newport Oregon

Driving on highway 101 is exhilarating. The ocean on one side, the forest on the other. Huge sand dunes looming under forested areas. Along the coast of Oregon there are many food places to choose from.

Entering Newport Oregon the sign states, "The friendliest". Going through town North on 101 past Dutch Bros coffee on the left, just past down town. A few blocks away sits a tiny cafe.

Newport cafe, where the food is great. large portions for hungry crowds, and locals. New flooring that looks like wood planks. We walked in after two thirty in the morning. The fresh clean smell. And bright furnishings. The windows were so clear, one could get the idea they weren't there.

Our server was a young man who sorted out what the spouse wanted, by showing her on the menu where she could get it all. A nice large breakfast called the 2 x 2. Gave her all she could want and then some.

If your just coming to Oregon for an ocean visit or town crawl. You and yours just have to try the Newport cafe. Friendly staff, great service and an exciting look inside. Newport can be proud of this cafe.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kayac disaster

Today was over cast with a few sun breaks on the Oregon coast. My spouse has always had the impulse to go where we haven't gone before. Today was no exception.

As we used our kayak paddles to cross the bay in Newport, she spotted in front of her the first sea lion. Like a child with ice cream she giggled, pointed and continued  on towards the pack laying out on the peer.

Just across from the coast guard station I felt the slack tide hit. In a few minutes I was struggling to paddle. To just keep from going out to sea. My wife hadn't noticed until I began yelling for her.

She realized the seriousness of our situation. She instructed me to paddle side ways. We were headed for the peer by Rogue brewery. We got close enough and she wanted to try to go under the peer and around the short jetty by the boats.

I went under the peer first. The force of the out going tide was tremendous. I told her to be careful we were in trouble. There were a few men and children above us crabbing.

As if we were in a time warp. As I paddled ever closer to shore I heard what sounded like a child screaming. I looked up to see a girl skipping down the peer. The men above were yelling at me. "Your partner is in the water."

I looked to see her kayak floating out to sea, my insides sunk. A great strength rose up as I paddled ever closer to her. Yelling, "I'm coming, don't you give up. Keep going towards the shore." She replied, "It's really cold." Her face was bright red, her hands were all ready bloody.

She was grabbing the boards that had barnacles, and she kept hanging on. I saw her face, she knew she was going to die. The men above tossed a rope in the water for her to hang onto. They called for help. I used my kayak to try to keep her from floating out to sea. The kayak was too small to be very useful.

A young man climbed down and pulled her up. He gave instructions and she followed them. I placed my paddle under her legs. Together we held her in place, while we waited for rescue. Time faded, she was tired, bruised and bloody.

 As if Hades had risen from the grave to sweep my eternal love away. I burned with the knowledge we aren't kids any more. I felt useless at that moment. As my wife clung to a young man whom I want to say thank you to. I told everyone as the scene played out, thank you.

Newport's finest Fire rescue arrived. They through another rope with a big loop just to help keep her in place until the Coast guard could arrive. With in minutes, that seemed like an eternity she was plucked from the water. I paddled as fast as I could to the shore. I waded in the sand that sunk with each step nearly a foot. Pulling the only kayak left. The sea had stolen the other.

I climbed over the rocks and drug that kayak to the top. A young couple came to my rescue. Here was another young soft spoken man whom I wish to give my thanks to. Names were never exchanged. But a hearty thank you was given to all I met.

Newport's finest fire department crew of two men came over and informed me the other kayak was on the other jetty. We rode over to collect it. As we did a pickup truck grabbed it and drove away. We all thought they were stealing it. To our pleasant surprise they took it to the coast guard station.

Finally reunited, my spouse who was exhausted and cold. The love we share, the hugs and kisses waited until we showered and took care of the wounds. She finally let go. Tears fell and we hugged. Scared, tired and alive.

When people tell us to get the free tide tables and read them they aren't kidding. Our lives could have significantly changed in a few minutes. The tides are dangerous. We have learned to respect mother nature the hard way. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED US TODAY.

Today we were shown there are many good folks out there. Living quietly all around. Sometimes it takes a disaster to see all the goodness around us.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Back ground checks gone wrong

The United States about ten to fifteen years ago allowed companies to crop up over the Internet, whose sole purpose was to find out about your neighbor. Millions became excited, they could check on anyone.

Men and women who were accused of sexual misconduct were listed. They were the first in a long line of casualties. Tossed out from rented dwellings, lost jobs, no medical, no way to maintain a home.

Back ground checks were created out of fear and frustration from law suits. Companies had no way of knowing if a person they hired was a criminal or not.
That was the entire process, had applicant A lied or omitted anything on the application that would need to be known, to make a good hiring decision. Legal safety for the corporation must be maintained. The cost of law suits were rising. 

Companies then decided, they needed to check peoples credit worthiness. One would think this would be done only for cash handling positions. However, these same companies decided if they could deny a person for bad credit, who would ever sue.

The federal government wasn't really keeping an eye on the developing catastrophic bad behavior of employers. Law makers were more concerned with how to cash in on all those companies that wanted out of paying for health insurance. That is another story.

Back ground checks have been used to crush anyone who has a low credit score below 600 or less. Back ground checks have been used to stop LGBT folks from working. Men who are overly feminine. Women who are too masculine. Transsexuals who had name changes were cut or harassed so badly they quit their jobs. High numbers of Hispanics and blacks were hit hard due to criminal records, they could no longer omit.

Increasing background checks hit lists, enter the religious extremists. Women who were married more than once, unacceptable. Too many child or family obligations cut. Over weight people have always been easy to say no to or not call back after an interview. American employers have been having a field day using back ground checks on American citizens.

Back ground checks may not currently be illegal. As a future note, they may become illegal since these fly by night companies have taken the stance, there is no right to privacy in America.

Corporations complained they needed more information to make good hiring choices. This statement know longer holds true. American back ground checks gone wrong.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Political stupidity

Telling Americans that China, Singapore, and the free trade acts have taken jobs away from Americans is a lie.

Corporations moved out of the United States. Why, simple economics. The federal government raised corporate taxes.  Corporations had to pay for health insurance, in many other countries employees are covered for medical or there is no requirement for a business to provide any such insurance. Many other countries have less taxes and much better offerings for businesses.

Other nations have invested in their people. With national health systems that work for all. Yes, there are issues. None of them come close to what America has done to it's workers.

Economically Americans are paying more taxes. Americans are now paying for forced health insurance payments, in some cases these payments are nearly $6500.00 a month.

The Affordable care Act cut into the middle class worse than taxes.  Causing the middle class to cut expenses.  Add forced insurance payments to taxes, the middle class once again got taken to the cleaners.

This one act - the Affordable care Act has become the worst financial crisis for Americans. We have turned our bodies into small businesses.

Good health comes from good food and exercise. Not from financially raping Americans.

No matter which side you have taken participating in stupidity is dangerous.

American politics needs a serious change. Not more political stupidity.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

America is divided

The new America looks like razor wire and grotesque cement walls surrounding most of this nations shore lines.

The new America isn't about defending anything remotely regarding freedom.

We Americans have given up our right to any kind of privacy, via the Internet and our government spying on us.

The new America has a dictator, instead of a president and congress.

The new America locks up more citizens. The new America begins killing off any one over fifty and any one disabled regardless of age.

The new America has forced life insurance, forced dental insurance, and continued force health insurance. Which all guarantees the wealthy stay that way. While the rest of us give up eighty percent of our paychecks to insurance schemes.

The new America has voted in a prejudice hate filled white man. Whose juvenile behavior and mouth enter us into a world war we will loose. Under this new leader's reign, the new America is flying a Chinese flag, right after he takes America into bankruptcy.

The new America isn't about helping social programs. The new America is about getting rid of dead wood. Those who can't pay, lock em up. Those who can't work, euthanize them. The new America doesn't believe in hand outs.

In the new America, you no longer have choice.  Once we gave up our right to privacy. We gave up our right to bear arms, in the new America.

America is divided. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

American Politics

We listen to every word. Hanging on for the eventual gigantic crowd clap and we're off. Like a bunch of kids after balloons. We are running with our choices up until we cast that vote.

America is just slap happy regarding politics. Rich men and women battling for the one seat that gives them lifelong benefits, for only serving four years. With our recent exception serving eight.  The presidential seat commands an orchestra for the world to see. And at one time to follow.

Now, the candidates speak about what they will do for the country. Lock down, and finally secure the boarders. Bring jobs back from China and Mexico. Give Americans more job offers. Repealing Obama Care, now called, Affordable Care act. Abolishing the IRS.

Most of the candidates employ people from over there. Yet, they speak as if no one gets the issue of immigration. Send everyone back. Cut off welfare. Cut more programs.

Ideas abounding in American politics in 2016.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Health plans of America email read

Have you received or read an email from Health plans of America?

Seven years ago Americans had a little thing called, choice. We some how lost choice. Through the Supreme Court and Washington Politicians.

Introducing forced health insurance.

Health plans of America's email listed the top five reasons to have health insurance. The very first one:

Avoid Tax penalties

Number two was, free preventative care. Three is, encourage good health and longevity. Four, never miss another doctors appointment. Five, Save Time and Money.

Gotta say, written in this format it sounded more like a threatening letter than caring about a person's health. 

We Americans may have become so compliant, we do not hear what is being said.  Worse, we may believe there is nothing wrong. 

This email tells of tax penalties for just living. Encouraging good health and longevity, through tax penalties? No one would dare miss a doctors appointment, may add more fines? The old cliche, save time and money is no more.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Yahoo sell off's?

Yahoo, for millions of users has been a trend or brand. That increased it's value to fast.

Yahoo began buying up Internet companies and then dumping the staff. Yahoos online character was born. Seen as a financial angel to some. Or an Internet bully by others.

Yahoo bought up tech ideas, just as fast. Some of those ideas were reported destroyed, others were tried. Flop's happen even in the tech world.

Some of Yahoo's fatal wounds are coming from an extremely rude, untrained, non-empathetic customer service department. If you can even get a live voice.

Yahoo appeared to be on a path to take over the Internet. The company seems to have stopped themselves. Possibly realizing millions of online users do not like Internet bullies.

Google, some how has moved beyond Yahoo. Not from publicity, from acceptance of unified learning, and growing forward. No hostile take overs. No back room secret meetings.

Is Yahoo hemorrhaging money? Can Yahoo rise from it's sell offs? 

**I was paid by yahoo for articles submitted**

Friday, February 19, 2016

Narcotic lies - has the government gone to far?

States across America began a massive drug testing of welfare recipients. Before you go jumping for joy.

Were these drug tests intended to show higher numbers in narcotics usage, than previously reported by the government? They are failing to show that trend.

Were these drug tests necessary medically? Or were they a clear violation under the law, that each state decided to look the other way? A class action suit would be next.

Drug tests have netted laboratories millions of dollars, from tax payers who are in hard ship. 

Was our government responsible for inflating narcotic deaths to intimidate physicians into compliance and control? While devastating Americans who are in physical pain. And turning physicians and medical personnel into mini police units.

Or, does it look like all pain relievers are being pulled from the market, not to protect Americans, but to sell abroad?

Narcotic lies - has the government gone to far?

Don't lie Mrs. Clinton

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

I would humbly ask, that before you stand on a platform and tell every one, "I don't believe I have ever lied."

Would you please be so kind to tell your dilated pupils and that tiny little vein on your neck and the tiny red tips of your ears. That you aren't lying now, or that you have never lied?

Please say something like, "Humans try to be honest." Or perhaps say.

"I haven't lied today."

That way, all those facial parts that are giving you away as a liar, will no longer matter. And we can all get back to the real issues at hand.

Like cutting that huge deficit, making a universal health care program, that doesn't kill off the tax payers.

Stop cutting the only program's that have helped millions of families since they were created, Social Security, Medicare, and food stamp programs.

End the massive policing of our citizens through illegal drug testing.

Perhaps, we can talk about how every state will work towards repairing or completely rebuilding infrastructure.

How we will help those who are interested in starting up manufacturing in the United States. How we can cut taxes for those new manufacturing jobs. So they won't want to move out of this nation.

Yes, lets not forget repealing those pesky terrorism acts, laws, and secret court. And the continued illegal electronic monitoring.

Maybe, we can even over haul police departments and medical departments, once and for all. For the good of a nation.

Why doesn't the federal government end taxing the lottery. Rather than using it as a false tax field to collect from.

Churches enjoy playing in politics while enjoying no taxation. Pass a law to stop this action or start taxing churches.

Stop harassing the only program in the United states that has proven to lower Sexually transmitted diseases, give education on sex, parenting and pregnancy. And assist with unwanted pregnancies, Planned parenthood.

Could the government spend our taxes on something other than hearings to try to smear presidential candidates? Or using our taxes to illegally incarcerate millions of drug and alcohol addicts, including the mentally ill?

And if your going to lie. Don't talk about lying like you never did it. Just be honest, we Americans still enjoy honesty.

Thanks for listening. 


Derrick A Jasper February 19th, 2016

Apple verses American Government?

The United States government is in another war, here at home with Apple. Not over it's continued high prices of I-phones and tablets. Apple is the federal governments newest challenger. Apple is fighting to protect your right to privacy at any cost.

A few short years ago. America woke up. We received the news, we had all been spied on.

Without one single warrant being issued. A secret court had been created and our right to privacy stolen.

We found out, our very own government was spying on us. Through computers, and phones.

After post 9-11 we Americans began giving up our right to privacy, in a huge way.

Our government is using the tactic "fear of terrorism" to gain a break code for the I-phone. A phone the murders supposedly used in the San Bernardino California employee Christmas  party shootings this last year.

Those murder's, could have been because two people had been picked on, who found that behavior itself, inexcusable. Secondary, to mass murder in the streets for a jihad. There was no dishonor for those murders in the eyes of ISIS, so our news agencies told us.

An over zealous United States Federal Government. Has been  making America look like Germany during Hitler's reign of terror on it's citizens.

Knocking on citizens doors to arrest, detain and terrorize them. Killing person's who surrender to authorities. Shooting innocent persons. Making up stories to cover up murder. Wrongfully imprisoning people to gain their homes, bank accounts, and land. Even locking people up for debts owed. Now, using the IRS to police, fine and possibly incarcerate those who can't pay up.

Wars have been started all over this planet, over these things. We Americans are allowing our government to convince all of us, in the name of terrorism. They must have Apple give them proprietary information. That once public will ruin Apple.

Right after the Federal government gets the key to break this one I phone from Apple  The federal government will use that code to help them break the rest.

You may say, "I have nothing to hide." Did you ever, or do you now have anything you would not want to loose? Think about the Fed's walking in and taking it, without a warrant. You can't get it back ever.

Who is terrorizing who? Apple verses American government, who will win? It's your privacy at stake.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Political change or death of a great nation?

There is no lack of surprise. Knowing there are millions out there who are angry. People so frustrated with politics. And desiring a better financial future for themselves and their families.

Yet, millions of Americans have enjoyed mocking of our political system.  Focusing on those who lead by negative comments. No real substance, no real experience, just mouthy rude wealthy people, playing in politics.

Real change will never come with the same wealthy persons in office for life. If America does not climb back to the top globally. We may witness the end of this great nation over debt owed to China.

America can no longer profit from health care. Americans want real change to benefit all. The truth of a nation is how it supports, trains and utilizes it's people.

Political change can't happen when the wealthy see politics as a play ground, rather than a service to the people. When wealth is all a person has ever known. Understanding real issues is extremely difficult. 

There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. The looking glass is different for those with money, rather than those without.

Changing how and what we give to this nation, will test every American.

Unless, America enjoys falling behind every other nation. We must unite and place our value back into our nations infrastructure and job training for all, not just the young.

America has many difficult issues that must be tackled, excuses will no longer cut it.. Do we have any real hope of change? Or will we see a continued effort to force Americans to buy insurance they do not need, want or can afford?

The removal of the middle class' ability to buy and spend income. Due to force payments is ludicrous.

Politicians are failing to serve the people. The truth is witnessed all across this nation.

Can America, pull herself back to the top economically? Can we bring manufacturing back home to help lower prices? Or have we seen the last gasps from a once robust country.

The news is bleak. If politicians do not work together as human kind, rather than democrat and republican.

Will it be political change, or death of a great nation?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

24 year old Transgender man murdered by Mesa Arizona Police

Kayden Clarke 24 year old transgender male was shot to death by Mesa Arizona Police. Stating.

"She came at us with a knife and something else we couldn't see."

Kayden had become famous on the Internet, after posting several videos to You Tube regarding transitioning and his struggle with mental illness.

Kayden had a dog that helped him prevent self harm by using its paws to help bring him back to a better place emotionally. Kayden had Asperger disease.

Web MD gives the definition for this disease as: Asperger's syndrome, also called Asperger's disorder, is a type of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). PDDs are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination. There is a spectrum within the PDD disorders.

Two transsexual persons have been shot to death this year, needlessly by police. No matter what Americans might think of each other. When a police officer kills it had better be necessary.

Kayden had a disease that was mostly about developmental issues, not violence.

Transgender persons often have to sit through countless hours, even years of therapy to begin the physical transition into the opposite sex. Obtaining the permission of Doctors, psychiatrists and counselors in order to change gender.

There are some who believe transgender people are freaks, and should not exist. Others who believe mutilation of the body is a sin. That people should get therapy to confront their failed sexual identities.

Regardless of our personal views. Parents have lost a child from police discharging a firearm.

Kayden will be missed by many. Our hearts go to his family and friends tonight. May his short time on this planet not be forgotten. His courage under the pressures of a society that will blink and forget this ever happened. A society that tells itself so many lies about acceptance and tolerance.

Kayden may your spirit rest in peace.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Taxes going up in 2016

We were all so hopeful when a young man of color stood on the podium. He excited the popular vote from many Americans with. Are you ready for change?

Eight years of rule in Washington. There were great opportunities to correct the errors of big business in America. President Obama caved to the political will.

What we wanted, was a universal health insurance program to cover all Americans that was cost effective. Twenty dollars out of each check. Too many idiots in America decided this was socialism.

What we got was higher premiums. Employers who could drop insurance for five years, until they had time to find better deals. Premiums as high as six thousand a month for citizens over 50. Just an insurance payment, not real health care.

Washington cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. While telling the public things were good but we need to do more work.

While barrels of oil hit the lowest since the seventies. Only a handful of places in this country passed that savings onto consumers. Some lowered the gas prices by five cents. Most gas stations haven't lowered the price. While profiting over one thousand percent or more. Greed shows no signs of letting up in America.

Now, President Obama wants to place a ten dollar fee on barrels of oil.  The fee is to be paid for by big oil companies.
Mr. President, have you driven around any state to see where gas prices are? And surely, Mr. President you know that what ever fee you tack onto barrels of oil, will be passed on to the consumer?

With a political race heating up. Republicans are looking to take full control of Washington. This tax hike will be the first in many to cover an over inflated gluttonous Washington establishment that is no longer for the people.

Taxes are going up in 2016. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Prejudice, hate, personal opinons

America, you have an over abundance of prejudice, hate filled, angry people loaded with personal opinions.

Look at today, Ted Cruz whose parading around with an LGBT flag in one hand and a cross in the other. Telling folks he just thinks every one has a right to free speech. And we should not bash our Christian fellows for their hating of LGBT folks. Better yet Ted Cruz supports any evangelical Christians who want to force women to have babies even in rape. He wants to build a wall that works when it comes to immigration. He might want to change his last name, so Hispanics realize he is not on their side, he is Cuban.

Big mouth extraordinaire Trump (looser), hasn't got much to say after his loss last night in Iowa. However, he made things very clear stating he would close the boarders of America down until we can figure this thing out. What thing was he speaking of, terrorists who all ready live here? All those gun toting Americans who have the right to bare arms? Lets not forget he wants to send all the illegals back to Mexico.

Hell, lets put one of these haters in the presidents seat. Americans want a civil war.

Local news around this nation - First transgender woman murdered this year two days ago in Texas. We love our country's haters.

Crater Lake Oregon - Cray fish explosion

On NPR today, Oregon scientists are trying to figure out what is going on in Crater lake Oregon. The lake is warming. Salamanders are dying to extinction.

All though scientists and Fish & Game want to get rid of, or even cut down the population of crayfish. They are working against mother nature.

Should any one really care, the warmer waters could be this region is becoming more active volcanically.

Scientists can enter their data into computers and find out what these machines think. Personally and without a science degree on hand. Perhaps all that Fracking and dissolving mother natures crust isn't being taken so lightly by mother earth.

Nothing makes a woman more angry than to mess with her children. We humans, have played God far to long now. Remember the dinosaurs? Maybe mother earth got tired of all them gobbling up all her plants and crapping every where. Perhaps we are destine to be the next oil slick for the future creatures of this planet.

The planet has been alive for millions of years. She has created life from the primordial ooze. Is it sheer luck? A special creature living under our feet? Or just that the planet has been created to allow life to be here? Which mankind seems hell bent on destroying and not for our betterment or the planets.

Back to the dinosaurs. Scientists have been digging around in the dirt for a long time. They found bones and more bones. Then science theorized that millions of years ago. The planet was covered in volcano's. And perhaps an asteroid hit the planet and caused all the dinosaurs to die.

We know the dinosaurs were wiped out. That is how all that oil got trapped underground. So these tiny crayfish are exploding, having lots of babies. Just like people, they want to survive. Maybe they know something we do not.
With warmer temperatures anything can happen now. As Crater lake continues to warm, these non resident life forms will need to be dealt with.

Can any one saw crayfish stew? Oregon is famous for clam chowder, why not crayfish stew.

Is Ted Cruz gay and lying to the public?

Is Ted Cruz gay and lying to the public to become the next president? In a debate he had last year with Ellen Page in August which aired on ABC. Ted Cruz stated.

"Well, what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith,"

He went on to side with business owners who are Christians and not willing to hire LGBT persons. Or Christian business owners who openly fire LGBT people when they find out their employees sexual orientation. Cruz stating.

"They are being persecuted for following their faith."

Cruz seems to think he can justify the termination of people based on sexual orientation. Many states have created laws to by pass prejudice. In an attempt to keep Americans working. This is not persecution. 

Speaking about Christian business owners. Ted Cruz using free speech as an eloquent way to justify not hiring gay or trans-gendered persons. His stance was simply, ISIS is killing gay people.
Ted Cruz is very good at manipulating the conversation to bend in his own will. He uses deflection like a bat.

If you are LGBT, and Republican. Ted Cruz might be your choice or you won't vote. Is he gay and hiding behind Christian faith to cover his ass? He tries to deflect arguments by talking about others in politics. Trying to say Obama is paying trillions to Iran where they hang gay people. His political view point is not true to him. You can see, as a lawyer he can navigate verbal interactions extremely well. As a man, is he a secret back door boy and lying to the public?

His statements seem a bit strange, since in Iranian many men have sex with men. And are not hung for their sexual depravity in mass. But women and children are murdered at a much higher rate than men.  Yes, homosexuals are killed around the world. Even in America.

Is Ted Cruz secretly gay? He wouldn't be the first. Is Ted Cruz using Christians, just to get into the presidents chair?  Praying he doesn't get caught before he gets there.

Politics and more politics

Hilary Clinton won in Iowa, barely. Ted Cruz is cruising on. Neither has any plan to turn America around. Cruz says he will help the middle class, but he has never had the experiences Hilary Clinton has had. He hasn't had to swoon foreign dignitaries. Or sit in front of hearings to question if he is a liar or not.

We all know politicians lie. They lie so well. We the people get excited they might really do something great for us.

What the last eight years gave us with Republicans and Democrats. More taxes. Less jobs. Less income due to forced health insurance. Less foreign stability. Back stepping on women's rights. Closing down planned parenthood. No sex education. No new facilities to help with addiction.
No improvements to massive infrastructure. Less personal rights. The closing down of constitutional rights one by one.  More millionaires created in Politics. Less in the general public. No universal health care system that is cost effective, about health not profit. No adult retraining programs in all states. Cutting social security and medicare. Employers closing down and moving out of America.

Don't forget to vote. Unless, your in a state where you have to have identification. Just politics and more politics.

Oregon Identifies all Marijuana users - Feds LOVE Us

Oregon had begun its power house sales of marijuana in 2015. And sales revenues are not what every one wants the public to believe. One store owner stated.

"Sales are steady, but we only sell small amounts. I really believe people do not want to buy more because we capture their identities. Some people have become so angry they just leave without any purchases. Plus Washington has lower prices than we do. And they don't capture identities. I think the legislature went to far, but I am very happy we are allowed to sell. We are trying to keep the price's up to keep ounces at least two hundred dollars to cover the taxes. We have to roll taxes into the total cost some where. Also worth mentioning, people are just growing their own pot, and that can drive our sales down."

 The store owner preferred not to be identified. Wonder why?

Oregon has created lists of medical marijuana users. Lists of pain patients, and any one who uses narcotics long term. The pot stores are doing well despite all the rhetoric. They are employing people and cashing in on all those who can afford the price for a small bud, right around ten to fifteen bucks and up for a gram. Enough for a small bowl for one. Daily habits can cost significantly.

For those of us who grew up smoking pot. We were paying about sixty dollars an ounce even less long ago. Many pot smokers are shaking their heads and walking away. Off to grow their very own pot plants. Hold on there green thumbs.

For fifteen dollars you can buy a clone. Of course having any one tell you what strain those plants are is any one's guess. And if you have the balls to really question the seller. You might get the answer we did. The seller states.

"Look, we take our clones off of our better plants and mix them up, so we do not know their exact strain. You have to understand your buying a pot plant. There are many varieties and we try to sell our better quality clones. But, we can not guarantee what you'll get. To many times customers come back with dead plants. We try to tell them, they need to be under specialized lighting. People try regular lamps which do not work for pot plants."

If traveling through Oregon and your looking to buy marijuana, take a suggestion. Keep traveling if your wanting pot. Go to Washington. Where they aren't concerned with lists of any kind. Other than their sales for the month. Remember, you can not bring the pot across state lines. So you must stay in Washington and smoke till your lungs are black with resin.

Owners in Oregon may be enjoying high times. Until the people in the state just find other sources who aren't interested in listing the customers.

In Oregon the Feds love us. We make lists of marijuana customers.

As of this writing recreational marijuana is still listed as illegal federally. Feb 2016.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Tax Time - File or don't file that is the question

A year or so ago there was a small movement to get people in America not to file their taxes.
The general idea was to shake the Federal Government up. Knowing that if more than half of this nations persons did not file taxes, this action would cripple the government.

Taxes are in an over abundance in this country. With taxes, bank fees, airport fees, taxi fees, taxes on marijuana fees, post 911 taxes. Home owners taxes, school taxes, gas and food taxes. America has gone tax crazy. And the IRS has never had a job like they do now.

IRS has been given a massive amount of work to perform. Seems any person that works in America must be accountable to the last penny. And the IRS has been issued police and court appointed duties with one easy pen stroke.

Owing taxes is bad enough, President Obama turned the IRS into a slice of court/police action against citizens with one stroke of his pen. If any one thinks this is just Democrats beware, the new Republican party is looking a lot like shark tank. And they are looking right at your wallet.

Filing or not is the question. If you don't owe and expect a refund, sure you want your money back. If you owe and don't think you can pay up. Hold on, there isn't any help for you. Here is the catch.

Say you owe, but have decided not to file taxes. The IRS will still have information about you on file from employers. The IRS will have access to any tax information about you they want. IRS will garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts, send letters to your employer. The IRS can rain down holly terror on Americans.

Suggestion from tax experts is to file. If there are issues. There are other agencies that are waiting to take more of your money to help you with your tax liability. They don't pay the debt for you. They might be able to work out a deal with the IRS. Good luck fellow tax payers.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Mental health acts, Terrorist laws - 12 year old girl murdered by police?

What the hell is going on in America? Stories about police discharging a gun. Shooting through a mans arm while serving an eviction notice,  killing his twelve year old daughter. Telling every one the father leveled a rifle at the officer. Then charging the father with manslaughter, murder and whatever else trumped up crap the police can toss in. Telling the public the man was being evicted, he was not to own guns because he has a mental illness?

This is a nation being ripped apart by people with guns. And Police want to take them all away it appears. Then the police can rain supreme holly terror on the public? That is, what these news stories bring to many people's minds.

The days of protect and serve are long gone. If something isn't done to tell police to try non violent methods first, we all might wanna pack up the wagon trains and head for free lands. Where ever that might be.

Dam nice of the police to charge the father and lock him up right after the police killed the child. Mental health acts, terrorist laws? Are we even in America any more?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Free citizens no more - Ammon Bundy jailed

Americans have been taught for years to stay out of law enforcement's way and to behave. Follow American laws, you get to drive around this great nation without a care in the world.

But cross the path with law enforcement, you might end up dead. That is a clear message sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When they acted on Ammon Bundy and his followers, who had taken over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon yesterday.

The will of the people in Oregon was heard loud and clear. In a time when children are picking up guns and killing people. And, there are people who have hatred in the hearts for America. They will blow themselves up, killing whoever is around them. Or chop off our heads for their cause.

The news flashed last night around seven. Militia members are brought down. Men from several different states. These violent protesters who threatened our way of life in Oregon, all believe the Federal government has over stepped it's bounds with the people.
Maybe these militia men should have started about two hundred fifty years ago. They might have had a chance to change the course of politics in this nation. With a human population over 300 billion, killing is becoming the way to deal with unruly people.

Are these times telling America a sad truth - freedom is what the government gives you as long as you play well in the sand box. Continue feeding the ubber wealthy. And watch, as all the politicians pat themselves on the back for one more job well done.

Ammon Bundy and his followers will now experience being locked up. How long will their sentences be? What crimes did they commit? And of course we know the jury of peers are tired American people who work day after pathetic day just trying to pay their bills and keep the debt as low as possible. They just want to go home. And if they try to empathize with Ammon Bundy's view point, the judge will most likely just enter his or her verdict without a jury if need be.

And we will read the closing notes. Sentenced to fifty years in prison for violating Federal Laws. We are a nation of lawless, unruly people. have no fear though, if the police, boarder patrol, F.B.I. or C.I.A. can't control things we have the national guard then the Army, Marines and Navy.  They all work for the ubber wealthy and politicians. We call what they do; for the good of our national interests.

Ammon Bundy has now met the entire crew who will keep him locked up for however long they can under what ever charges they create. To satisfy shutting him up and down. We all should feel much safer knowing these violent men are in jail now. These gun toting protesters in America. They are free citizens no more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bundy Arrested in Oregon

Our tax dollars have paid off. Ammon Bundy was captured. Unfortunately, the rest of the tribe will now experience a new level in national security unless they lay their arms down and give up.

Oregon government has made it's stand clear. The take over of Malheur National Wildlife refuge was unacceptable. And this display of lawlessness could not be tolerated. Governor Kate Brown had her wish happen when Federal Bureau of Investigation took over.

And tonight the story breaks that Ammon Bundy was arrested while involved in a traffic stop.

What's the world coming to when Law enforcement does well? Congrats F.B.I. and Governor Kate Brown. Bundy arrested in Oregon.

Cut off - Ammon Bundy's last stand

Ammon Bundy is a ranch man who came to Oregon to help the Hammond family spread the word about the Federal government reclaiming lands for public use. They took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

One side wants Ammon Bundy to go. The other side are ranchers and families who have watched this same situation play out year after year. The Hammond's are just one stubborn family who didn't want to sell out. Unfortunately, people do not protest like they once did.

And what about a rouge rancher whose voice the Federal government has grown tired of hearing? They will just wait him out. Cut off all electricity, ask the Oregon press to cut off publication since no other news agency seems to care. And the town businesses may even have decided to cut off sales of any food or drink to any body affiliated with Ammon Bundy.

Out of town, out of luck. When the big guns tell the world to stop helping you, they do. We are a society of haters, who do not care about ranchers loosing their lands. Because once reclaimed by our government; our main stream society can go play on land that was once these ranchers homes. We huntsmen of the forest, we hikers, we bikers, we families with kids, bird watchers and all. We never shed a tear for the loss of someone's land, or home. We have become numb.

Cut off - Ammon Bundy's last stand?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ammon Bundy in Oregon Stand Off with F.B.I.

The Federal Bureau  of Investigation have arrived in Oregon to fixed the stand off at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

City folk and many country folks, will never understand the feeling of looking over the range and seeing the heard grazing. A rancher knows the cattle and the way they eat will bring good prices at market. This is how The Hammond's and Ammon Bundy who are fighting with the Federal government make their living, ranching.

The Hammond's were wrongly convicted of burning lands. For years the BLM and United States Forest Service have wanted the ranches in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge forest area.

Federal Government employees, used illegal tactics to get families to sell out. When that failed in some cases, these federal employees flooded the lands, forcing families off the lands with nothing. Most everyone left. The Hammond's stayed.

These two agencies, the United States Forest Service and the Bureau Land Management, utilized a Federal Judge to imprison the father and son ranchers for 5 years after they set fire to some of the lands to prevent further damage from forest fires. The Hammond's had done this for years without any legal problems.

The story is much larger than this shorter version. The Hammond ranch practically sits in the middle of the Governments targeted Federal forest area. After running all the other families out. 
The employees of the Federal government decided they would use the Hammond's naivety about the laws to crush them. Take out the father and son, the rest of the Hammond's were weaker.

Mr. Ammon Bundy came to Oregon to protest the United States governments interference and take over of public lands that people have farmed and ranched for years.  Mr. Bundy told F.B.I. release the Hammond's and we'll see how things go. To settle the stand off at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

If any law enforcement or government personnel believe they are able to contain the outrage of American citizens by continually imprisoning people, they are wrong.  Oregonian's may not like the fact that Ammon Bundy came here to help the Hammond's and to try to get people to stand up against this sort of coercion.

The actions of one man may indeed anger others. To shut up, lay down, and allow our elected national leaders, sworn in law officials and others to illegally lock us up and steal our lands must stop. Perhaps this is the message they are trying so hard to get us to hear and understand. The oppression we allow now, will be the oppression we experience later.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gas Price wars

Listening to NPR. We over here the announcer stating something about a small town having gas wars. The result, gas as low as .49 cents a gallon.

I laughed and said,

"You know, when gas was in the thirty dollar range I was a kid in 1974. Dang getting older too fast.I knew that the current rate was way over priced and we the payers are being hosed, literally.

So why isn't every town and hamlet dropping gas prices to the prices they should be? Well greed, and more greed. And just down right greedy people. We can't force the gas stations to lower prices. We can ask nicely if they would consider helping out their towns.

Over all, gas prices should have dropped like a log torn down from the forest. Just a loud yes. Possibly heard around the globe. But why should we Americans pay such high prices for everything, including gasoline? Because we are in America? Just for the privilege to be here? Or exist maybe?

We only need one store owner to begin dropping the gas prices. Then another. They will still make money. This twist in the economics is rather angering. When I know, we shouldn't  pay over fifty cents a gallon. And that may even be too generous, since these thieves of our hard earned labors get theirs, while we roast under the flames of their greediness that knows untold limits.

Perhaps on the Oregon coast some may be persuaded to give a person a break this year. Fred Meyers has stepped up to start the wars. Just heading into Florence Oregon gas was seen at $1.99 a gallon. All I can say is,

"Hey Fred keep on going. Pull that buck away and we might start to get some where."

Lets all be so lucky to have gas price wars.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Congratulations California, Texas and Tennessee power ball biggest winners January 2016

Even more hand shaking and congrats to all those Republican winners. Or, they could be Democrats. Their political affiliation surely doesn't mean a thing, in this day and age. Would be nice to know.

Time out for good behavior. And a little luck you could be the next big winner. Power ball officials say typically the power ball will stay low right after a huge win. People get frustrated even though the game is only for fun.

Don't toss out your lucky numbers. If you continue to play, you never know it might be your numbers they draw. You may be one game away from a perfect ticket that gives you a financial boost.

Congratulations to all who won, and all who tried so hard to win.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are you the next American Billionaire?

Good evening, thank you America for giving us this opportunity to have your money. And we want to thank all the little people in our lives that really never mattered any way. We can just imagine what people are saying around the country tonight as another drawing takes place for the power ball.

And so the winner is, or not? Will the power ball become mega wonder ball, and continue to grow? Or is tonight the final drama for this very exciting time in American history. 

Power ball has made it clear the game is on. Monies collected are now going above 1.5 billion.

By the time the drawing takes place several states could have new winners in the millions. Or one lucky person or persons could share the grand jack pot in this new power ball race of the century.

For all of those who didn't buy a ticket, please don't go asking the winners for money. And for the rest of us who spent our small fortunes on tonight's drawing,  good luck seems like a sad love song. Maybe we will just say - best wishes for a new lifestyle.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Oh man oh man. You can all most smell all that money flying around. Uncle Sam will have the biggest pay day ever. And you can too. Only if you bought a Power ball ticket.

The lucky ticket could be in the hot state of Florida or even New York. Rumors over the internet suggest a few wealthy folks have invested over a million or so to bring the jack pot up, unable to confirm that one.

What would you do with all that money? Giving, party, buy your entire town a drink?

Pay bills is the number one answer. How sad, many of us are in so much debt we pray for a winning jackpot ticket. Praying for a ticket has worked for some in the past and today might be the first time you talk to the maker.

If you are one of the really lucky players, hitting five balls still nets you a million. Or even more if you paid for the kicker. Power ball could pay out to several folks in this category and still have a huge jack pot for the next draw.

Over hearing a conversation, a man telling his girlfriend if they won he would get her what ever she wanted. Be careful what you say to others. Legal experts do say you can enter into a verbal contract only if your state allows you to do so. However, courts have held up a person telling another they would give them money, so be careful.

One billion dollars can have a profound effect on the winner or winners. Be kind to yourself and others, no matter if you win tonight or not. GOOD LUCK AMERICA

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lottery Mania January 2016

Every state news agency has begun to advertise the enormous amount of money collected in the current Power Ball lottery.

Changes were made a few years ago to allow for larger jackpots. January 2016 may be the biggest jackpot ever. Closing in on one billion dollars. Such a hefty amount has caused even the most prudent to buy tickets.

Many jokes were made about Mindy Crandall. a young woman who gave Mrs. Gloria C Mackenzie an older woman, a pass in front of her at a grocery store. That pass prevented Mindy from reaping the massive five hundred million power ball jackpot. Because Gloria purchased the winning ticket. Mindy wasn't upset she told reporters, she wanted her daughter to learn a lesson. 

Second, doesn't even matter in this power ball run off to infinite destiny. But hold on there. When Uncle Sam gets their cut at approximately 40 percent or more. Then your local state gets a cut at another ten percent or more. Add to that the cost of a lawyer, accountant and your friendly IRS guys. Well that 800 million in your pocket looks more like a mere three or four hundred million.

And if your lucky enough not to get ripped off. Than you might just have enough to cover your families bills for the next fifty years or so. Especially the way commodities are rising.

That hefty sum of money can bring any one's life a golden opportunity. Good luck to all the players out there.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Oregon, "An unruly state."

On CNN today Oregon has been referred to as an, "unruly state."

Watching the Hammond's on this tiny window today. Reminded me of a story about a rancher in New Mexico who had a stand off with the Forest Department and United States Military.

Back then the old man just wanted to stay on his ranch and live out his life without being told to move by the government. That battle was won on the side of the rancher.

Seems that New Mexico story is a far cry from what we read. The Hammond Father and son duo were illegally charged by the government in order to get them off the land. The entire story can be found at the Conservative tree house .com. The Hammond's story is exactly what our nations leaders do with the monies they have collected from us.

American justice will not be found in the war cries of a few. But when a nation rattles it's fists in rejection to inflated ego's of the government that is suppose to serve the people. Then, perhaps the people we will be heard, for the better.

How is ending a ranchers livelihood going to preserve anything for his family?

One thing pops into this situation: the government, in serving the will of the people, have the right to relocate any person or persons in this nation if that serves the greater good. The government could have used eminent domain and did not. Unfortunately, the Forest department is saying that this land is needed to complete the Malheur National Wildlife refuge. And in fact the Hammond's have caused irreparable harm to the lands by grazing them.

Perhaps, the government is just attempting to reduce the cattle foot print. With all the talks on pollution, the hog population of ranches seem to be worse than cows.

Even if the BLM and Fish and Wildlife crush this family under foot. They will not have saved any land for others. They have been locking down this area for a awhile. There may be minerals or they want to begin Fracking with all that fresh water in there.

The sentences for both men should be thrown out. Because if they lock up these two innocent men. We all need to bar the door. Because in a short time, Uncle Sam will come to your house. And what it looks like now, is the government is moving ranchers into the city. While taking the land under whatever scheme they wish to concoct.

Uncle Sam began moving people off large ranches years ago. The BLM and Fish & Wildlife have been steadily collecting large swaths of land. Once collected, they let drilling companies in, or the ultra wealthy for guided private hunts. And close these lands down to the public whenever they choose.

The Hammond's need a President at this point to tell the BLM, and Fish & Wildlife to leave these people alone.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Broken Vows

Millions of souls this last year received the right to marry. Just like everyone else divorce will see an increase.

What the marriage vows were suppose to do was procure a woman to a man in exchange of property years ago in its creation. Children, at one time were given to other families to cover debts owed.

Marriage to many religious souls, is a commitment not taken lightly. To be entered into for the lifespan of both, or till death do us part.

However, humans have turned marriage into a sort of cloak and dagger game of wills. To some marriage is nothing more than a place to hide.

Others feel they own their partner, and have the right to do whatever they please physically to them. There are those, who hold onto the traditions of long ago. Let's make babies and populate the earth.

Marriage was a creation of man. Men have ruled this planet with a death grip ever since standing up and walking on her. Some men feel if you betray them in the bedroom you should be stoned to death. Even if that man lies to get a new wife because he is tired of the old one.

The broken oath comes in many forms. Lies, cheaters, lack of sensuality. Lack of good listening skills. Lack of sexual activity. Illness can and does drive men away.

Men and women feeling they are no longer supported emotionally or physically. Once those vows are broken, we cremate each other in court.

Those once stated vows, now tossed on their proverbial head. The vows taken in passion, taken in lust. Taken even under the belief of love.

Marriage vows taken, meaning nothing. An uttering of useless material, used to gain a partner for a temporary need.

Millions will walk away from their vows and never remarry. The broken vows lay upon the ground, as trash under our feet.