
Friday, February 19, 2016

Don't lie Mrs. Clinton

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

I would humbly ask, that before you stand on a platform and tell every one, "I don't believe I have ever lied."

Would you please be so kind to tell your dilated pupils and that tiny little vein on your neck and the tiny red tips of your ears. That you aren't lying now, or that you have never lied?

Please say something like, "Humans try to be honest." Or perhaps say.

"I haven't lied today."

That way, all those facial parts that are giving you away as a liar, will no longer matter. And we can all get back to the real issues at hand.

Like cutting that huge deficit, making a universal health care program, that doesn't kill off the tax payers.

Stop cutting the only program's that have helped millions of families since they were created, Social Security, Medicare, and food stamp programs.

End the massive policing of our citizens through illegal drug testing.

Perhaps, we can talk about how every state will work towards repairing or completely rebuilding infrastructure.

How we will help those who are interested in starting up manufacturing in the United States. How we can cut taxes for those new manufacturing jobs. So they won't want to move out of this nation.

Yes, lets not forget repealing those pesky terrorism acts, laws, and secret court. And the continued illegal electronic monitoring.

Maybe, we can even over haul police departments and medical departments, once and for all. For the good of a nation.

Why doesn't the federal government end taxing the lottery. Rather than using it as a false tax field to collect from.

Churches enjoy playing in politics while enjoying no taxation. Pass a law to stop this action or start taxing churches.

Stop harassing the only program in the United states that has proven to lower Sexually transmitted diseases, give education on sex, parenting and pregnancy. And assist with unwanted pregnancies, Planned parenthood.

Could the government spend our taxes on something other than hearings to try to smear presidential candidates? Or using our taxes to illegally incarcerate millions of drug and alcohol addicts, including the mentally ill?

And if your going to lie. Don't talk about lying like you never did it. Just be honest, we Americans still enjoy honesty.

Thanks for listening. 


Derrick A Jasper February 19th, 2016

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