
Monday, February 1, 2016

Tax Time - File or don't file that is the question

A year or so ago there was a small movement to get people in America not to file their taxes.
The general idea was to shake the Federal Government up. Knowing that if more than half of this nations persons did not file taxes, this action would cripple the government.

Taxes are in an over abundance in this country. With taxes, bank fees, airport fees, taxi fees, taxes on marijuana fees, post 911 taxes. Home owners taxes, school taxes, gas and food taxes. America has gone tax crazy. And the IRS has never had a job like they do now.

IRS has been given a massive amount of work to perform. Seems any person that works in America must be accountable to the last penny. And the IRS has been issued police and court appointed duties with one easy pen stroke.

Owing taxes is bad enough, President Obama turned the IRS into a slice of court/police action against citizens with one stroke of his pen. If any one thinks this is just Democrats beware, the new Republican party is looking a lot like shark tank. And they are looking right at your wallet.

Filing or not is the question. If you don't owe and expect a refund, sure you want your money back. If you owe and don't think you can pay up. Hold on, there isn't any help for you. Here is the catch.

Say you owe, but have decided not to file taxes. The IRS will still have information about you on file from employers. The IRS will have access to any tax information about you they want. IRS will garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts, send letters to your employer. The IRS can rain down holly terror on Americans.

Suggestion from tax experts is to file. If there are issues. There are other agencies that are waiting to take more of your money to help you with your tax liability. They don't pay the debt for you. They might be able to work out a deal with the IRS. Good luck fellow tax payers.

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