
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stealing from family?

Over the twenty years I worked in the medical field in various positions. One of the things most often seen, stealing.

Families would clean out mom and dad's place faster than a jack rabbit in heat. Same with grandparents or any family member.

This past year, we had several items come up missing after family had been here. I was furious. Some of the items taken were to be given to my brothers children. Now the items are gone.

Stealing is compared to rape. Because they both rob people of feeling secure and safe.

Family stealing from us has left me angry like never before. We are discussing how to leave our estate. Stealing from family is really cruel.

Mrs. Johnson was a high school teacher in Arizona. She had married Bob. Together they had three daughters. One of whom was a lawyer. The Johnson's had arranged for home care if they ever became that ill. They wanted to die at home. Bob died first. And Ann died two years later.

Before Ann's death her daughters began coming to the home and taking whatever they wanted, without the parents blessings. One day, the daughter who was the lawyer showed up. She wanted to know where mom's possessions were. She was referred to the Nursing director. Who informed her, the other sisters had taken the items to their homes. She was furious. The incident made the papers. She sued the sisters.

Since their parents had a will outlining the items to be given to each daughter. The judge ruled all items were to be returned to the home immediately or the current cash value paid into the estate.

One sister had sold a painting. That particular painting netted her nearly thirty thousand dollars. She spent the money gambling. And had no way to pay it back. The judge ordered she either pay the money or face jail time and a criminal record. She had to take a mortgage out on her home.

The other sister committed suicide. There was no winner here. The damages piled higher and higher. Costing life and monies. That is what stealing from family can do for you.

**all names and locations have been changed to protect those who remain.**

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