
Friday, November 20, 2015

Safety, Just a rant

Humans all want to be safe. We want our kids to be safe. We want are families, old and young to be safe.

Mostly, people just want to live their lives without being forced to accept things we do not believe in.

American politicians and the Supreme Court have turned, "being forced" into a national theme. With the passage of, Forced Health Insurance Sales. Then the President, enacts marriage for all. One man, decided for a nation, because this nation is so divided in controversy over religious beliefs.

 If you are traveling around the world via passport we get to look closer. If you come from the Middle East, we get to look at you much closer. Then there is another process to go through if you want to live here.  
Unfortunately, as soon as those screening processes are learned and relayed to the terrorists, they will get in. Terrorists live here now, and come in all shades, not just one. 

Living in Arizona we never feared the illegal Mexicans who came over for work. The men and women were just trying to get out of poverty. And poverty in America can be very different than other nations. However, before we relocated we saw many Hispanics not wanting to meld into Arizona culture, they wanted Mexico in Arizona. Race wars were in full swing.

Where were these folks getting this "take over attitude?" The Mexican president and the Catholic church had told the people to go to America and populate. Get into politics and make laws and rules to better serve their cultures. The message was never about melding into the culture here. Neither the Church nor the President called for the people of Mexico to take up arms and kill Arizonians.

We had met holocaust survivors. Learned about their plight. How terrible they had it traveling from house to house just to survive. Stuffed in cellars or other hiding places around farms to stay alive. If caught they were shot. Women were raped, then shot. This was Germany at its best with hatred for difference.

Africa has for years been run by whites, using the nations people. The murders, rapes, tortures inflicted by different tribes. Outsiders, from all the big countries taking the national minerals and exploiting the animal kingdom. The people of Africa are beginning to fight back. Starting businesses, while working to put an end to the stealing of the countries mineral wealth. For Africans the fight goes on daily. And starvation is all around. Poverty there is horrible, clean fresh drinking water sparse, if any at all.

Face book makes things easy for us to vent. We tell each other about family trips, new babies, weddings and life in general. But what if, it were used to kill? What if people were using codes? A made up language to speak in? How would you ever know?

Humans are violent creatures when continually messed with. Over and over we trained men around the world to fight for what they believed in. The Islamic State is doing what they believe in.

Our political leaders never asked our permission to build this countries private spy building with our taxes. They never asked if we wanted to vote for health care reform. They never asked us, if it was all right to cut V.A. benefits and hours of nursing.  Then turn around and blame the V.A. for not taking care of veterans? No, the people of this nation have been left out of far too many big decisions and we haven't fought back. We have lost nearly all of our rights to privacy in the name of security.

There is always more to a story than one paragraph. If people are more interested in sports and porn, than this nation is in serious trouble. 

If the United  States wants to end this plight with terrorists, it can. Without any more money placed on security.

What do we now tell the children and grandchildren? Everyone has to look, listen and report? We all have to be security wise? What ever our daily tasks are?
We must be vigilant. We might even need self defense training, weapons training. We need to move as a nation together or fall to the way side.
The other choice is to allow religious extremists to conquer humanity again. Then start all over if any one survives.

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