
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oregon Registries violation of law and privacy? Marijuana and now narcotic patients names listed

 In Oregon over two sessions ago the state legislator created another registry. Instead of marijuana patients, medical providers now list everyone who has been prescribed narcotics. Many medical Doctors will not list your name on the registry as they do see this as a violation of your right to privacy. However, the DEA sent a strong letter out to every Doctor around this country letting them know they must monitor their narcotic using patients more closely or they could loose their medical license.

Forced urine drug tests that have now sky rocketed in price to finance the greed of laboratories. And blood tests as well. With forced health insurance we are going to see many changes. These changes have nothing to do with good health care.

As a lay person I do not know if there is any law to disallow this action. However, as a medical person I was shocked. Not only are we listing personal medical information for the anyone in law enforcement. We have just violated your right to privacy afforded you through HIPPA.  Your name, lets them know you are being treated medically for something causing you physical pain.That information is part of your medical record history.

I am not a lawyer. If you feel this information is in error please feel free to comment. If you find this information as alarming as I did. There are things you can do.

Since finding out these issues, I have spoken to many persons who do not seem to care. They just want their medications and are afraid they will loose them if they say any thing. This is exactly why we must take action.

America has fallen victim to the belief if we only lock you up, you will change. We can now force you into treatment with the new health insurance laws. We can force you to leave your jobs if you do not comply. American policies have gone to far. And Oregon has violated our rights far to long.

Any state that moves to create registries to list your identity has gone to far. We created lists in WWII and WWI out of fear and ignorance,  we locked up hundreds of thousands of citizens because we were afraid.

The supposed war on drugs has created a billion dollar industry that supports law enforcement. Any unscrupulous person using these lists can create issues for us all. 

Oregon needs a wake up call immediately. Contact the following individuals with a letter explaining your case and care with narcotics. Be short and to the point. Strongly let them know you do NOT want your name or any medical information given to any law enforcement personnel this is a violation of your right to privacy and due process under the law. Let your Doctor know the same thing.

 If you have a criminal history, that does not mean you are a bad person trying to be good. You screwed up, moved on and changed. We just want to have this process ended in Oregon now. Since Marijuana is illegal federally I can understand creating a registry. However, that same registry is illegal for the very same reasons.

You can also contact the following individuals and the Disability Rights of Oregon at 1-800-452-1694. Write out your concerns and be short and clear. Any listing of your name is one step away from getting your medical history. Any registry listing names is a violation of your right to privacy. And due process under the law. Unless you are a criminal and on probation. People who need medications for pain are not criminals and should have never been placed on any registry by Oregon or any other state.

Doctors should not have to fear loosing their licenses for prescribing narcotics. Good health care has nothing to do with insurance, registries or lists of any kind. If we wanted to be in a study group medically, we are listed by number, not name. And please contact any attorney that covers this issue as this may become a class action suit against the state. If our government wants to move against us we have to push back.

People who break the law are forced to have drug tests and pay for them. Not the general public.  The mere idea of your name listed for any law enforcement to see could even set you up to be a victim of unscrupulous police activities. These lists need to be ended immediately. Please help me to see this through. You may also contact the ACLU and the next governor of Oregon Kate Brown Executive Office at:

136 State Capitol
Salem OR 97310-0722
Fax 503-986-1616

Merkley, Jeff - (D - OR) Class II
313 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3753
horizontal line
Wyden, Ron - (D - OR) Class III
221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5244
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