
Saturday, February 7, 2015

DEA war on Hydrocodone painfilled laws

Seems as though more people just means more work. The DEA and FDA in America have created a vast tormented situation with medical providers.

Pain medications ranked as killers in the United States Hydrocodone became a class II narcotic leading the way for Doctors to hand hard copy prescriptions to the patient. Now you are responsible for the delivery to the pharmacy.

Pharmacies have had a small war with physicians for years due to over prescribing pain medications. However, evidence shows this situation was created from people "seeking to relieve pain". Not just the Physicians themselves prescribing. Who now seem to be targets nationally in what some are calling."the new war on prescription drugs."

In 2012 the DEA's rain of terror across this nation began. They started with Florida and worked their way around the coastal communities and then into the larger cities. With each suit, closure and arrest they seem to be sending a strong message to Americans. Behave, get help, or we will come see your Pharmacist, Doctor and you.

The co-existence of forced health insurance sales seems to coincide with these new DEA laws. This trillion dollar mass money share is responsible for netting billions in assets to share with DEA, and other law enforcement agencies. Many of these case's have been thrown out or lesser charges brought only to give a black eye to the medical community. Money now flowing in from so many Americans due to forced insurance sales. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.

Why all this fuss about pain medications? One reason when drugs touch those wealthiest in Washington laws are changed. Using the old adage, "We are protecting you," the average citizen.
Senators and Congressional leaders loath embarrassment at any level. They might spend thousands on hiring foreign help to keep their homes clean. Thousands on  quelling their sexual desires with high paid hookers. But dam it, when their children are drug addicts that is over the top.Washington bureaucrats can't control death from drugs.

American health laws look a lot like prison control of inmates rather than health care. Americans forced to buy health insurance. Forced to pay top prices for self drug screening tests. And these new laws are going to make physicians who follow them very wealthy. Urine drug tests that once were a mere $25.00 now have sky rocketed to over $1000.00 laboratories stating,"We use very expensive equipment and these tests take time." Are we to believe those microscopes cost millions?

We speak about health care and the wars on drugs as if this nation has nothing better to do but police its own people right into prisons, jails and treatment facilities. Keeping the business of your health alive. The DEA has stated, "We hope this move will help people get into treatment." This writer wonders if they made sure forced health insurance sales would pay for these said treatments?

Pain medications will never be stopped. What does the DEA really plan to do when addicts begin to say enough? First we prescribed the drugs that got them hooked, then we begin to punish them for addictions they can't control, now we are forcing them to buy products they can't afford, and we continue to raise prices, so home made hooch may be the only way to go.  Will the DEA want your personal hooch machines to?  Hydrocodone has been proven to help with real physical pain. What kind of pain has the DEA created for Americans?

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