
Monday, April 6, 2015

Forced Urine Drug tests and Consequences of failing

Right now hundreds of thousands of patients across America have been drug tested as a wave of paranoia and panic loom over physicians.
The Hippocratic oath means nothing, now that the DEA has begun to jail and imprison unscrupulous Doctors.

Pain patients have been told they must submit to drug tests routinely or go without their precious pain fighting medications. Or what is worse, Doctors prescribe medications that are used for seizures, that may help with nerve pain. The side effects of these drugs can be catastrophic. Kidney failure, liver failure, heart failure, increased difficulty with vision.

Washington has long known the United States has drug issues. Instead of legalization and allowing people to open businesses responsibly. Washington politics have policed this once great nation into a slave factory of workers who are becoming more and more disgruntled.

Some physicians have turned patients away, stating,"It is easy to listen to them and tell them no. I am sorry but I am not taking any new patients."

And as things change in 2015, baby boomers who once had feeling's of being so self assured that there medications would be there, are finding they are not.

Forced urine drug tests may be a civil violation of personal right to say, no. This writer has found no current law suits to cover this new attack on the people of the United States.  But if you say no, you are told no by the physician and they will not prescribe any narcotics.Worse yet, if the urine drug tests fail, this stays on your medical record and goes from doctor to doctor. Each believing you are now a problem patient.

Another problem now arising, Insurance companies are refusing to pay for these drug tests, believing they are not necessary in he medical treatment of patients. Which leaves the patient to cover the costs. Costs ranging from one hundred to one thousand dollars. A ridiculous amount of money for a pee cup that costs under twenty dollars in most states.
Forced urine drug tests and consequences of failing, seem to out weigh good medical judgement and treatment.

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