
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Physician sponsored urine drug screening-not medically necessary

Years of Americans following green lights, red lights and yellow lights. Like sheep running with a trained dog next to them, keeping everyone in a group.  Americans have become the sheep.

Forced Health insurance passed by Congress under the name, The Affordable Health Care Act. Turned our bodies into small businesses.

Health care is not health insurance. Health care is what we do to our bodies. What we put in them, what we eat, how we take care of them. Exercise, good nutritious foods, even some vaccines can greatly change your health when you are getting older.

The American food industry created tasty morsels of processed foods that led to an increase in diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Then came drug wars. Now, here we are watching a new drug war unleash upon the people of America by Physicians.

The DEA sent out letters to all physicians asking them to create a monitoring program for all those patients they had prescribed narcotics to. The DEA wasn't looking for any solutions to drug overdoses they are merely looking for control.

Ask any Physician - Under what license are you now violating my right to privacy and my right to silence? They will try to give some professional medical answer to justify their drug screening polices. They have none. You and your family are not on probation, nor have you broken the law. The DEA has turned medical practices into policing agencies.

When read your Miranda rights, it says, "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law". What so many government agencies have been counting on is your lax attitude and your fear of reprisal.  Under the law, Doctors may very well be violating your right to privacy. And all though, many people are for drug testing, the truth is, they can have terrible consequences for your health care.
A better practice for a medical provider, would be to have patients sign acknowledgements. Legally binding documents that would clearly spell out: since I am prescribing medications, if you the patient do not tell me the truth and you die as a result of your lies Your family can not hold me liable for your actions. Far to simple, way to easy. This new idea would clearly let a person know the Doctor may in fact kill you; by not knowing what you are ingesting.

Urine drug screens cost the consumer money. Many insurance carriers will not cover the cost, stating urine drug screenings are medically unnecessary. Urine drug screens have costs that have jumped over 1000 percent. These same tests can cause higher insurance premiums. Meanwhile, labs and doctors are making huge profits from these so called invaluable tests. Physician sponsored urine drug screening-not medically necessary.

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