
Friday, December 5, 2014

Microsoft too Greedy for writers

Microsoft came up with monthly rental fees in order to capitalize another way to pull continuous payments from the public. Not only had the company been forced to split apart by the United States government due to trying to shut down every software maker around. Microsoft has utilized a set strategy in marketing to try to sell the public more smoke and mirrors. While increasing the cost of the same product and limiting licenses.

People in China may be able to buy lot's of new gadgets and software. While people in America are trying to survive pay check to pay check. As the thumbs of financial oblivion set us all into a massive tail spin. Other creations have assisted writers to hold onto their hard earned cash.

Libre Office is one such software. They give you the choice of donating or even sharing their information with others. They are not as flashy as Microsoft. However, free is not a dirty word in their vocabulary.

Microsoft could use a good lesson in fiances' since the company seems hell bent on dominating the software word. Besides a negative outlook from writers.Many home bound individuals and businesses are moving to a more cost effective avenue.

Of course with big brother breathing down our necks so closely and companies like Microsoft just trying to get good reports. Libre Office was a refreshing avenue for our household.

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